>Neanderthals in charge of not being huge liars
Grimoire thread
Ok so what do I do with the owl figure again
And what is the best skill to invest in
>every person who purchases a game is required to immediately play it, all at the same time
What's the point of this thread? Everyone knows the game is shit.
It's selling like hotcakes.
Latest patch here boys
VirusTotal confirms this is safe
>The kind of person who leaves a negative review on Grimoire has 444 hours in Fallout 4
>Battleborn has 139 24-hour peak
>Grimoire has 141
What class is Rosy?
Do people not realize everybody that bought the game isn't playing at once?
Is it possible to get a Templar or Pirate from character creation? I got a Durendil and rolled a 30 but Templar was still locked.
>See Grimoire thread without "Grimoire" anywhere in it
>Remake it and add "Grimoire" to the subject line
>Go to past thread and link it
>Take over
How is he lying? He only claimed it sold a thousand
So how different is the Steam version from superdemo
Yo real talk, no memes and shit? How is the game, cause I love this genre but I'm hearing super mixed things about Grimoire.
>more crashes
>no manual
>Incorrect bonus value calculation at character creation (could say, like, 51 and actually give you, like, 20). As in superdemo. Again.
>Everyone and their mother can play bard's instrument (the SAME bard's instrument on the same turn) from the general inventory, thus spamming sleep and charm 8 times per turn. As in superdemo. Again.
>Berserking is exploitable because the game memorizes last actions. Meaning, when you activate berserk, you get crazy and start attacking everything not hidden, but being berserk pretty much doubles your damage. You end the fight, you sleep of the madness - and you can attack with berserking attacks in all the subsequent fights (as last memorized action), provided you don't do any other actions (such as using a potion or defending), without the madness. This also leads to both weapon skill and berserking being leveled like crazy.
>Sage gets 2 spells on getting second level, 3 spells on getting third level, n spells on getting the nth level. IF you get the corresponding spells immediately on levelup. If you cancel and do it from the character screen afterwards, he would get 4 spells after levelup to level 2, 5 spells after levelup to level 3, n+2 spells after levelup to level n. Actually this thing also pertains to all the other casters. As it was in superdemo. Again.
Now, what exactly the fuck was he doing for 4 years straight? These are critical exploits concerning core mechanics of the game. And the spell selection bug in particular is impossible to overlook. What the fuck?
It's ok
There's a ton of small difference like the enemies and what treasures there are. Obviously the superdemo also only included the tutorial period and the full game is at least 20 times as long.
Are you retarded?
>Incorrect bonus value calculation at character creation (could say, like, 51 and actually give you, like, 20). As in superdemo. Again.
That happens because you picked a class with higher stat requirements and it auto allocates the necessary points for you to be that class.
Was an inventory as bad as this ever acceptable?
Why do you have to solve shitty riddles whenever you try and lockpick a door, what the fuck?
How are these two things at all related?
I'd love Ross to put it on Game Dungeon, the combined autism would be amazing
Just a picoissue, nothing to worry about
>that fucking snek face
Yeah haha guys there totally are not leftist nutbags that want to ruin Cleve because they don't like what he says. Who would believe that? Its crazy haha.
Linux ... nice!
Anybody actually unironically like this game?
If so, why?
First dungeon
Alcove right next to the stairs
Cleve has been doing this for over 20 years, he doesn't care and you shouldn't either
Damn, so that's why Grimoire threads are filled with casual shitposters.
Why is this bloody thing memed everywhere here again?
Where is the bard weapon that deals 15 damage to everyone in town pls
>Literally nobody stops playing
I bought the game, debate me if you dare
Behind a locked door somewhere.
Yes. It's a fun rpg
any crack release yet
just read the thread
hating on someone because they espouse opposite political beliefs? What kind of animals would do something like that!? Im so glad us conservatives are more enlightened than that and would never ever do something of the sort.
Hell now I'm completely unable to create new characters. Is there a folder where party groups are saved? I'm thinking I'll just grab one of the old versions from Mega and make my team there then glue them back into the full game if that's possible.
one of my guys is diseased as hell and becomes paralyzed and irritated whenever I rest.
How the hell do I fix this
there's no DRM of any kind
and yeah, it's already both on TPB and Skidrow
i thought was just a patch
the game is only 46MB?
Not yet, no single sape can even hope to scratch the surface of impenetrable 'thal Grimnuvo DRM, better pony up for the discounted version while you still can
>23 years
No, this happens because it disregards roll multipliers which special race-class combinations have (say, Saurian having 1.3 multiplier on a roll, of you pick berserker). Saurian-male does already have all the stats for the berseker, it doesn't need to allocate shit. And after choosing Saurian-male-berserker, on a roll of 30, the game happily writes "bonus=39" - and yet, at only allocates 30, be it to attributes, or to destiny. Which constitutes the essence of this bug.
That's the full game.
46MB for a 20 year old game is HUGE. The graphic sprites probably account for 40 of those.
Cleve is an elite programmer who cares about our hard drive, also the game uses technology from the 90s
Also, since in its current state the combat is a buggy exploitable mess, the only other perspective one could have regarding this game, is that of it being a first-person inventory-based adventure/puzzle game (backtracking-with-McGuffins-galore). Viewed as such, this game is pretty, well, it's pretty competent, I guess, but hardly more than just pretty competent. Also, exploration is pretty shit due to Detect Secret handing everything to you on a silver platter, due to which the majority of the exploring boils down to monotonous 100%ing of maps.
Actually, I think, I get it. I get, at least to some extent, what was bugging me about this game since the superdemo.
It's a fucking first-person Deponia, where everything leveling/combat related serves as a GIANT FUCKING ANCHOR tied to your leg with a chain thicker than said leg, just to slow you the fuck down as much as possible.
And, I mean,
I mean, if I wanted to play fucking Deponia, I would've motherfucking played fucking Deponia. Without all the friction associated with the leveling and combat systems, which are, in their current state, just gigantic timesinks and nothing more than that.
The words about 600 hours are also starting to make sense. It's not like this game has THAT much content (well, BUNDLE-Z.RSF being 65 megs is kind of a giveaway as well). It's just that you are DELIBERATELY made to crawl through it as slowly as it gets.
>How far are ye in the game m8?
I did like 80% of superdemo - and I still haven't covered this ground in the final game (and it will actually take a while too). There is surprisingly little difference so far, though.
There are apples in the bushes in the starting area search the bushes and then eat apples they cure disease, there are also leaches in ponds that do the same thing but damage health.
When creating a character should I just dump all points into HP? I literally got one-shotted by a ?WORM? despite my warrior having 20 hp (or killed in 2 rows, i wasn't paying attention to his hp)
The second floor of the shrine of the raptor, where the giant owl statue that identifies shit is, has a pond of magical water that cures diseases
why is the mouse so fucked up in this game like its laggy and has some weird acceleration
and the sound is way too fucking loud and keeps changing
Characters in the first 2 slots take the brunt of the damage, make sure your marching order is correct.
You should boost HP for your casters since they're fucking wet paper. Get them to 10 HP or something
Isn't Deponia a point and click adventure game, what the fuck are you talking about
Eat some apples or cast Cure Light Diseases
Disable scaling, or limit your mouse polling
ya what the fuck is up with that? my sage has literally 1 hp.
>he doesn't have a bard
is 20 HP enough for a frontliner?
>this happens because it disregards roll multipliers
is this a meme game? I havent heard of it. Literally who: the game
For a level 1 character sure. Early game you want a Bard and casters with Sleep and Charm or you're gonna get fucked up regardless
It's a mediocre game made by the king of shitposting and retards. Having those two groups backing him makes talking about the game nearly impossible.
So what's the FOO bar? Food?
Durendil needs to compensate 60 points of difference in attributes in order to become a Templar. And yet only a roll of 30 suffices to get him to being a Templar. How so? Because the roll gets 2x multiplied. There are other race-class combinations, where the roll is getting multiplied. Saurian-Berserker being one of them (with the multiplicator being equal to 1.3).
No, the whole game is fubar
Thanks for the explanation. Been seeing these threads pop up on the catalog a ton lately
Food, yes. The system was axed. Might be implemented again in the far future, but probably not.
>have to buy items before I can see their stats
>It's a mediocre game
You can tell someone doesn't played the game just by the shitpost they made.
So how is this translates to a bug?
just because someone doesn't share your opinion on a videogame doesn't mean they didn't play it, user
>Start liking what I like?
It's actually a great game.
I find the developer laughable but the game delivers.
You poor sape, it isn't meant for you. Thals worldwide are rejoicing in sheer ecstasy while you fumble with Jumbles.
well fuck meant to put an exclamation mark, not a question one
this game is garbage and anyone who likes it is a an /r9k/ virgin trying to be funny.
Holy shit I actually know the guy's son.
Is anyone far in the game?
>Eye Dudes are immune to Revival Magic
So how the fuck am I supposed to ever get them back if they die?
Is there like a church I can go to to revive characters ala Dragon Quest or something?
What did the developer do? Used the wrong pronoun or voted for Trump?
It must be something truly horrible for all the backlash.
He pushed back the game for over 20 years.
If you understand they're immune to revival magic, why are you asking if there's a church where you can revive?
The bug concerns how the bonus value is calculated. The game SAYS that the bonus value is equal to (multiplied dice roll) - (compensated attribute difference), while in actuality that bonus value is equal to (non-multiplied dice roll) - (compensated attribute difference). Which makes the majority of those "special" race-class combinations (like, say, Saurian-Berserker - provided that Saurian has a very shitty total attribute sum, when compared to Naga, Wolfin or Leonar) quite meaningless.
He didn't willingly hand over all of his dat during the LA riots.
He's a hardcore white supremacist and men's rights activists that lives in a bunker and thinks women are only there for procreation, cleaning, and child rearing.
He quite literally hits full marks on the how to trigger SJWs checklist.
>it's okay when we do it because obviously you evil racist right-wingers do it too
>selling like cuuuurrraaaazzzzyyyyy!!!!!!1
>1000 copies
I don't know, I assume there has to be SOME way to get them back even if it's a much bigger hassle than just a normal revive.
>He's a hardcore white supremacist and men's rights activists that lives in a bunker and thinks women are only there for procreation, cleaning, and child rearing.
So a thal
>it's okay when we do it because obviously you evil cuck left-wingers do it too