
What does Sup Forums think about this free, superior version of overwatch?

I want to fuck Ying

Serious question: why do alot of games just blatantly copy dota/lol/overwatch (aka anything thats popular at the time) styles?

Ying got big fucking tits.
I think Blizzard and Paladins creators intentionally put waifu bait in their games.
Like Widowmaker for example has a nicely shaped ass and Ying has big fucking tits.
All we need is Widowmaker and Ying high quality blender/sfm animations

They want to cash in on the hype with next to no effort.

Titty physics.

Serious question: have you not noticed that the best games of all time have all taken elements from other games and iterated upon them? This isnt even unique to games, it applies to other mediums as well

>alot of games copy
try companies.
thats all Hirez does now
>League of Legends is popular
make smite
>Overwatch is popular
make Paladins
>Hearthstone is popular
make smite legends.

granted they are all somewhat different enough to be worth trying, but there is no denying that they try to make dollars off the current zeitgeist.

that being said i would play Smite and Paladins over League of Legends and Overwatch any day after having tried them all

>aesthetic as fuck
>but its vanilla shit
life is suffering

Overwatch copied tf2, they said it was a compliment when someone asked kaplan about it.

What goes around comes around.

>>Overwatch is popular
>make Paladins
paladins was originally very different, a dota-game similar to battleborn. im guessing the flop of that game made them switch focus

which is a shame because i liked the old paladins and battleborn

Paladins is infinitely superior in terms of fun, competitiveness, and skill ceiling.

It has better girls too

Old Paladins was fun but as for now, the current state is already superior.

there are so many games like this, how can you even pck one?

Will I have to wait 4 minutes to find a game like I do on overwatch ?

Which one has the best butt. If it's gonna kill Overwatch, I need a Tracer replacement

I dont think much of it when there's a superior solution to both Paladins AND Overwatch.

What other games like this are there? Genuine question because id like to try them

depends on your definition.
if you want "teambased shooter with heroes and hero abilitys with different looks there are"
>Lawbreakers (my personal favourite)
>Quake Champions
>Dirty Bomb
>there was (super) Monday Night Combat
>and TF2 to a certain extent

no. The queue is on a shorter side and they're currently revamping the whole competitive system. Unless you're on the top 1% of the playerbase which will took you around 3-5 minutes to find a match. Just like any other games.

Seris, Cassie and Skye has the best butt.

how the fuck do I even pick one? not that they are bad but for example I had fun with dirty bomb for like 5 hours then forgot the game was even a thing.

Dirty Bomb is fucked up because of incompetent devs despite being fun.

it all depends on how fast you want the game to be, how casual/hardcore of a player you are, and if you want to spend money.

Gigantic is the only one on that list i havent heard about. Battleborn is dead and i've played dirty bomb for hundreds of hours to the point when im bored. Looking forward to quake champions

Can you give more info on gigantic?

Also last i played lawbreakers it only had like 5 different classes, does it have more now?

did quake champions got released already?

>do you want to kill yourself?
Pick overwatch

>do you want some fun time playing unfinished beta game but has some solid depth and requires some level of ARTS knowledge and experience?
Pick Paladins

>Do you like high skill floor and higher skill ceiling?
Play Quake Champions

>Do you like some wacky fast paced 0 gravity FPS that requires you to be actually good at aiming?
Play Lawbreakers

>Do you want to make Randy happy?
Play Battleborn

>Do you like hats?
Play TF2

gigantic is pretty weird, i havent played much of it myself.
but its a 3rd person shooter (with melee characters) with a unique artstyle (granted while the artstyle is great i think the character design is prettypoor)
each character has like 6 skills and you get to level up and change how skills work.
you build "towers" at specified points, you have to get 10 points (by killing players or destroying these towers) wich then makes the boss vulnerable and you can score by shooting the base of the enemy, repeat 3 times and you win.

It's free so you might as well try it yourself, i don't dig it that much but some people really like it.
it launches in 3 days with 10 classes, it play A LOT better than it did during those limited beta weekends, you just missed the open beta wich had 9 playable classes.
but it launches at 30$ so its a little pricey for a niche game.

any game where I can just jump in and do well on my own?
I have no friends and team squad stuff is retarded with randoms.

TF2 and Paladins I suppose.

In Paladins, the first 5 levels of your account will be paired against bots.

all of these types of games can be played on casual or competitive level. some more than others of course

for casual i think overwatch is the best pick

Although I do like the game and agree it's better, I'm inclined to ask why there's two threads at the same time?

Overwatch requires a lot of teamplay.
Paladins is much better because it only requires you to stand on a point, but you can constantly flank on your own and do your own thing, while overwatch benefits a lot from coordinated pushes where everyone activates their ult.

Quake Champions and Lawbreakers probably require the least teamplay but are also the hardest to play and will probably be frustrating if the other team has better players.
in these games 2 good players can carry an entire team, wich might be exactly what you want.

>mfw playing DOOM multiplayer
I don't know man, shit was fun and against all odds it's not dead on PC.

Serious question. Are you really so retarded as to think that anything from Overwatch is original beyond character names/designs? There's not an original mechanic or map concept in the game.

can I get a quick rundown on quake?

are you playing the classic mode?
the game does have a classic mode now right?
where weapons are scattered around the arena. i imagine that could be fun to play.

>both threads have to mention OW so they get replies

sounds like a clusterfuck, ill pass. i was hoping it could be more of a dota-game like battleborn

viral marketing obviously

Hi-Rez shills. Anyone who has any experience with Hi-Rez knows what a piece of shit company they are.
Don't become invested in any of their games, they will fuck you over, just go ask any Global Agenda/Tribes Ascend players what they think of Hi-Rez.

>Paladins is much better because it only requires you to stand on a point
It's the exact opposite though. Only one person needs to stand on the point because players don't stack the cap rate. What you smoking. The coordination isn't around dumping ults, but just all around controlling the map to stop peoples' mounts from rushing to the objective/flank or to actually push the payload.

it's mostly just quake.
but characters now come with 1 active and 1 passive ability.
and they have different stats (Health, Maximum Armor and Speed)
the character choice doesnt make as much of a difference as it does in every other game mentioned in this thread, in the end you will be playing quake, going fast, shooting railgun and rockets.
i think Battleborn might be the only one that really feels like a blend of Moba and Shooter, so if you are looking for an alternative to that you are out of luck.

I imagine doom multiplayer will just die when quake champions comes out

it is superior in every way after all

Hirez makes fun games. I'll play them until they're not playable anymore or I get bored of it. Simple as that.

I want to impregnate Ying

>i think Battleborn might be the only one that really feels like a blend of Moba and Shooter
which really fucking sucks because paladins was originally that too and then quickly changed after battleborn crashed and burned

even when gearbox comes up with a good game they still have to fuck it up

Hi-Rez copies whatever is popular and delivers a watered-down version that they end up killing while milking the players out of every penny that they can. All you have to do is simply look at their track record.

>simply look at their track record.
The Tribes game? And thats it?

>he thinks dota/lol/overwatch didn't copy most of their stuff


>watered down version
>paladins is more deep mechanically
>has been in development longer than overwatch with multiple revisions
>also been in development for a long time as well

Tribes and Global Agenda. Which leaves them with what else? Their shitty MOBA and their Overwatch clone. Not to mention their Hi-Rez Spyware that comes installed with every game. Wow, what a great portfolio!

Dota was pretty original. LoL was a ripoff of Dota by a rogue dev. Overwatch is just Blizzard's unoriginal cashgrab like HotS. Paladins is pretty much the same for Hi-Rez.

dota was original though

Oh wait, I forgot about their Hearthstone clone as well. Sorry about that.


Their shitty moba and overwatch clones are still better than lol and overwatch :^)

>uh guys, our playerbase is dwindling so we can't justify to keep the server alive.
>let's kill it and focus our limited budget to focus on something else

It's not rocket science isn't it

How does it feel to be a CoDbro in a differen coat of paint?

>unoriginal cash grab
Not true in the slightest

Gigantic and other early hero shooters were shown off when Project Titan was still supposed to be happening.

Blizzard just got their to release first you big retard. Overwatch is as unoriginal as Warcraft 1 was back in the day.

True for Gigantic. Dunno about others.

if a multiplayer game has a dead community it doesnt matter how good it is

>Enough people to find a game within 1 minute isn't enough people
>I need 2 million people playing this game when 9 others are actually all I need for a match
It's not a fucking MMO you simp.

Battleborn, paladins and gigantic have all been in development at least as long as overwatch

But to me the biggest unoriginality in overwatch comes from how fucking stereotypical and boring the characters are

This game is so fucking boring compared to Paladins though

what the fuck is this famalama? and why the fuck do they all look the same?

>B-Blizard released it first that's why my game is dead!


>Faster with more things going on
>Boring compared to budget Overwatch
Sure thing kid.

it is better gameplay wise
it looks better

but the fucking voice actors ruin it for me

That's like saying Sonic is better than Mario.

my nizzle

>Project Titan
This game never existed. Post a screenshot or some concept art. It's just Blizz making up shit.


thats just normal female proportions lad

There are actually delusional Blizzdrones who spout that every game after OW or character in a team based shooter is a ripoff or copying Blizzard. That's all the image is disproving.

>Blizzard SECRETLY really has the first hero shooter because they lied about making a new MMO for nearly a decade

Literally the reason. If Microshit hadn't jewed them over they'd have released first and Overwatch would be known as the Heroes of the Storm tier clone that it is.

Blizzardfags are literally one of the most cancerous faggots on the internet. They are like the collection of casuals who never cared about video games before but tries to fit in after playing mobile """"""""""""games"""""""""""".

Apparently Hi-Rez started work on Aurum, the project that would eventually become Paladins, back in 2012.

>If Microshit hadn't jewed them over they'd have released first
They actually had to go to Microsoft for funding and they're what helped keep the game funded for a bit during the beta phase at the price being Win10/Xbone exclusivity. They did basically do nothing for the game beyond that though because literally no advertising or notice.

The game just came out of beta like 2 weeks ago too though, so I doubt they would've released sooner anyway.

They started on literally directly after they finished assfucking Tribes

That Pip is better than what we actually got. Sad!

Your options for hero shooters are the following:

>Actijew-Blizzard, the shadow of a once great vidya dev. Still as notoriously bad at balancing as ever.
>The dev that is notorious for turning their games into F2P cash cows after a certain point
>The dev team that worked for free for like a straight year because their game was a passion project when it came down to it

Yeah, the decision is really so hard, isn't it?

>>The dev that is notorious for turning their games into F2P cash cows after a certain point
Is that hi-rez? Because who cares if you have to pay real money for skins and shit, its just cosmetic
>>The dev team that worked for free for like a straight year because their game was a passion project when it came down to it
which one is this?

Second one is Gigantic. I remember reading an article on it.

They didn't get the money from the Microshit deal as I understand it. Which is why they bailed and it's on Steam for more than just Windows 10 now.

The games been "out" for months. Just on the Microsoft store with no press coverage of any kind.

Nu/v/ alert

The second one is HiRez. Anybody who didn't come here from leddit would remember what they did to Tribes Ascend (Hint: Paladins chances of staying strictly cosmetic are astronomically low).

Third one is the Gigantic dev team.

paladins is my first hi-rez game, your obsession with reddit is really unhealthy though

Montiga, Gigantic early development was a disaster and they had to fire most of their staff before Microsoft injected money and then Perfect World.

I think Oaladins FEELS worse the Overwatch by a long shot, but I still actually enjoy it quite a bit.

I meant third one. I didn't notice the second because the dumb user didn't separate it like the third.

The "educated scribe" concept was taken from it and put into Torvald actually.


HiRez assfucking Tribes was a board wide event back in 2012. You'd know about it if you've browsed Sup Forums for a reasonable amount of time. Not even saying since 2012, but long enough to post without being cancerous at least. This is just a fact.

Well yea half the reason blizzard games are any popular is because of their incredible polish

I cant get my girlfriend to play paladins because it "feels bad", well what can you expect from someone whose first online game ever was overwatch

Is there any decent sfm porn yet?

I think Gigantic is a lot of fun, but I just don't really like any characters much.

The 2 I like most are probably Beckett and whatever the dragon mage guy is, but they are just ok with me.
Don't like any melee people and the rest of the range are just meh.

As admirable as Motiga's perseverance is, that doesn't really have anything to do with the game itself. I think it's a nice game, but I might wait before getting into it-it feels a bit bare currently.

Paladins can be perfectly described in 1 sentence.
"Overwatch but it's actually fun"

More enjoyable to play but the item buy system is just limited enough to be boring while still being a requirement and the designs are so inconsistent I feel like I'm playing a Chinese rip off.

ive been on Sup Forums since bf3 came out but not regularly because im not fucking obsessed with video games, whatever makes you feel better about your life though