When will this meme die

When will this meme die

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Soon, hopefully.

There is nothing wrong with open world games. What is wrong, is that every developer feels the need to make one because one series was successful.

>wanting more scripted corridor simulators

>There is nothing wrong with open world games.
Except you know, empty worlds. Probably the best open world ever made was in Witcher 2, not to fucking massive but everything is just right

Besides mentioning anything from or that EA/Ubisoft does, explain the problem with open world games as opposed to linear ones where everyone will have the same play through.

The meme that open world games are bad? Probably never.

Just because I don't want apples doesn't mean I want grapes

Let me say it 3 more times so that dense mother fuckers who can't read don't shitpost

>Besides mentioning anything from or that EA/Ubisoft does

>Besides mentioning anything from or that EA/Ubisoft does

>Besides mentioning anything from or that EA/Ubisoft does

>conveniently leaving out BOTW which was the most generic copypasted open world game since witcher 3 or new vegas
>cry about open world fatigue
>literally proclaim BOTW is the best game of all time and goty etc etc

The problem is the fact that there are to many open worlds the same environment.Not mention the games are filled with barebones gameplay, too many fetch quest, worlds that fill like a chore to playthrough( I'm looking at you GTA 5)and the fact that there's not enough content to fill these huge games.

>wanting more radio towers climbing simulators

>wanting more forest simulators

I hope it never dies. Open worlds are great.

That's a problem with gameplay then. Repetition and boredom exists in all genre's if the gameplay is shitty.

I don't understand,the Open World aspect is part of the gameplay.And all open world have you do is explore a huge open barren world just to advance the story or a particular quest.

>There is nothing wrong with open world games.
What is wrong is that freeroam through emtpy, repetitive landscapes replaces atmosphere, story and replayability, and devs get along with it under the flag of "open world freedom"

>linear games have replayability and atmosphere

because it was not an open world game you retard

What do you not understand just because a game isn't open world doesn't make it linear.look at games like
Dark Souls
Witcher 2
Monster hunter
All the games mention above have good gameplay combine with replayability and atmosphere

When it stops making money off normies.

I would consider some of those to be open world games.

Yes? Challenge, remember when that was a thing? Completing a linear game with different levels of proficiency can add replayability, if the gameplay mechanics are deep enough.

Witcher 2 was not open world, nor was it as packed with content as you claim.

The best type of game is based around set pieces; hand crafted, well designed, self contained challenges where the player is given complete freedom within its boundaries, i.e. strategy games, some 3D platformers, old school shooters etc. Now these setpieces can be linked to each other by a list in a menu, a graphical overworld or a seamless openworld.

open world is fine
they just should stop believing in the
>bigger = better
lie and just make a smaller area more detailed instead of stretching everything out.
See Morrowind. It isn't that big, yet tons of dungeons, shrines, towns, villages and other points of interest around. It rewards exploration.

Only Dark Souls and Mario

every open world game should just use dying light's parkour system

shame about everything else in that game but the parkour carried it so much

Fuck off retard.

Why was GTA 5 so bland and boring

While I agree with you, this was also a problem some felt was applicable to Nioh, where the game was too linear and repetitive. Linear games can be extremely strong games but the key to making them strong means good design. Dying Light's open world (at least the first part) was great because the parkour flowed so well.

Some of the best games ever made had open worlds.

Making traversal rewarding in and of itself would benefit all open world games greatly.

Never, it's too late, there's too many 'muh corridors are worse' fucking retards who don't understand that open world games are designed to have shitty filler side missions so they can say 'if you do all the sidequests it takes 7 years to finish'

>Sup Forums complains about normies because their constant need to have things happen at every moment ruined video games
>Sup Forums now complains that things don't happen constantly at every moment

Name 5 (five).

I'd rather get more games with either overworlds leading to dungeons/levels which will make up the majority of your playtime like DQ or LoZ, semi-open worlds made up of a lot of different levels that intersect with each other ala metroid/fragile dreams, or a series of open ended levels you can tackle in different ways like doom.

>When will this meme die
... so long as technology improves, it won't.

they should make a closed world game where they condense all the effort put into an open world into making an extremely small but detailed environment, like an apartment block or something, filled with TECHNOLOGY and branching story paths and that stuff

Grand Theft Auto is the best example of an open world game

Fallout, Fallout 2, Jagged Alliance 2, Ultima 7 and GTA: San Andreas.

San Andreas, New Vegas, Fallout 2, Jagged Alliance 2, Witcher 2

Breath of the Wild has a well designed open world as well, but I didn't like the game

>every franchise needs cart racer
>every franchise needs an mmorpg
>every franchise needs an open world game

What will be next?

VR game

Isnt that what the new Deus Ex contains

Battle Royale

nu-xcom clones.


its the easiest way to make money without trying

More like
>5th gen
>6th gen
WW2 games and mmos
>7th gen
>8th gen
Open world games
>9th gen

Yes, the original as well.

there was also a time every franchise became a walking interactive movie

Bully, Dead Rising, Stalker, Burnout Paradise, Assassin's Creed 2.

>9th gen
microtransaction driven smartphone-like bullshit

hopefully never, fuck you contrarian shitters and your nostalgia goggles

Most of my favorite open world games *are* old, like Daggerfall, Sacred or the later Ultimas.

Open world games are the zombie games of this decade so it will take a while. But I'm tired of every game series becoming the same formulaic open world shit, where you climb towers and explore 100 million copies of the same content.
Any game series going open world is a massive red flag now, the only people who still think open world formula is new or good is likely a Nintenkid because they experienced one for the first time while everyone else has already grown tired of it.

You're all exaggerating the fuck out of this fad.

>you're all exaggerating the fuck out of this fad
>said fad has gone on for years now
>said fad has become the exact same formula every game
>said fad is so popular that series which have never been open world before are starting to adopt it
>yet despite the repetition the games always sell and permeate the fad
Yeah, sure.

Yes, you are exaggerating, mostly regarding this:
>said fad is so popular that series which have never been open world before are starting to adopt it
This is nowhere near as prevalent as your whining makes it out to be.

>witcher 2

Since when is a hub world game an open world game? Is deus ex an open world game now too?

>if you don't like this one shitty extreme, you obviously like this other shitty extreme

You're why American politics are fucked.

>Metal Gear series
>Zelda series
>Dynasty Warriors
>Witcher series
>new Metro will be open world
>Ghost Recon
>Mass Effect
>all these series and more becoming open world out of nowhere
>hurr it's not a prevalent change
Yeah, no, fuck off. Idiots like you are the problem too.

I don't hate open world games, but I'd love some more hub world games. It's the best compromise, no linier checkpoint bullshit but the hubs can get lots of specific details and not just randomly generated shit and a thousand miles of empty space.

I'll grant you DW and GR, but I disagree that the newer, more open worlds in Witcher, Mass Effect and Zelda have come "out of nowhere". They're just natural progressions of those games' respective older world designs.

Can't comment on the new Metro as I've been reading conflicting things about the openness of that game's world.

What progression was there in Zelda when all of the past recent 3D games were linear or non-linear but still not open world in the slightest? And don't use the tired "Zelda 1" logic, Zelda 1 is nothing like BoTW and the games have not been akin to Zelda 1 in decades.

>Sup Forums bitches for years about games being too corridor simulators and not enough freedom
>free to do whatever in sandbox games but they hate them now

Liberals need to leave. Hating on freedom and shit.

Open World is absolutely fine if it's somewhat controlled by the developer.
Like, you can't access some areas until you progress in the story/get necessary tools etc.

Open worlds aren't a bad idea but to make an actually good open world, with current graphics standards, it would take a massive budget and amount of work that no game, not even Final Fantasy or Assassin's creed or any triple A franchise could create.
That's why scripted corridors and static camera are better options.

The problem with open world games now is the content policy, where it's heavily quantity over quality and relies on copy pasted content all over the map that's not rewarding or unique.

This is a problem too.
I might be in minority but i'd rather travel through landscapes of more empty space but find some unique and quality content than go through set of the same dungeons/caves for hours.

>Liberals need to leave. Hating on freedom and shit.
I had a chuckle.

>playing morrowind as an overexcited teenager
>man, I sure wish there were more games like this one!

>mfw monkeypaw'd hard


Open world games are great, the problem is only a few developers like Bethesda know how to make them work.

Superiortobothism is a mental disorder.

I was the same way with Final Fantasy 12,i wish for every FF game to be open world,than FF 15 happen.

Absolutely. I still remember Gothic games because the game world itself was actually engaging and memorable, not to mention you had to actually learn the world because there was no GPS system to blindly follow. Even now I could remember the first game's map by memory.

>like Bethesda
Fuck off Reddit, Bethesda is why open world games are so shitty

Consoles, specifically old gen, online and some autist demanded hand crafted underwater areas 99.9% of players never saw.

>the problem is only a few developers like Bethesda know how to make them work.

I wish the "Let's pretend all open world games are shit" fad would die.

>Dynasty warriors
>open world

¿???? ¿¿??? ¿

Name one good modern open world game, they've all become the same copy paste formulaic shit, to where the worlds are so big they ironically restrict development.
The new game is going to be open world or

>playing asscreed II as a dumb kid
>man, I sure wish there were more games with this same formula!

...tens of the same copypasted ubisharted games later
>monkeypaw'd even harder

If Fallout 4 is anything to go off, Bethesda doesn't know any more.


Fallout 4's problems were not really tied to open world, though. It's more about poorly though tout systems like the whole settlement building and obvious steps backwards in the RPG department.

Oh shit, they're changing Dynasty warriors finally since dw2 on the ps2

Can't see it being good, literally nothing wrong with Dw formula.

Open worlds need better pacing and a little mystery. Give the player a reason to have to explore and want to too, but don't reveal or allow everything (becoming the leader of every group in Skyrim for example). They need replay-abilty that isn't go-here-get-this or go-here-kill-this. Also, let the player exist in the world and affect it in some permanent way.

>Name one good modern open world game
Okay, but tell me what you mean by "modern" first. This decade, this last year, what?

Because sandbox games have next to no actual "freedom" and just pad out game time with driving over vast spaces of nothing. They're just as fucking linear as say, FFXIII, just instead of a long empty hallway, it's a long empty room.

>Oh shit, they're changing Dynasty warriors finally since dw2 on the ps2

It's a massive laundry list of changes actually. Which could be good or we could get another DW6.

Since the current formula and blend of open world began. Because you cannot deny modern open world games are nothing like what open world games used to be.

>Because sandbox games have next to no actual "freedom" and just pad out game time with driving over vast spaces of nothing.
One of, if not *the* most non-linear RPG ever made is an open world game, though.

Probably fucking never. And honestly it shouldn't. There is nothing inherently wrong with Open World games. The idea of open worlds is honestly better than everything being more linear..

The issue however is devs don't put in the time required to make open worlds not feel empty

Why would you NOT want your game to be as open as possible? Open world does not inherently mean that there is a lack of narrative focus or that the world is poorly designed, that's just a meme.

Even Skyrim, as much hate as it gets here, has a handcrafted world, with over a hundred handcrafted dungeons, but apparently all those 100+ dungeons are bad because the longer ones feature circular design (because everyone knows that true RPGs make you backtrack through the whole, empty dungeon to leave)

>9th gen
traditional gaming is dead, mobile is the only option

Its player freedom. You can do what you want at anytime. Not locked into following a story down a hallway. Multiplayer games make sandbox games better. What with social interaction, trading and pvp. Minecraft and Terraria are examples of sandbox games. Each have progression and "story" but its up to you to progress in anything. You can build and RP all you want. EVE Online is the perfect example of a sandbox. Giving players the utmost freedom and to a lesser extent ARK.

And sandbox games aren't for the unmotivated. If you can't even force yourself to make your own goals instead of having them predefined in game for you I suggest taking cyanide.

Not even that user, but that's a pretty fucking vague description.

Regardless to answer your question. TW3

>9th gen
Either 100% mobile games or unpolished buggy battle royale games will flood the market