Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
chibi has legit autism
caveman has mild autism
chibi was in the wrong by sitting next to Sup Forums
Sup Forums got mad at /reddit/ because he is ruining Sup Forums speedrun
/reddit/ decides to keep talking and do jumping jacks anyway
Those were the worst side straddle hops I've ever seen
They all have autism. We have autism.
Vaccines and big pharma for giving them autism.
>side straddle hops
They're called jumping jacks.
Succint was in the right
They're called moon bouncies, faggot.
He kinda was, but he got really salty about the nuggets and as a result everyone just kept up to piss him off even further.
caveman was right, chibi was left
"Boomerang hype"
>woman can't pronounce succinct
Well, she's autistic and Swedish. I don't know if she could pick up his social cues at all or if she was doing this shit on purpose.
Why are the VODs for ESA 2017 so shit?
Why is it even a question? The guy was doing a speedrun, needed to concentrate, and asked Chibi to be quiet. Not a big deal at all. I'd do the same thing in his situation, plus I highly doubt that he was aware of the autism factor.
no one
the yappy guy was kind of annoying but he was just excited and didn't really have the social awareness to realise no one was into it
caveman was totally not into it but he calmly but firmly asked him to be quite, despite the fact that you could hear he was pretty frustrated with it
if there has to be a fault then it's the guy who kept yapping, but it's not like it was a crime or anything beside just a social faux-pas
No idea. But a few of them have de-synced audio which triggers me greatly.
Caveman. What a fucking douchefaggot.
susan the nugget cuck lmao
Chibi, the annoying faggot.
They're called star jumps you fucking yank.
Well, Sup Forums?
That was great, more funny videos like that please
See Basically guy runs Silent Hill and some guy starts eating Nuggets behind him. Chat likes it, but he gets really annoyed. Chat then proceeds to pour gasoline into the fire with donations and he gets even more annoyed.
I keep seeing people mentioning this GDQ, dafuq even happened here?
was meant for
chibi actually stopped talking for a period of time, it wasn't until caveman kinda started to feel bad that he let the little bitch talk again, then he sperged with the jacks, but to be fair he was just doing what the donation asked, it was the donation teams fault for letting stupid ass shit get through in the first place, especially after chibi got blown out
The fucking bull, its always the fucking bull. He was just there waiting for her to come around and stomp her shit in its just left out of the story to not bias the listener but i tell you, the bull is and asshole and if you but him on the least guilty place he will stomp you and none will believe it was his fault, its the destiny you choose when messing with the debbil.
Wow that's gay. Fat people make me sick.
They're called pentagram pounces, doofus
They're obviously outerspace lift 'n spreads.
Don't forget that he also came to Sup Forums to vent over half an hour.
lawful good - caveman
chaotic evil - chibi
Wew. I wasn't here at the time. What happened?
Is he autistic?
Are speedrun-meetings just social experiments for the viewer to enjoy over a stream? It always feels like a zoo
Wasn't as cringeworthy as you'd expect. He took a tripcode (confirmed on this twitter) and just talked for an hour about how he came to speedrun and not to have others use his run for his shitty jokes.
You decide if it's reasonable or no fun allowed.
Well, you can always check out the San Andreas run. Runs was nothing special, but at one point some one made a ''my wife's son'' donation and all hell broke loose.
I think it's reasonable. However, I'm not gonna lie by saying I didn't enjoy the whole ordeal. Dude, should have embraced it imo. If he did, he'd be remembered as the nuggets guy who ran Silent Hill and not as the guy who gets cucked by nuggets.
everyone loves laughing at spergs until it's them
it's reasonable but it was hilarious, so fuck him
His posts are in the archive if you care.
What was Chibi even doing on the couch? He holds no records and at no time was he ever considered a top speedrunner in ANY game.
who was in the wrong here?
Well, both of them are wrong in life since they are speedrunners.
But definitely Chibi, he invited himself over, was trying to turn speedrun into his version of Game Grumps while also knowing that Caveman needs concetration to speedrun this shit successfully. And his material is boomerang hype and he always can wear pants.
Caveman is actually chill considering for how long he put up with it.
the nugger
but it was still hilarious so who cares
>be English
>don't handle the bants
has there ever been a greater humiliation
Susan can't handle a little bantz. The baguette guy actually knew how to take the joke and roll with it.
He didn't sperg too bad until the 40 minute mark where he said it wasn't fake annoyed but genuine.
He really was in the right. Poor guy. The announcer was obviously butthurt over him correcting her over pronouncing his name wrong so she sabotaged him.
You can tell she's mad at the "that's what I'm here for" regarding reading donations.
The poor girl got reprimanded and was not seen for the rest of the marathon.
Good End.
The autist that wouldn't shut the fuck up. Speedrunning literally demands pixel precision, can't do that shit with some fucker yapping in your ear constantly.
Good. Fun is allowed at ESA but she went too far with the memery.
I can't believe these faggots are calling it reasonable given that we already know how these fucking speedrun charity marathon piles of shit go.
He should have known what he was getting into and if he didn't then he is a fucking retard on top of being autistic.
>I thought it would be all about the speedrun and that everyone would have to listen to me
not like he had a choice, if he said to stop he'd be labeled an asshole
this is why GDQ has standards folks
I know he claims to have autism but holy shit nobody else on the couch was talking as much as him and he just wouldnt take a fucking hint.
Yea, its the reason that the extra couch and audience is 60 feet away from the runner.
both were equally at fault, Chibi for being an autistic unfunny looser, and Caveman for being limpwrist faggot, that was too timid smack talking him in public, but then went on to be mister alpha on his stream
>can you stop?
They're called ass ascends you fucking moog.
What is the most embarrassing moment of any GDQ?
some guys made an le epic meme the night before about eating nuggets, so this guy wanted to copy this. The runner asked him not to do it in his run, but he did it anyways.
The runner got irritated, and it didn't help him that both the anouncer and the chat thought this was an epic dank meme
le moon power dog collar man
tf is that from
It doesn't help that Succinct paid to fly to Sweden for that event and some fat retard was wolfing down burgs next to him. I'd be pissed off too.
Chibi 100% is at fault. Not wanting your run to be interrupted by an actual autist doesn't put you in the wrong
I didn't get why he got so pissed at the guy for making hand signs though. He wasn't making fun of Spunchy imo
this is acceptable autism, her family got fucked up by cancer and she felt this was the right place to try and tell her story, problem is that she was super autistic about it and tried to stop a run by the resident ULTRA AUTIST of the zelda community
she should have just waited til downtime to do it regardless, though
>she thinks she has it worse than everyone else in that room
Presumably he was pissed off because he takes what he does seriously and at that point the fat retard was just grinding on his nerves. Everything about it was bad. He was trying to give commentary and the chick who could barely speak English kept talking over him to read donations too. Just from my perspective, I'd probably actually watch the runner do a stream but certainly not the fat guy with autism or the announcer, and I'm sure he felt they were dragging his performance down.
legion or something
Are all britcucks this faggy?
I loved how she couldn't read his tone and mannerism that he was really annoyed. She tried so many times to make him a part of the nugget meme.
>chibi has legit autism
>caveman has mild autism
I think you got those backwards
SaccinctAndPunchy goes by the word
In a word. You can tell he is autistic because he think's he is tough shit being a moderator to multiple chats on Discord and forums regarding speedruns.
Loves being the Admin that loves to ban everyone and always says he is right when he is not.
He gives the Brits a bad rep.
So he's an autist.
Yes he is indeed an autist. He runs the Freedom Planet discord and forums and is one of the more reasons that chatting about the game along with other autists is difficult because of him.
What a pissy faggot. Hope he doesn't raise money and do more runs in the future.
She literally couldn't pronounce the speedrunner's name after being corrected several times. It wasn't even a difficult name. She had no business being an announcer.
True but it doesn't help of how entitled the prick was thruout the whole shit.
He is there to stream a game and provide decent commentary.
He streamed the game but he was clearly on the edge of bashing someone's face in.
If that fucker comes to america he is going to kill someone when they are eating hamburgers in the background
speedrunners should all die
link? I cant seem to find it
The people on the couch and the announcer should always defer to what the runner wants. Neither of them would be there without good speed runners. And since they booked that runner, they're giving their implicit approval that the runner knows what they are doing and can handle the stream. If the couch and announcer are negatively impacting the runner they're not doing their job right. I mean, if you're annoying the person putting on the show then they're not going to be able to perform as well. And if you can't stop eating or talking about chicken tendies for five minutes you've got a problem.
Brit did nothing wrong.
There are good one out there just SAPPY is one of them that needs to be dead
Welp the SaP team is here again praising their lord and savior.
Will you tell me of the chronicles of which he got angry at the inferiors for talking about his least favorite food and proceeded to smite them?
that faggot chibi.
>meme question
>90 replies
I really have no idea when he jokes or he's serious.
why do you keep making this thread? Are you chibi?
Obvious serious to raise a big fuss about it on Twitter and bitch about it constantly.
Good. ESA at least have balls to do the right thing.
Looks like Legion, X-men related show on FX.
Being fat means that you're wealthy you know.
>(The announcer was swedish)
Oh as if that's a good excuse. If she can't speak english, don't choose her as the announcer for an english language stream.
>autism legit has chibi
>autism mild has caveman