Was this necessary?

was this necessary?

yes. 100%

What, video games? Of course not, what a stupid question.


>prudes on Sup Forums

get out normie

Its mandatory

why not?
people don't get excited about naked children, right?

Kill yourself underage

its always necessary you faggot

Yes, because she's really 500 years old and wearing clothes makes her magic weaker ^_^



Locking bosses behind DLC? No, it wasn't and it was one of the reasons why EOU2 bombed

Videogames themselves are not necessary.

And maybe it's because I'm not a pedo, but I don't think just a nude kid is porn/ fanservice. Do you close you eyes every time you go to the beach and see naked kids there? Do you talk with their parents and say they are Sexualizing their children? No, because nobody who have a sane brain would see a nude kid and think of sexual shit.

Now, if that loli were in a provocative stance I'd agree with you that'd be out of place, and even then just because this is a RPG, not an erotic/ porn game, because fanservice in those is the main point and would be OK (bas long as it's 2D, of couse), while fanservice anywhere else is just filler for morons who buy games for their genitals instead of their brains. Sadly Sup Forums is full of this type of people.

So what EO should i start where i...
*breathes in*
can have the best loli group?

They mostly share lolis. Best starting point is probably Etrian Odyssey 4 or EOU1, don't try to start with EOU2 or you'll get your shit kicked in more than usual (unless that sort of thing appeals to you).

Why? EOU2 is hard?

It was 100% necessary, game would be ruined without it

The games are pretty hard by default, EOU2 is designed to be hard to series veterans

Does a deer shit in the woods?

oh shit, I didn't know that. I should go get it then.

This is not an occasion to be asking that question.

EO is unnecessary shit

No. But at least they should've made stuff for the classic portraits. Specially the dudes

>Asks if a game in a hard series is hard

I bought EOIV but haven't started it yet. The map drawing seems like it would be tedious.

Is Untold 1 a good starting point? I think the millenom girl is cute.

It could simply be mechanically different and a bad place to start for beginners you retard. He was asking for clarification about why EOU2 is a bad place to start for beginners, it doesn't necessarily mean it's simply much harder than average.

How can she fight like that?

It starts tedious but eventually it grows on you and you geek out at the start of every new floor because you get to draw more maps. Once you get good at seeing the spacing and work out your conventions and shit it's really very comfy.

You don't need to do it, it's mostly for personal satisfaction. The map fills in with color on it's own, you just fill in details.

by swinging her weapon like normal of course

but how does she keep the towel on?

loli moon magic

it's cute
that's it

Video games in general aren't necessary.

Map Making is literally 75% of the appeal of EO.

When and where can I pre-order EOV collector's edition?
I can't find it

You can really start with any of the games, they are only loosely connected.

It's a remake of the first game so it has some annoying holdovers (grindy quests, meh-tier boss design, a couple boring floors, low drop rates) but overall it's still pretty good.