Online killed video games. FACT

Online killed video games. FACT.

The market being shit and not working killed videogames. Everything else is just companies looking for solutions to not go bankrupt.

>muh couch multiplayer
time to grow up friend

The internet ruined everything desu.

Is that someone cosplaying as Holly from Artemis Fowl?


Who is this qt patootie

Console peasant thread.

So much this. The world was a better place without it.

It was gaming as a srs bsns industry that did it. Online would be okay if motherfucking retards weren't intentionally trying to attract the fucking yammering retards no sane man would ever pay for the pleasure of interacting with.


The natural greed of humanity and rationality of markets killed videogames in a quantity focused production over overall quality, since there's more profit. It's in our memes

It's definitely our biggest double-edged sword.

Mouse support killed games.

The electricity ruined everything

If prices had been scaled for inflation back in the 2000s, would the industry have become more stable?

It really did. Look at the state of this board.

HD graphics killed video games

Capitalism killed video games.

The internet going mainstream and social media ruined it

No, the market has blown out of proportion out if it's own good. And if it were to have an effect, it would be fairly short and temporary before the market would start expanding again and collapsing on itself.
The whole system is fucking retarded.

No it didn't. Underageb& and journalists perpetuating that games cannot have anything but high definition graphical assets certainly helped ruin everything though.
Only partially right.

Video killed the radio star.

nah e sports killed gaming just like how the union killed real sports

>e sports
Shit, video games are a parody of world war 1. Everyone thinks it's one single thing that helped ruin them when it's many, many things that did. The real question is, what broke the camel's back (assassination of Ferdinand)?

Halo 3


they should chang that shit to GAYLO 3

xbox live. Playing games online was pretty neat up till then. No longer, unless you're in some happily autistic pocket of the internet.

The Original Xbox and the 360 killed videogames

>popularized online gaming on consoles
>destroyed the wall that divided PC and Console gaming
>led to the dominance of western developers in the industry
>popularized console shooters
>pioneered paid console DLC

I know older consoles already did some of the aforementioned things, but Xbox made them the norm.
I still had a lot of fun with the Xbox Hueg though.


Video killed the radio star.

Life was literally like fantasy before the internet, full of mystery.

That still seems too broad of a subject.

I wouldn't point to

But I would point to FPS and say
>This attracted the wrong demographic
>This truly brought videogames into the mainstream
>The Halo-Duty-Field audience killed the industry

I grew up before the internet and I'm sure glad I did, however I would never want to give it up now.
I feel sorry for kids born into the internet world.

click the arrow, top right of post >>image search
teach a man to fish etc etc

Online killed society. FACT.

DVDs killed VHS

Oh yeah man Quake and Unreal Tournament really brought in those filthy casuals.


There are more single-player releases than every before, they just aren't as mainstream

Yeah I couldn't give it up either. Still I often fantasize about an EMP or solar event cutting me off the easy way.

The beginning of the end, lads.

Stop posting this boy

The internet did.
Multiplayer is taking over, making the single player experience less relevant. They don't focus on making a single player immersive experience anymore.

Worse yet, the internet made information travel faster, which provoked vidya being accessible to all sorts of normalfags, creating the casualization of games, the "mature games for mature gamers such as myself" and the politization of vidya which leads to making a big fuss about nothing.

It also made viable kickstarters, microtransactions and multiple DLCs you can buy from home.

Finally, the worst part about it is information. How fucking amazed would you be if one of your bros suddenly told you "dude there's a secret area with a Dragon covenant on Dark Souls, and you can become a fucking dragon!" A lot. But not anymore because the internet spoils everything for everyone. You probably already know what to do by the time you get there and even if you play without an internet guide you won't actually discover shit yourself like we used to. That's what generates genuine wonder and makes people autistically hooked to a game.

Why is Morrowind so good? Because you took your time to explore and find out all the secrets in the game. If you look at an internet guide, get 20000000x stats thanks to alchemy and break the game it will be a piece of shit with no challenge or sense of wonder.

2ez. post the set.

Is this a trap?

>white boys are all becoming sissy little dicked gayboys now

What the fuck is going on?

>how come you can float on water? does gravity not work when you're swimming?
Probably my greatest mystery back then.
Now I can just google whatever I have on mind and get answer, no room for imagination

It's because there isn't any risk anymore when releasing a game.

>new game released with bugs and glitches
>day one patch will fix that

Back when the ps2 was the new thing, companies actually had to play test their game because once those disks were burned that's what you got. Any bugs would be written down in a magazine article with the headline "Top bugs in video games 1998!" Earlier release time means more money. The bugs can be settled after launch

Esports def ruined multiplayer games. I just want to play a casual game to relax but my fun is ruined by a bunch of meta dirckriding tryhards who throw tantrums at the slightest provocation. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it were contained in comp modes but the mentality seeps into casual modes as well.

That's a girl: That's a tomboy: Pic related are modern white bois.

I fear the day where we can't tell the difference between actual women and degenerates. I think I'll just swear off women altogether if it comes to that

just embrace the boi pussy user.

most of us already have.

There's nothing gay about fucking a passable dickgirl, though.

Online used to be an option, not the main event. I had plenty of great multiplayer experiences on my PS2. Resident Evil Outbreak, Timesplitters Future Perfect, Jak X Combat Racing, even Goldeneye Rogue Agent I had a good time with online.

But this wasn't necessary, and it certainly wasn't the focus of the console. It was something you can choose to participate in, or not. And no games on the console needed patches to unfuck themselves, and they couldn't anyway, since hard drive users were rare.

Now online multiplayer is the main event and it isn't like multiplayer back in the day. You logged on, played some rounds, then you were done. Now every multiplayer game has """progression""" to keep you playing over and over again long after you stopped giving a fuck. Buy more lootcrates, buy more exp speedups so you get to play your favorite game less (?). Get your 15th prestige just in time for the next game to come out and do it all over again. Be sure to trade in that old shit to Gamestop™ Power to the Players™ so a less fortune fuck can line Gamestops pockets twice over.

>look at her instagram

Fucking hell, this girl is absurdly cute
Of fucking course. Why is it always the russian girls?

Because slavic girls are the GOAT.
>slav girls >>> white girls > latinas >>>>>>>>>>>>mena girls > azns > desi girls > niggers >>> australian abos

Who's that one

t. most definitely not a slav

Yulia Nova.

Slav girls have cute and petite facial features with sharp angles. They're the closest we can get to our 2D waifus.

>tfw Monroe ruined her body

Daily reminder.



Too real user too real

Fake tits

Her perfect breasts were ruined by a boob job.
She's still cute-ish, but was literally perfect before.

All good things must come to an end, I suppose.

I mean, she's still hot.
But she "grew up".

On the other hand, there's plenty of russians, poles and ukrainians on my hometown.

it's common knowledge at this point
>have some shitty opinion or belief? instead of bottling it down deep, just find other people who share your thoughts online and convince each other to be LOUD AND PROUD about it in real life
>desperate for attention, something you once had to earn? throw a streamer 5 bucks and watch as they say your username and a little message to alll 10k of their viewers
>want to enjoy something? too bad, you saw reviews for it online that said it was shit for X reasons and those reasons will be all you can think about

>all dlc is bad meme

Wait a moment. By her instagram she's 23. But I remember watching her videos like 7 years ago.
Either she lied/didn't update her age on the page, or sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.

Mongolia, Poland, Lebanon and Ethiopia.
Who am I kidding, all of them

>the world was a better place without the Internet

Not only is that wrong, it's also retarded.

Without the internet we wouldn't be trapped here.

Datamining, guides and addons killed mmos.

Online gaming can be good,

however there are too many shitty games that are popular, or games that could be more popular but had idiot developers.

really it's complicated.
The thing that I typically blame/the source of some of the biggest issues was likely the original Xbox,

Xbox live gold, was a stupid idea, but people kept buying it, the extreme success of HALO and HALO 2, followed by the success of COD4+ on the 360, led to more and more developers abandoning PC as a key market
(as many of their elderly shareholders got all nervous about piracy).

there were probably a lot of other factors that had to do with this,

financial market movements,
many studios in the late 90's probably benefited in some way from the dot com bubble, and then suffered from the lack of investment capital after that popped,

the GWOT/Afghanistan+Iraq, likely boosted sales of modern war games, or created issues for games that had been popular up until then.

Sharpest double edged sword ever

>ywn bumble around like a fucking retard alongside other retards ever again

pains me to admit this is true.

But why

wrong, normies ruined the internet and everything they touch

>not only is that wrong
lmao with the birth of the internet came the rapid increase of depression and pessimism

the one on the left still looks like a man you fucking faggot, and possibly the right one too

You're telling me those are trannies?

With a penis bigger than yours.

>I have no argument
What did he mean by this?

>shows picture of woman
>puts caption underneath stating it's a man
this means nothing. real traps are fugly and have man jaw.

And hopefully with a bigger brain than yours.

>take content out of game
>sell it back to you
or even worse
>game is well balanced and fun
>add dlc weaponry that throws the entire experience into chaos


>shows picture of woman
>puts caption underneath stating it's a man
That's Sarina Valentina, friendo.

Society killed itself. FACT.

The internet made video games far better. FACT.

I think the one on the right is cute.

Not video games.

What I would give to know the top right girl's name

Those both happened in the early 2000s.

dark souls without the notes would be a lesser experience