>Bronze through Plat
Are you disabled?
You're not as good as you think.
>GM/Top 500
The best.
Where do you fall, Sup Forums?
>Bronze through Plat
Are you disabled?
You're not as good as you think.
>GM/Top 500
The best.
Where do you fall, Sup Forums?
You get the idea.
Mid Gold because I don't play comp.
I would say I fall with the uninstall wizard but I can't really uninstall something I have never installed.
Got to diamond but I belong in plat. Only play the placement matches anyway. Comp is shit in this game. Should've left the game as 6v6 no limits instead of forcing e-sports fuckshit.
>unironically playing soloq
I really hate the game, so I only do my placements then I'm done for the season
The that people actually get placed in anything lower than gold is sad the. I went 1-9 and still got plat
no limits is for twats and fucks up the game balance too much. There was no strategy that could stop 6 dvas from capturing any point
>competitive mode in casual game
last time i played comp i made it into diamond, but it really just sounds like you're here to measures your e-peen and brag in front of total strangers
I thought the opposite for a while. Stuck in 2800-2900 but I knew my DPS was at least at 3200-3300.
However I was a cuck and always filled. The day I stopped I launched into Diamond, exactly where I thought I'd be.
Diamond is by far the worst bracket of them all. My main is 4,2k (trying to be top500 but not even nearly good enough) and raised my friends account from gold to masters for gold gun points and honestly diamond games are by far harder to carry than masters games because everyone in Diamond actually think they are good in the game when they are fucking terrible. Diamond players also are toxic as fuck because they actually believe they can play the game at all. In gold you mostly just laugh because people are so bad you can practically carry with playing battle mercy with gun.
I'm fine that tournaments and competitive is in the game. But they literally took away 6v6 no limits. The game mode I paid for. Besides if you play Overwatch for balance and winning you're doing it wrong. It's a casual shooter to fuck around in.
I dont blame anyone under plat because the game doesnt tell you who counters what and its actually pretty shitty design
>here guys. Heres 25 heroes, good luck figuring out how to counter dive, torb/sym, and pharmercy
>unbalanced somehow all across the board for weeks
>Overwatch is "good"
>Genius tier
Hit SR 70 in season 1 and dropped the game when I released the hero's skillset design and general movement of the game was so fucking poor that it'd never even be a halfdecent competitive game.
Have never once had the desire to go back and re-download it. It's no surprise that it's done nothing but slowly decay in player numbers since release. A slow, tedious death was the only reality for overwatch.
Only hero's they made that was even close to getting something right was mccree and Ana. Even then they weren't anything near perfect.
>let's make a game, call it competitive while balancing it around the casual playerbase (quick play)
The rank is irrelevant. It's a fucking mystery why the game is unbalanced as it is.
Too much effort to go past platinum/diamond
You can counter any plat/gold game with any hero by not being completely retarded. Stop spreading false shit like this that it actually matters to counter pick on this level of gameplay.
I hit Top 500 with Mei every season just to prove it can be done.
By playing meta and one tricking the biggest retard can get to 3500. They need to overhaul their system anyway.
Im so close to masters, but solo queue is ass
>because the game doesnt tell you who counters what
What the fuck
Do you want bright red letters over your screen telling you to pick soldier because the enemy has a pharah? Just how much handholding do you need?
>I have an opinion on something that has nothing to do with me and affects me in zero way.
White Male: The Post
It's funny because I always see people in Plat bitching about how bad it is. They really don't understand how bad Diamond games are.
Diamond can get even more messy with decaying and shit. All around the worst place to play the game.
Stuck at the 2900s. I guess I'm disabled.
Feels good.
At GM people are usually pretty carefree, lighthearted and respectful toward each other.
I think the small community size at the highest bracket forces people to be nicer to each other. You're guaranteed to play with your teammates at some point in the future.
Compare this to Diamond where you're liable to never see that person ever again.
also I love how /r/overwatch is full of console plat fags who want to ruin the game. i.e roadhog
Why is it that whenever an online game with a ranking system comes out people try to act like everything below the top two ranks is complete and total trash? It's like people think everything works on the IGN 10/10 grading system.
Diamond. Reached Masters in S2 but I know I don't belong there, I only play Reinhardt.
I used to be in masters, but I quit the game after they implemented the new rank decay. Does Blizzard honestly expect me to play their shitty game more than twice a month?
Yes if theres so many people sub-plat then obviously its a problem
The game is T for teen (13+) we need shit like that, it took me a month to learn how to destroy torb and sym, their winrates are 60%+ because of low ranks. Its such a huge issue
top 500 season 1 and quit
ended like top 300 on the leaderboard or whatever shit game though blizzard will never balance around top level play and restrict high mmr to solo queue only
>people try to act like everything below the top two ranks is complete and total trash
When someone is THAT much better than you, you're trash. It's simple as that.
Sure, a Diamond player could fucking stomp a Bronze game, but in the scheme of things the Diamond player is shit.
You have to be 18+ to post here, faggot. Try lurking a little longer until you seem less retarded.
>their winrates are 60%+ because of low ranks
Their win rates are high because they are only played on first-point defence where they thrive.
I mean, to be fair, roadhog was beyond busted. He needed a nerf.
>Playing Overwatch "competitive"
I think LoL and other mobashit games have 100+ characters, you can deal with 25.
can someone help me out(carry) escape the elo hell while the dive meta is still active?I win 5 matches everyday but end up loosing 4 in return because of instalocking hanzos,leavers,throwers etc.
And in every single competitive game the higher you go in rating the more "humble" players become. You have to realize you are shit to improve. Diamond/plat players think they are really good, masters players know they are not that good, GM players know they are complete shit compared to the top500/esports gods. Its same in every competitive game.
>I bring up racial arguments when people of all races do this shit because I have to project my white envy and everyone I don't like is obviously white.
3rd World Nigger: The Post
That's still autism, as most top 500 players would be terrible in a tournament setting. Might as well call everyone shit.
>their winrates are 60%+ because of low ranks.
Randos keep me in gold.
Doesn't matter that I'm always first place in kills and useful shit.
Doesn't matter that I time my ults and my team won't rush with me.
It doesn't matter because randos are fucking garbage.
Don't you need a team of good people to win a match? Is it enough to be a good player yourself?
I don't play anything other than Mystery Heroes and random brawls.
The games never going to be balanced or work as a competitive game. I enjoy the chaos and I enjoy playing different characters instead of roles.
If that's true, then yes most top 500 players are shit.
jumping from decent to best doesn't sound like a reasonable scale to me
i'm gold that dropped in silver 1761
i'm always the last survivor of my team in general, doing kills and defending, reworking my positioning and timing
the question i always ask myself in overwatch is
is my team bad, or is it me that is just bad and bring this team down?
Permanently, always, i'll never know the answers, it's impossible to know it, so i'll never know what i should fix or can't fix.
I know, I hate skill-based mechanics and high skill ceilings too.
Gold players are bad and don't have much awareness. I played there on a friends account and you can definitely carry by yourself.
There's no way you're "stuck" in silver. Bronze/Silver/Gold all have a fatal flaw keeping them there.
Who do you play?
Nice strawman but ok no more (you)'s for the rest of summer
Maybe, but I've lost so many games starting out and the game never really connects: winston counters sym, widow counters torb. Unless it does in the tips menu
It's actually easy to figure out but its pretty shitty I had to google everything to learn who counters what, they dont even have a tutorial for that. Just vs ai which doest even have sym/pharah, troubles a shit ton of people have trouble with
The game literally revolves around loot boxes which doesnt help, everyone just wants cosmetics, not to play because its fun like csgo (csgo is more rewarding in the sense of playing hard and seeing results on the scoreboard, something ow doesnt have)
I was stuck in low Diamond due to insisting I was good. Watched footage of my own gameplay and realized I was shit. Now I'm GM and still think I'm shit.
If you want to climb, stop blaming your team, even when appropriate, and reflect on your own gameplay.
Not really, due to the game's role system it has no real good way of figuring out which player on the team is playing best.
In CSGO they can calculate this easily off of kills and the rank of the players they're killing, in OW it's a lot trickier. I guess Blizz can kinda tilt shit in someone's favor if they're on fire often, but overall it's hard to stick out from your team.
that's retarded.
This, you can practically carry gold/plat game with any of the heroes against all enemy teamcomps because the overall state of gameplay is so bad. I think theres video of idqdd solo carrying these games with basicly using Toblerone hammer since the enemy positioning/movement is so bad.
Carrying only works when the opposite side is fully incompetent.
I lost 200 SR from throwers. Everyone picks DPS when I try to fill when DPS is 32% winrate.
3300 to 2970 because no one cares enough to win
>stuck in plat
>shitty monitor broke
>got a new one
>suddenly i'm a fucking mccree/widow god
>on my way to masters
I was wondering why I was so shit at hitscan.
Have you ever played a bronze qp game vs a symmetra and torb? I'm speaking from personal experience
Not many bronze comp players use overbuff if not even knowing what it is. Overbuff doesnt have the entire playerbase
No matter what I play I can't climb to grandmaster
>carrying only works opposite side is fully incompetent.
Which is pretty much every single game in silver/gold.
I don't understand how people get out of bronze this season. I win and I win and I lose and I win and I win, yet my SR just averages down and down.
overwatch """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""competitive"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
I'm actually white too, user. You're just more noticeable, fag.
I have taste.
Upgrading to 144hz monitor helped me out too.
I don't think I can be matched up with a bronze player.
>Are you disabled?
yeah im deaf so my situational awareness is seriously hampered
remove flankers from the game
That's privileged first world niggers, you retard
Post a pic of your rank, I genuinely find had to believe that anyone can get "stuck" in bronze.
Since birth?
The one thing I've noticed is that Gold players have zero use as support roles.
Like, I've hated Lucio with a passion for so long because I assumed he was useless based on my experiences with teammates using him.
Then for fun I finally tried him out.
Holy shit, Lucio OP as fuck. People just don't understand how to play support.
>like Bastion
>people get angry at you in comp and tell you to fuck off to quick play, this is sort of understandable
>people get angry at you in quick play and tell you to fuck off
I wonder why this game is gradually dropping off.
Are you disabled?
nah, accident
>was at high plat
>start dropping hard and fast
>say "fuck this" and lock Reaper so I can aggressive push
>be the only reason my team can make any progress
>single handedly kill 3 to 4 enemies every single push
>eventually we lose fairly decently.
>have gold damage and elims
>also have a 71% combat participation medal
>even when I'm solo securing more than half my teams kills I can't carry
After that I pretty much dropped the game. When people say they "carry" it typically means they make one solid play and get a few kills and their team moves in to clean up. Even with an ult solo killing an enemy team is nearly impossible, assuming they're even semi competent. The game is just designed from the ground up so that the solo player has a minimal impact.
It's something very shite like 1272.
Mild Gold here! I'm pretty good, desu senpai
I want to get on my alt and throw to silver, but I genuinely don't know what I could play to get that low.
Unless your rank the previous season is nutty there's no way you got placed plat 1-9
tell me what happened user
Despite what some anons are claiming, the odds of you carrying even if you're legit good are low. All it takes is 2 competent opposing team members to counteract you while your team gets rekt.
And depending on the game mode, that can be tough.
>Team won't attack aggressively on escort while the attacking side
>Team won't stay on point while holding during a control match, won't group up before attacking
>I went 1-9 and still got plat
And I went 0-10 and got Silver. Wooow, it's almost like placements literally don't mean shit
I know, I used to be bronze (im in mid gold now)
I played qp only for 2 months, no comp until after that, I know how strong torb/sym are at those ranks
Trust me, I wanted to get better in every aspect. it would be so nice to get a list of counters for every hero for the game, in-game
I dont know why everyone is mad about what im saying. I just want the game to be better but I know its not going to change, because bliz only cares about money
You really cant tell people they suck at the game when the only tutorial is how to shoot things and get on an objective
>genuinley love Bastion
>can stomp in Quickplay with him
>eventually people wise up and switch to one of his counters
>it's not impossible to play him well
Shit's the worst aspect of OW, some characters just get countered so badly that there's 0 point in playing them. Like Bastion can do nothing against a Roadhog, D.va or Pharah, and they can put forth such small effort into stopping him,
If you are in the bottom 5% of players, the enemy won't get "two competent" members.
Not him, but I was high plat at season 2, decided to throw all my games so that I could have fun with the game again, ended up getting placed at low plat for season 3. It worked in my favor in the end since the games were so piss easy I abused winstreak SR boosts to get to mid masters.
lol git gud
Play with friends, done
Add me GingerChines#2624
i never researched too deep into this, are winstreaks a thing? I landed on high master by doing whatever the fuck I wanted, but can't go gm no matter what I play
Also love Bastion, but those are all false.
A really good Pharah IS a problem, but not an auto-lose situation.
Roadhog is easy as fuck, just don't let him get close.
Just wait out D.Va's defense matrix, same with the best counter: Genji. He's going to bullet deflect, just stop fucking shooting, he will do the lunge strike after, so just be prepared to rotate.
i'd rather not, it was my own fault and it's still hard to talk about to this day
>check diamond
>it's actually top 10% of players
90% of you are REALLY shit.
Torb main here
How do you do it? I'm trash at the game so I'm in plat.
How do...be good? I've never played an fps game before overwatch so I have no idea what I'm doing if I'm honest
I get to high diamond each season but is a huge grind. I am from latinoamerica and i have 1 second ping in all matches, i suffered from disconects a lot at the start, wich fucked my MMR and to that you add the rulete of getting a decent team and is hard.
But Diamond is what i aim for. Is my challange of the month. I would love to play in the higher ranks, but i am not ready yet
>Bronze through Plat
Whatever makes you tick.
Kid, you need to find a job. Seriously.
Your mother cries at nights
>GM/Top 500
You are everything wrong with modern western civilization
Gold here
Don't really care about comp
I just play the 10 placement matches and call it a season