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Looks like something out of a Neptunia game

What's wrong with it?

looks fun can't wait to play it

It would kind of help if you actually said what bugs you instead of leaving anons guessing.

I honestly think it looks good. Artistically, anyway. As far as graphics go maybe it's jank, but I don't care about graphics, which is why I'm a PC gamer.

I'll probably play this if it gets emulated and I ever bother to learn how emulators work.

pic related, the same level

Really hope they ditch that Ubi-tier HUD.

gameplay > graphics

It's the edge of the map, what's the issue

Game is really ugly. What gives?
3D world looked really clean. This just looks like fucking Nier on the PS3.

>Gameplay the same shit as most 3D mario games
Wahoo, I guess. I'm sure no fall damage and constant checkpoints will make the gameplay "involved"


>game isn't even out yet
>pre-shit posting from Sonyfags still salty over BotW

>sharp 90 degree corners
>painted on leaf textures
>low-res coins
>only solid colors

Nintendo kids will really eat any shit put on their plate.

Looks like a 7-year-old Wii game in higher resolution. Literally.

Don't tell me what to do.

>People salty over a mediocre Zelda game

That makes it even more hilarious that Sonyfags won't let it go.

This unironically looks better for the more simple, brighter textures. Oddysey looks like they mixed realistic with cartoony and it looks like shit.

>anyone who criticizes a Nintendo product is a Sonyfanboy

Sometimes I'm astounded by the level of retardation exhibited on this board.

Sonic Colors in HD looks fucking better.

it still looks trash

Sonic Colors is a game where you run along a preset path with no deviation. Mario Odyssey allows you to explore everything you see.

>still salty over BotW
I understand that it's the only singleplayer game you have on the Switch but that doesn't mean normal people still remember it.

I dont get it, they had two fucking years and then some to make some good original games exclusive to the Switch.

ARMs was a complete shit show

Splatoon 2 was basically a port of the first

Now this looks like a half assed game all around.

What happens when Nintendo runs out of ports and goes full mediocre mode year 2?

>"We're not Sonyfags!" - Sonyfag continues to be retarded

I'm not even a Sony fan, I play primarily on PC. BOTW was boring as fuck, and I beat the entire thing near release. It's one of my least favorite Zelda games.

Even Subnautica was more enjoyable than it.

>mean normal people still remember it.
Can't wait for all those GOTY awards and all the salt and goal post moving.

It does, but Colors is also a linear game and you can't get to 99% of the stuff in that image whereas in Odyssey you can "climb that mountain".

Exactly. An extremely fast-paced game where you barely pay attention to anything beyond the track has richer backgrounds than a slow-paced adventure game.

that's fine, you're entitled to your bad opinions

Witcher 3 will forever have more GOTY awards than BOTW can hope to achieve in its lifetime. It's already mostly forgotten.

defend this

Only nintenbros will care at that point. People don't even talk about BotW anymore.

>Even PCfags are now jealous of BotW's success

My opinions will forever matter more than yours ever will. So think before you speak kiddo.

He climbed that mountain but what happened next wasn't pretty.

I play Dwarf Fortress. Remind me why I should care?

I have a Wii U you moron. Well had.
The game wasn't even that good. It was content starved, boring to play, and had a massive amount of flaws.
Why be "jealous" of a game that I can play?

>Only nintenbros will care at that point
Which is why there's STILL daily threads whining about it

It's more you defending W3 that I take issue with, rather than attacking BotW.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, champ.

>He plays Mario for the graphics

That's because Witcher 3 is objectively a better game?

>3D world looked really clean.
For Nintendo in 2013, sure. Odyssey looks cleaner.

>Make levels small and linear, filled with nonstop tight platforming
>It's bad! Make Mario like SM64 again.
>Make levels big and open, so that platforming is not as tight but there's a lot more ways to do everything.
>It's bad! Make Mario like SM3DL again!

It's like clockwork... I saw this coming a mile away

>Splatoon 2 was basically a port of the first
Everyone who says this maymay has their opinion discarded

>anonymous opinions posted on a cambodian tapestry board

>blurry youtube screencap

W3 is shit.

I haven't played it yet, so what should I be defending?

Witcher 3 also has objectively ass combat

3D world looked really sterile. I'm glad they're not doing that again.

Looks muddier even without video compression. The half-realistic graphics contribute to this but no other developer has this problem where games with more realistic styles would look worse, not these days.

Actually it's just consolewar faggots being themselves. 64fags are happy.

>Sold more and has way more awards

>Poor man's Dark Souls combat
>Detective Mo- I mean, smello-vision to find objectives

Yeah no. Both are bad games.


Nice bullshot

Overwatch is wildly popular. CoD is wildly popular.

I'm going Command Grab it instead

>no fall damage
SM64 didn't have fall damage either if you were able to remember to press a single button before hitting the ground
>constant checkpoints
If you want to add difficulty to your mario game, the way to do that is not sparse checkpoints. It's doesn't mesh well with the gameplay at all.

That looks awful.

Something really makes these graphics feel like HD retextures of 6th gen graphics.
To their benefit 6th gen had some good graphics with this style, but still.

The only other size was 800 x 450

OP is a samefag who has made this topic multiple times

Overwatch and CoD also have advertising budgets bigger than their game development.
Zelda has advertising AND heavy nostalgia

Witcher 3 sold on quality alone.

PUBG, DayZ, and FNAF all had huge advertising, yes?

DayZ was a free mod
PUBG sold on twitch popularity and is actually well made thus far.

But the only thing to brag about with BotW are the sales and the score too

whatever the game will still sell well

MP sells, and contrary to popular belief the genre is far from oversaturated. The audience for those also doesn't have notable overlap.

>The only other size was 800 x 450

So native resolution

And the majorities enjoyment of it, and many other devs praising it

Sure but this is about you defending W3.

>picture of Mario walking on grass
What, Mario isn't allowed to walk now?

For the handheld, sure, but people are also going to play it on a TV

Witcher 3 is objectively an awful game and is only loaded with GOTY awards because of the story, graphics and open world walking simulator that is all the rage these days with casuals.

Year two is looking pretty good.
>smt v
>no more heroes 3
>fire emblem
>metroid or pokemon
>probably smash or animal crossing
>retro's game
>pikmin 4
>tales game
>lost sphear
And there's probably way more than that.

This lol

Not when it looks like it was made 10 years ago.

is this the pumpkin hill of marios

>decided to rewatch E3 presentation
>see this

TW3 had massive marketing too. Ads for it were fucking everywhere. You couldn't open a youtube video or a twitch stream without being bombarded with a 30s ad each time.

>tomoko will never drink your pee directly from the tap

>he plays mario

don't forget xenoblade

But it's true. It's largely the same game, which is understandable - there's not much you can do in a year of development. Even the goddamn lobby looks the same.

people will shit on it like they shat on drakengard 3 far as graphics go

except unlike D3 Mario Odyssey will be made by competent programmers far as consistant framerates go, hopefully.

3D Land and World were a dream come true for me. Like finally a proper Mario in 3D.
I understand that they will make some 64 type of spinoffs every now and then.

I just hope that they will revisit that 3D World stuff at some point.

>he plays

>Surprized that nintendo made underpowered hardware

How's 2006 treating you? BTW, buy bitcoins.

good thing it was made 2 years ago

any console fag will eat any shit put on their plate

>I care about how the grass looks while walking on it in a MARIO game

I only play REAL ganes with GOOD graphix like The Order 1886

I am of the opinion that PS2 tier graphics are fine, and going much past that is excessive and largely pointless. I would much rather the polish go to more important areas of the game.

What the fuck is going on with the texture here? why is it all angled? Shits tripping me out.

I legit think that some fan could make a better mario game in unreal as a fan project, one that is better and also looks ten times better