What differentiates a token forced SJW diversity propaganda character (be it black or woman) from an actual thought-out...

What differentiates a token forced SJW diversity propaganda character (be it black or woman) from an actual thought-out character?

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Whether Sup Forums likes the game.

Good/interesting writing


>there has never been black characters in the history of videos must be the SJW all of a sudden adding all theses black characters back to /retards/ aka Sup Forums

I'm not really sure why but I guess it's just a big damn coincidence that four major games released from 2015 to now feature this many afro black women. They're all how too but the same hair style? damn.


The size of her tits/ass and how cute she looks. If she looks too black that's an out. If she's drawn in an anime style then she's good.

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Just recently, like within the last year and half or so, there's been a social movement to encourage african-american girls to keep their natural hair. It's in opposition of popularized weave styled after straight caucasian hair

When they're white or not white.

Whether the devs are trying to make an attractive character or going for the twitter "YAAAAAAASSSSSSSS QUEEN SLAY" audience.

>The only black character "progressives" can write is literally foxy brown

I'm 26, and what is this?


Say, whatever happened to Asians in the whole diversity rigamaroo? All focus always seem to pointed towards blacks


I'm not saying there's no chance these characters are going to be good, but with the AAA industry being how it's been lately I wouldn't put money on it. That being said, I really cant wait to see how the writers phone these characters in, I eagerly await disaster.

A lot of factors. Most of them developed in the advertising and hype generated by the developers.

Do they mention race, gender, or sexual preference other than casual coincidence?
Do they try really hard to make the game have much more impact than it deserves?
Is the character(s) in question Mary Sue?

If so, likely it is just pandering to a minority for brownie points. Like doing so is something special snowflake in an age of pandering.

pol is just one click away

Why do they all have to be black woman with hoops and an afro dear god

have black diversity, not 70's culture

One is interesting from a story perspective, the other is clearly there to promote a political agenda.

The Beyond Good and Evil 2 grill is really hot desu senpai

Progressives don't care about Asians because they're successful

Shit thread


You can't really ask Sup Forums this question, since the board as a whole is full of hypocrites.

>there's a black woman in my video game? REEEE NIGGERS
>oh wait, it's a japanese dev? Nevermind best game ever ^_____^

>this game has an emphasis on story? REEE MOVIE TRASH
>oh wait, it's made by Kojima? GOTY

>this game is casual? REEE
>oh wait, it's Kirby? Then it's automatically okay for no reason other than my retarded bias :D

You see? And no, I'm not accusing the whole board of being one person. but the exact same people will hold these contradictory opinions ifyou ask them.

Diversity just means not white. If it's black, it's diverse.

I'm sure Wolfenstein's black character won't be bad, TNO had genuinely great writing. I'm hopeful that they know what they're doing

BGaE2's character is just impossibly cute so I'm 100% on board

The others seem embarrassing

When there is a clear focus on the characters race when there is no realistic need to be. For example.

>Game set in time of slavery and a character brings up race.

This is okay and realistic.

>Black side character takes the forefront of a scene nothing to do with them simply for the reason of, muh race. When in reality that would not happen, and even in fantasy the kind of behaviour makes no sense.

This is nigger pandering.

Sup Forums is a a single person AND strawmen in the same post, good job.

Asians are a hard working people. They tend to be successful in life. Asians also produce film and video games of their own, so they are well-represented, even if only a fraction of their production reaches us here in the West.
Due to these reasons, it's hard to make victims out of them, and use this supposed victim-hood to signal your virtues.

Blacks, on the other hand, are a generally lazy species, subsisting on governmental hand-outs and always on a lookout for a way to have an even easier time. They lack ambition and prefer to be looked after. They make good victims.
Accordingly, blacks produce very little film and literally no video games. Leftists feel a need to represent them more.

Both butthurt Sup Forums, as seen by the Civ6 threads.

/sjw/ and Sup Forums both need to fuck off and go live on an island with each other, because they deserve each other.


>Sup Forums is a a single person
It's like you don't know how to read. Did you even pass 2nd grade?

>facts are opinions
ok Sup Forums, okaaay

Asians are honorary whites because they're able to actually do something with their lives.

This is just gonna turn into a blacks vs everyone else thread isn't it

This post would seem reasonable if you hadn't paired it with a nazi image, good job!

>What differentiates a token forced SJW diversity propaganda character (be it black or woman) from an actual thought-out character?

Typically, genuine characters have weaknesses.

A writer/developer/studio that genuinely wants to build a character will write that character as having flaws. A writer that is pandering will be afraid of being viewed as stereotyping and will make minority characters above reproach.

GTA:SA is probably the best example of a legit diversity game. The main character is a violent thug, and is surrounded by violent thugs and drug users. The main villain is a crooked black cop. A game studio that was trying to pander would have made CJ a virtuous character who was "wrongly accused" of the crime and would have made the villain a white cop. But Rockstar didn't shy away from CJ being an actual criminal, and they didn't worry about making a black cop a bad guy.


I used it ironically, because I foresaw that I'd be called a Sup Forums Nazi anyway.

There isn't a single character in Mafia 3, ANY Wolfenstein game, or Beyond Good and Evil who is written anything even resembling "Good". The only people bitching about them are Sup Forumslacks who are triggered by melanin-enriched individuals simply existing. It wouldn't matter if they were genuinely the most engaging, endearing, and unique characters written in the past 40 years, these same Sup Forumscucks would still cry out NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER AFRO BAAAAAW MUH WHITE GENOCIDE! But since they aren't going to be well-written in the first place (considering I'm sure 100% of those games are lacking in good writing), you can now skip straight to "Muh SJW Libcuck inclusive progressive" cuckery. None of these threads matter, and you faggots had no intention of buying these games for the plot or characters anyways.

Literally all of those factors are entirely subjective.

It is not an accident sadly.

Why Doe's everyone only use Japan. China or Korea as a faucet for Asians? Why do we ignore N.Korea,Taiwan,Vietnam, Mongolia,etc.

good post

One is made by someone who enjoys what they're making, the other is made by an empty-headed hipster retard who got their job because of identity politics and nepotism.

You post this but hardcore conservatives still deny shit like climate change and the lack of basis for race despite increasing evidence

if I'm not supposed to like weeb games then they should not make their games so fucking good

Just paint her?

Asians = 3-4 succesful countries, 30 shit countries
Blacks = 0 succesful countries, 50 shit countries

You're such a great writer, do post some of your works Sup Forumstard

>white eye instead of a black eye
such a huge difference whoa

Sony is shit.

There actually are, hell even the Congo is successful.

In case you haven't realized it yet the progressive assholes that push "diversity = more black people" are actually incredibly racist beneath the layers of virtue signaling. If somebody LOOKS Asian, they're Asian enough to count, regardless of where they're actually from.

-1 successful countries, remember what they did to Rhodesia. It's Zimbabwe now.

... hard left, hard right, they are both fucking retarded.

Goood thing they're not good in the slightest.

>climate change
>hard left

I will never not want to have crazy drugged-up sex with her while her hungry baby daughter is crying in her crib.

So then why not take the fight to them instead of blaming the blacks?

Plenty of people here shit on Kirby because it's easy. And the whole "casual" meme if fucking stupid anyways because Sup Forums is bad at video games.

>likes Black People: The Game
>Sup Forums
you're retarded