So what does Sup Forums think about the Persona 3 and 5 Dancing Games?

So what does Sup Forums think about the Persona 3 and 5 Dancing Games?
I'm actually looking forward to this, slightly. The soundtracks are going to be great even if the games suck

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I want to be hyped for 3's remixes, but Lotus Juice can't rap for shit.

I love Persona and I love games, Im very excited
Also fuck this guy

OP here. I'm very excited too. I ever completely beat P3, but I think I'm even more excited about that one than 5.
Maybe I'll pick up 4 and play it finally. I've only heard the music so far

persona 3 came out 11 years ago. I was the same goddamn age as the protagonist.

The fact that we have to keep rehashing the same characters endlessly is either very impressive or deepy disgusting, P3 is the FF7 of the new millenium, replacing the cyberpunk with alternative japanese urban culture circa 2005

it's a spinoff dude calm down

One of over a dozen. Can't atlus at least exclusively rehash the new characters in P5 for a little bit?

3 never had any of it's own spinoffs, and even then at most if you count it's P4 cross overs then you have 3. This is the first solo 3 spinoff. Go be alarmist somewhere else.

Why can't I just have a fucking p3 remaster?

the word you're looking for is remake, 3 has been remasted twice and rereleased onto other platforms even more

That's where you're wrong. The entire list of persona 3 shit that isn't the original game includes
>A re-release with a bit more content
>A PSP port with a bit more/changed content
>The trinity soul anime was originally a spinoff of P3, having akihiko and a lot of visual and asthetic similarities before being memory holed
>A 4 part movie series
>Multiple manga and light novels
>Over a half dozen cell phone games, from stuff like an aigis game that's canon and a psuedo MMO using the p3 asthetic and mechanics that released over a year after P4 did to basic sellout shit like "a puzzle game, but we slapped persona 3 asset on it"
>12 drama CD's that expand the universe and are again largely canon
>4 goddamned stage plays

And that's just P3 exclusive stuff that I can find on a wiki, I'm sure there's even more obscure branding of shit shit. Not to mention that P3 cast is so popular that they have to be shoehorned into persona 4 content with the fighting game and Q, and now we're getting a sequel to a reskin of project diva and probably an HD remake.

All of this for a game that came out 11 years ago.

If you don't like it then don't buy or play of them kiddo

t shiteating consumer drone with a weird case of nostalgia he can't let go

I didn't buy any of the P3 or P4 spinoffs though because they all look like trash though

I think it's nice that the P3 characters are getting good 3D models, but I don't see myself playing the games seeing as I didn't play DAN. Maybe if I'm bored I'll try them.

Pretty much every MegaTen game got some kind of cell phone game, manga, and drama CD so I'm not sure it's fair to single out P3.

More Mitsuru is always a good thing.

Can they please get a dance together? That'd be cute

I'm unironically hyped for more songs in the P5 style. As long as the plot has some fun bants and doesn't make anyone horribly OOC, I'll probably enjoy it as a silly diversion.

If she makes the cut at all (she probably won't) it'll probably be as DLC for a Wiping All Out remix.

FeMCfags will have to cling to the hope that when P3 is inevitably re-released on a modern console, it'll include her route.

I want to listen to full versions of the songs from the trailers so badly.

I remember the characters in DAN being less flanderized than in Q so hopefully it will be the same here.

Atlus, the company where they butcher their characters and people just eat them up

Looking forward to seeing what the justification for Dancing Moon Night is. Persona 4's mechanics made DAN work and it could work similarly for DSN but Persona 3 was way different, both mechanically and in tone.

I'm dying to know whether it's a Q-style insert into the original timeline where they're mindwiped at the end, or whether it'll be the fevered imaginings of Door-kun, or even him breaking free for just a day.

There exists an extra hour every night that only Persona users can experience called the "Dance Hour". During that hour Gekkoukan High becomes a huge dance club and they must dance their way to the top to discover why this is happening.

I really want to play DAN, but Rise's voice kills it for me. Ashley Burch can't do sultry and coquettish nearly well enough for Rise.

Dont get mad at me, you dont have to be some kinda musical genius to realize that the dudes rhymes are wonky as fuck. The songs in general are pretty good, but dude seriously sucks as a lyricist.

Was he the one to compose the songs? I had assumed Meguro did.

>Depressed sacks of shit in SEES dancing

Everyone calls ATLUS out on it, but most of the things in the spinofs like the fanservice scenes are fun enough that make the parts where they reduce the characters to one dimensional cardboard cut-outs

This made me laugh
Meguro did the music, like he designed the soundtracks, but I don't think he did the lyrics. I'm 90% sure I heard somewhere that Lotus Juice knows English pretty decently.

DA MAN will light the way, user.

Yeah Meguro composed the music, LJ just did the actual rapping segments in the songs that had them. his flow is kind of odd at times but that's bearable, but his rhymes are fucking awkward and stupid at times. Meguro is good shit, he just needed people who could handle English better, fortunately he found that in P5.

This honestly sounds lit TBQH

*make up for

I do need to play Q. I was quite impressed by the character interactions I watched on Youtube. Yukiko laughing hysterically at Marie's godawful poetry had me in stitches.

Lavenza dancing when?

>seriously implying that the twins won't fuse into her for their FEVER segment in P5DSN

I tried it on normal and am doing pretty bad in the second dungeon. I'm not used to this style of game at all. If you like Dungeon Crawlers like Etrian Oddesy, go right ahead

I've not really played that kind of game before, so I'm going to go into it on the easiest difficulty and see how I like it.

Fuuka could I guess, she was the least depressive of the bunch, although at the same time she would be a bit to self-conscious for it

I think he actually lived in the US for years. He probably tries to make the lyrics sound better to Japanese ears before English-speaking ones.

That would be cool actually.

>He probably tries to make the lyrics sound better to Japanese ears before English-speaking ones.

This would be my guess as well. Meguro said in an interview that half the reason they do English lyrics is so it'll blend into the background for Japanese gamers, most of whom speak poor to no English.

LJ is definitely either a fluent or near-fluent speaker.

I might go back to it and try that.
I think I heard that too, about the US. But for all Persona games, I never understand the English the first time I listen

>He probably tries to make the lyrics sound better to Japanese ears before English-speaking ones.
OK yeah, I can buy that. It would explain why some of the stuff he says is so nonsensical.

I'm rewatching the Adachi bits from DAN, this is fucking gold. I can't wait to see pancake boy break it down.

I'm very excited to see my waifu dance.

I wonder if Futaba will be able to dance or if she'll tire out too quickly because she sits in her room all day, eats like shit, and gets no exercise.

I wouldn't be surprised if they incorporate her passing out at some point. That'd actually be pretty funny.

Igor dancing when

I'm worried from the previews that thew wouldn't include the whole main cast. I know this is a dumb fear, but I mean, they don't show Yusuke, Futaba, or Haru. And the same for the 3 preview.

If they include some of the social links though~

I'm honestly going to be disappointed if this isn't the actual plot.

P4DAN included Nanako, Marie, Adachi, and Margaret. Rest assured, the entire main group will be playable, plus a few others.

I'd be honestly shocked if we didn't get every single PT, Goro, the twins, and Sae, at a bare minimum.

I wonder who will be playable outside of the main group in P3DMN.

>Door-kun's dance is just him standing there tapping along to the music and bobbing his head


Elizabeth will be, beyond the shadow of a doubt. This game was made for her. Past that, who knows?

The bit of cutscene where they show him flashing from his normal outfit to the dance outfit has me very curious. I feel like there's something to that, plot-wise.

I'll pirate the OST and wait for the fighting game cash in.


One thing I never liked about P4DAN is that the buttons to hit are literally on opposite sides of the screen. I hope they don't do this again.

I'd say possibly: Elizabeth, Theodore, Ryoji, Chidori, Metis, or perhaps even Labrys. (Her song could be 'Today' from Ultimax)

If I remember he lives in New York

Since they're also making it for PS4, they'll probably figure out something different.

>So what does Sup Forums think about the Persona 3 and 5 Dancing Games?
Honestly don't give a shit anymore. Ironic weebs on Sup Forums have made me hate Persona over the last 4 years or so. Just nuke the franchise any day

Persona Dancing Sin Night + Dancing Punishment Night when

Its meh to me. I hope Q2 does have 2 & 5 together. I also hope the online game rumor was true & we get a sequel to Ain Soph, game was pretty comfy. If those two things happen, then I truly would've not seen it coming. C'mon, you all saw this coming guys, stop lying.

I just want Labrys in a real Persona game. I'll even take Q2.


Ikutsuki will bust some moves

Metis can't appear if this game takes place before MC died

Labrys was handled surprisingly well in the first arena game but after what they did to her character in Ultimax I hope she never appears again.

I didn't plat the fighting spin offs. What was her gist?

>This motherfucker gets up and dances his drunk ass off

How old is she now? Seems like the perfect age for this connoisseur here

Old enough

Can't wait to dance to desu