
>Bust my ass to beat the Omega Shenron boss
>Waste like 10 crystals reviving myself out of stubbornness
>Finally win
>7 medals won
>Need 77

Kill me.

*Puts clip in pistol and shoots you down*

What was your team?

inb4 several faggot autists lose their shit over people playing and enjoying mobile games.

G E T $

>using 10 stones as continues

The easier of the two difficulties exist for a reason. You should only use 2 stones at most on continues.

I'd much rather be doing that then spend another minute farming Gohan's SA.

Anyone else farming today?

I farmed the 77 medals needed for Rose dokkan. Was grinding Zamasu event first stage Z-hard to raise his SA. It is currently at 7/10. Taking a break from that to farm Terrible Transforming Majin stage 1 z-hard to level Buuhan's Super. Currently at 5/10.

Only Super is available

Any good team i can build out of this?

How do you get exp fast? Bulma's event isn't giving much anymore.

And most iimprtantly a thousands of beginner asking stupid questions like
>has OP characters
"is this team good ?"

You have the makings of good Extreme team. Rose (L), Buuhan, Teq Black, 2nd Form Frieza (For his defense negating Super), Agi Cell annd 18. It isn't ideal but it is something. Otherwise a Super team will all depend on what Gogeta's leader ability will be.

Correction, Zamasu instead of 18 for

You don't need to use any if you don't suck cock.

Sure, he's "enjoying" the game so hard. That must be why he's here beaming with happiness and joy.

So, does this have good gameplay or is it shit like every other gacha game

Shut the fuck up. Don't respond to my posts.

You click balls and watch shitty animations. There's strategy when it comes to numbers and elements or whatever the fuck. You'll enjoy it if you're a Dragon Ball fan.

Why do you think this one would have a better gameplay ? of course it's bad, i mean simple enough to get people addicted., It's a gacha game after all , people play it to collection cards of their favourite characters

>mobile shit

You don't need good gameplay to have good gameplay. Stop perpetuating that bullshit myth.

Better than the hundreds of weebshit threads we have every day.

What myth ? he asked about the gameplay andgameplay's shit, what's there to be confused about ?

>farming Buuhan SA with extreme team to get them levels
>friends list and guest list filled with Super heroes, Phy Omega, SSJ4 Gogeta, or Extreme mono leaders

Fuck my life. Wouldn't be an issue but I have MZ on my team and he loses Attack per Super on the team

Gameplay doesn't need to be good to be good. The other shit makes it good. You following?

>wasting "crystals" on continues

Objectively wrong. A game could have the greatest story in all fiction and have a god tier soundtrack, but if the gameplay was monotonous and uninspired then the game would become shit real quick.