>obtains an ice beam
>gets raped by a creature who is specifically weak against ice
Is there a weaker and more pathetic jobber than Samus? She is the Yamcha of videogames.
>obtains an ice beam
>gets raped by a creature who is specifically weak against ice
Is there a weaker and more pathetic jobber than Samus? She is the Yamcha of videogames.
>pillages priceless ancient artifacts of an extinct ultra advanced race
>loses them all the fucking time
>everybody still sucks up to her as the best bounty hunter ever
Typical basic bitch who got into boys' business.
>that time Ridley dragged her against the wall as she got triggered
literally ant farm: the videogame
>"dude she blows up planets like it's nothing"
>It's actually a last resort by the enemy to take her down together.
>instead of finding a way to disable the desctruction she pussies the fuck out and let's an entire planet go to waste because she knows she got no game.
>just stands around when the X parasite infects her
Well she IS a woman after all
The super metroid was immune to ice.
>hurr durr muh planet buster
>jobs to Krang
>Samus could shoot black holes from her gun and shits lightning bolts!!
>bumping into a wall makes her suit Red Ring
Reminder if you can't do this you should not be posting on Sup Forums.
>game is such casual trash that any challenge is self-imposed
Are there any sequence breaks in Super Metroid that the devs intended/that don't involve glitches?
You can get to Kraid without the High Jump because you can wall jump off of one of the blocks and you can get the Wave Beam before the Grapple Beam by wall jumping as well.
>No SpaceJump
>But has Gravity suit
The impressive sequences breaks for that part are the ones without Gravity.
Getting Wave Beam early doesn't change anything though since it's optional.
Ok, then you can get to the Wrecked Ship early with a Shinespark or wall jump. It's hard to say what is and isn't intended though, everything being done in that early Lower Norfair webm is an intended game mechanic. The only speed running technique that is figured to not be intentional is mockballing which is used to get Super Missile early.
Except it does. Spazer and Wave add damage, if you plan to do a any% run you usually skip a lot of missiles, supers and power bombs, Wave is a must if you want to kill Mother Brain quickly. Spazer is the only optional beam of the game.
>everything being done in that early Lower Norfair webm is an intended game mechanic.
Not really. He's using a glitch to build up Shinespark in a narrow hallway and then uses a damage boost to get into the right spot in time. It obviously wasn't intentional.
>then you can get to the Wrecked Ship early with a Shinespark or wall jump.
The Wrecked Ship Shinespark falls into the same category as the one above, it's a glitch technique. Not sure about the walljump though, haven't seen it before.
>casual trash
yeah, try telling that to the thousands of people on miiverse that didnt know how to crawl.
It doesn't change anything in terms of overall game flow though, that's my point. If you're just a normal player getting Wave early doesn't open up any new routes that you can sequence break to with it.
Same could be said of megaman and even megaman x.
>get all boss weapons
>get upgraded white armor
>lose it all next game
Shits gay.
Definitely not a glitch but I could see that being something the devs missed when playtesting.
You can also bomb jump across, I'm not really sure if it matters whether or not it was explicitly intended or not as long as you're using in game mechanics that are intended.
>being something the devs missed when playtesting.
nintendo playtesters are the fucking worst.
why do you think the top games people speed run are nintendo games?
its because they are really broken trash with a ton of glitches and exploits because they dont test this shit.
and before some drone comes in to defend nintendo. yes, i know every game is like this but people always have this notion that nintendo games are perfect and better than the rest.
Even Samus is weak to faggotry
>that gif
its funny that i figured out doing that trick there when i was young when i was just messing around with the wall jump.
It matters because a lot of people say SM is a masterpiece of non-linear design when the game is linear as fuck really.
All the main ways you can break the game (Super Missiles early via Mockball, Quick Shinesparking to various places) are glitches and clearly weren't though of when designing the game. Early Wrecked Ship is the only major sequence break I'm aware of that doesn't use glitches. Everything is else just "Get this item slightly early but it doesn't open anything new so your area progression is going to be exactly the same" (Early Wave, Early Power Bomb, etc.)
Even Early Wrecked Ship, though not a glitch, seems like an oversight more than anything.
I always thought early wrecked ship needed a short charge shinespark.
Haven't played vanilla Super in years.
>masterpiece of non-linear design
pretty sure the only people that say that and mean it are casual fags who couldnt finish the game because they got lost and stuck somewhere.
You can Shinespark, wall jump, bomb jump or Grapple Beam.
I mean if you're just going to write off everything as an oversight then sure the game definitely has an intended non linear progression but even then you can go through Maridia before the Wrecked Ship by entering the tube that bridges Upper and Lower Brinstar.
Doing Kraid before High Jump is definitely intentional though, there is absolutely no reason for there to be a block that juts out like that unless you were intended to get there without High Jump.
Meant to say intended linear progression.
The part after grapple lake.
The one with a ripper at the end.
If you get the wave beam it allows you to shoot through objects. Because of this you can enter the area to Kraid from where you're supposed to exit and can get Power Bombs without having to do any backtracking on the way to the Grappling Beam.
That I'm pretty sure is an intended skip.
THE BABY is no longer weak to ice.
I wrote Kraid I meant Crocomire.
I don't see how anyone could be stuck there?
you have to morph ball to get into the area, you have to pick up the bombs right in front of you, the bombs tell you how to use the bombs
what gives
>tfw half the items in Super Metroid were meant to be gotten in a certain way, but you've always done them out of order
I have never waited for the grapple beam to get wave. I got spazer before I even got high jump. I think I skipped fighting Crocomire altogether until the late game.
>It's a "Wall jumping is a glitch" episode
Why do people still believe this crap?
Pretty sure Pauly was trolling, there's another image of his when you visit the Mochtroids in Maridia where he says 'Look I found Samus!'
As for the rest, they're just bad I guess.
>I mean if you're just going to write off everything as an oversight then sure the game definitely has an intended non linear progression
Yeah it's a slippery slope. The main reason I want to call early Wrecked Ship an oversight because it's the only major sequence break in the game that doesn't use glitches. The rest of the game clearly wasn't designed around the player visiting areas out-of-order with shit being implemented to actively negate the player. Why would early Wrecked Ship be the exception to this when the rest of the game wasn't designed major sequence breaks like that at all?
>but even then you can go through Maridia before the Wrecked Ship by entering the tube that bridges Upper and Lower Brinstar.
Can't make any good progress without Gravity Suit IIRC
>Doing Kraid before High Jump is definitely intentional though, there is absolutely no reason for there to be a block that juts out like that unless you were intended to get there without High Jump.
I'll give you that. It's a good sequence break, albeit a minor one since High Jump take a minute to get roundtrip from Kraid's entrance
You don't need any block, just do a midair morph and you can enter Kraid without High Jump easy.
>Specific animation just for wall jumping
>tutorial is even in the game that says you can wall jump
No it's all just glitches trust me.
What did we do to deserve Miiverse?
nobody's saying that though
>Can't make any good progress without Gravity Suit IIRC
Yeah you can.
Although it's incredibly difficult.
Anyways I don't disagree that SM isn't as non linear as it's made out to be but it still has options there, a lot more than any of the Prime games where the only non linearity comes from the Artifact/Sky Temple Key hunt at the end. If you want to see a good case of non linear design then look at ZM. Everything in that game is intended by the devs, they even added a bunch of options for sequence breaking in themselves like skipping the Long Beam. Watch a reverse boss order 9% run and there are no glitches/exploits used at all.
>Doesnt open anything new
>Wave early opens up lower norfair
>You cna literally go to meridia right after getting power bombs, high jump and ice beam.
Maybe you are just really fucking bad. It's only non-linear for those of us who are good at video games.
Super Metroid is a masterpiece for those of us were arent retarded and can actually walljump, shinespark, etc.
Literally only shitposters and people with mental handicaps say SM isn't good.
It's almost as if the game designers knew what the fuck they were doing and allowed people to make challenges for themselves instead of railroading you into areas with artificial difficulty.
If you were fucking hardcore and thought the game was too easy, nothing was stopping you from going to meridia suitless or going up to wrecked ship early or even going to fucking ridley early. The sheer amount of sequence skips in this game cannot feasibly be coincidence. One in a fucking trillion chance all this came together by luck.
Ok, I believe you. Nobody would just go on the internet and tell lies.
Metroid Zero Mission's nonlinearity feels completely artificial. The only skips that exist are the ones which were explicitly programmed in with adhoc blocks or rooms. Even when you have the skills to skip something, sometimes it arbitrarily blocks you off (pic related).
I much prefer Prime 1's original release for sequence breaking. It's all glitches for sure, but it's organic. Putting aside OoB, IS and other arcane wizardry there's plenty of Prime sequence breaks which are purely about using the terrain and mechanics which already exist in novel ways. Like Super Metroid it's about forging your own path with your own skills and ingenuity.
Prime 2 wasn't nearly as interesting because it was too heavy on OoB and other gamebreaking crap, and that just kills the fun.
>Wave early opens up lower norfair
No it doesn't, you need Spacejump to get into Lower Nofair fullstop. All the techniques to get into Lower Nofair early require glitches.
>Super Metroid is a masterpiece for those of us were arent retarded and can actually walljump, shinespark, etc.
Getting an item 5-10 minutes early with Walljumps isn't a major sequence break. Shines don't even let you get any items early unless you're using Short Shines (which is a glitch).
X stopped losing armors after X4.
>Prime 2 wasn't nearly as interesting because it was too heavy on OoB
This always makes me laugh.
>developing Prime 2
>"shit, people were able to get out of bounds in Prime 1"
>"let's fix it by adding in more holes in walls and ceilings"
>"also, lets change the physics to where navigating out of bounds is easier"
>Short Shines (which is a glitch).
[citation needed]
>Using high jump, walljumping and wavebeam = glitching
>Using a sequence break ISNT a sequence break if it only lets you skip half the game!!! REEEEE
>Moving the goalpost
Wave beam lets you into lower norfair. That's literally 2 bosses (Phantoon and Draygon) early. TECHNICALLY you don't even need Varia but that would blow your mind and cause you to go into even more of a rage. Stop moving the goalpost bucko.
You can get into lower Norfair by turning off the Gravity Suit and using the wall jump.
It definitely seems to be the sort of thing which is a glitch.
Thank god for it too. Falling into bounds if you're doing a IBBF is cause for a reset.
He literally loses the 4th/force armor between X5 and X6, even earlier if you pick Zero as the first character in X5.
It gets destroyed if you pick Zero and he retains the Falcon armor from 5 to 6.
I'm not that guy but I'm hesitant on calling it a glitch. It's just abusing how shinespark is calculated. Knowing which frames to hold run down on isn't glitches any more than which frames on which to block an attack in a fighting game is glitching is it?
I'm ok with calling it a glitch but.. I don't think knowing simply which frames to hold a button down can be called a glitch. It's certainly not intended to be known.. but it isn't a glitch to me.
It's as much of a glitch as Mockball user.
>Using high jump, walljumping and wavebeam = glitching
Where did I say that?
>Wave beam lets you into lower norfair. That's literally 2 bosses (Phantoon and Draygon) early.
Phantom and Draygon aren't in Lower Nofair, that fuck are you talking about? Lower Norfair is Ridley, which agian you need Spacejump to get into without the use of glitches.
>TECHNICALLY you don't even need Varia but that would blow your mind and cause you to go into even more of a rage. Stop moving the goalpost bucko.
Not getting Varia doesn't open up anything, it's literally only useful for RBO speedruns, which use glitches to get into Lower Fair early.
Nearly every time Samus gets attacked in canon it's pretty deadly to her.
>Her ship gets shot down and now she's too distressed to used her suit
>A tiny explosion goes off disabling most of her suits functions
>She gets ambushed by the Ing and loses her stuff again
>Ridley attacks her and she would have fallen down that shaft and died if not for Rundas
>Dark Samus shoots her and she goes into a coma
>The Metroid and Mother Brain both reduce her to near death
>Adam shoots her in the back and she goes unconscious
>X-Parasite knocks her unconscious
>The Omega Metroid almost kills her and the SA-X has to save her
It's not that Samus is really good at what she does, it's that everybody else is extremely incompetent
Is there any explanation on why that metroid is so big?
The space pirates were using some special radiation to make them grow faster.
Normally, when a larva is located outside of the environment of its homeworld, SR388, the different atmosphere and climate seemingly halts the Metroid's natural life cycle and the creature is never able to metamorphose into the Alpha stage. However, an unnatural mutation occurred with Samus Aran's baby, the last surviving Metroid from SR388, when it was brought to planet Zebes. Stolen by Space Pirates from the Ceres Space Station during a raid led by Ridley, the Metroid was not only restricted to its larval stage, it had also increased dramatically in size. Its leeching attack was far greater than that of a typical Metroid, capable of absorbing the entirety of Samus' complete stock of Energy Tanks within seconds. It had somehow removed its vulnerability to cold temperatures (a trait seen previously in several Phazon-induced Metroid mutations, and Unfreezable Metroids later on). This mutation never occurred within other Metroid specimens on Zebes featured in Metroid, its remake Metroid: Zero Mission and earlier Metroids encountered in Super Metroid.
Metroids only undergo metamorphosis when in an environment that mimics SR-388. The baby is in Tourian so it just kept growing and growing without ever making it to the Gamma Metroid form.
Where did I say that
>you need spacejump to get into lower norfair, all other techniques require glitching
>Walljumping, High Jump and Wave = not glitching
Metroid lore is trash and nintendo is trash at making lore.
It's literally just big because they needed a big metroid for what they were going to do.
>>Walljumping, High Jump and Wave = not glitching
See The technique to get into Lower Nofair requires damaging boosting with a Short Shinespark, which is a glitch.
>Damage boosting
Wrong, there's a specific animation for it and when you look in the compiler Samus enters an entirely unique state. Now the way it's being used there is probably unintentional since the devs put that in so that you can't just run across a room and abuse i-frames so it pushes you back but it's still not a glitch.
>Short Shinespark
[citation needed]
No it doesnt retard. You can get into lower norfair just using wall jumping, high jumping and wave beam. The short charge is the fast way to do it but it is not necessary.
Here's a video of some perfectly average player doing it WITHOUT EVEN HIGH JUMP. So no, it doesnt require glitching:
>If you want to see a good case of non linear design then look at ZM
ZM doesn't have organic non-linear design at all. Pretty much all the places you can sequence break in are indicated by random missile blocks that are completely out-of-place otherwise. And the has an explicit block that forces you to get the Power Grip first (presumably because they wanted to force the Plasma Beam on the player but they didn't realise the player could beat the game without the Power Grip until fairly late into development).
To be fair, he's a big boy.
That's just one (fast) way, you can easily get in there with a gravity jump and a wall jump.
He would say gravity jumping is a glitch which it is but you can get up there without glitching at all using just wall jumps and high jump equipped. I posted a video of some casual doing it even without high jump. I've done it with just high jump so I have no idea what that sperglord is on about anymore.
I'm glad they tried, but it was too forced.
Ahhhhh, the perfect, glitch-free way into Lower Nofair. This was obviously was a completely intentional design choice by the developers. SM truly is a masterpiece of non-linear design!
>use X-ray visor on lava
>there's nothing there
>jump into it without gravity suit or varia suit
>get burned
Wtf Super Metroid lied to me.
If you switch suits mid-jump to boost your upward momentum, you can get up there without even wall jumping.
If you keep wearing only the varia suit, then you can still get up there fairly easily with a wall jump.
Don't need that bullshit if you have the high jump. There's no glitches if you do it that way.
Personally I like that Samus isn't invincible. We get enough STRONK female characters who mary sue their way around because writers love them too much and/or are afraid to show them as vulnerable.
Also THE BABY was immune to the ice weakness at that point due to the space pirates' experiments.
>Don't need that bullshit if you have the high jump. There's no glitches if you do it that way.
Prove it faggot.
The Metroid was just borrowing your hp because it knew you were going to need it for later which is why it came back to save you giving your hp back and more.
>y-y-yeah but it wasn't intensional so THERE
Jesus fucking christ he's pissing himself now. The god damn argument was about how the game was a masterpiece of non-linear gameplay then you said some shit about 'nu-huh because muh glitches' even though I blew you the fuck out by showing you a huge sequence break without using a single fucking glitch.
And here you are shitting yourself trying to win just a single point of the argument so you know what, here is your (you). You win this one point, just like you wanted. It wasn't intentional. But you know what? It's fucking possible without glitches and it's F-U-N
>I blew you the fuck out by showing you a huge sequence break without using a single fucking glitch.
That's objectively fucking wrong though.
what if i can do this?
Reminder you didn't know about this.
every beam is optional
I did, I had to do it when I was trying my RBO run.
Wow I never realized PAL was the DEFINITIVE version of Super Metroid. Only in Europe does the non-linear brilliance of SM shine through.
>Bomb jumping (aka no space jump)
>Wall jumping (aka no space jump)
That's thrice now.
Metal Gear Ray is the biggest jobber in gaming. It can't even withstand a 5.7mm round without blowing up.
>Crops out the rest of the comment
You're only lying to yourself, user.
please stop posting your 5 fps trash trying to get gamer epeen points thanks