What do you want to see from Marvel's Spider-Man?

What do you want to see from Marvel's Spider-Man?

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That looks amazing.

he should be able to have a gun

also be able to play as other characters like iron man punisher or other characters

It looks spectacular

This is some sensational game play.

all me :^)

A UI that isn't so bland and generic.

neck yourself

the HUD is not what I would expect from a Spiderman game

If this is anything like spiderman 2 on PS2 then it has amazing potential.

swinging looks too floaty

Swinging looks amazing

There's need to be at least one pizza related mission. Also Bruce Campbell needs to be at least present for the beginning tutorial where he leads the player through a one off mission involving bombs. It needs to go something like this:

>"Hey it's been a while! I like the new suit web head. Whatcha been up to?"

[Spider-Man sees a demon planting a bomb]

>"Jeez... After all this time you're STILL disarming explosives? I guess somethings never change."

I dunno. I all want is a one off speech or something nodding back to what came before.


>moon swinging

>Bruce Campbell skin
>Raimi DLC pack
you know this will happen

>nu marvel
ew no thank you. have you SEEN homecoming?

Play as Spyro

it was pretty fun, felt like I was playing the game

The only thing good about the movie was Karen aka best girl, but I guess achieving that isn't hard with pieces of shit as the competition.

>No QTEs
>The webs have to stick to buildings
>Quick, reaction based dodge combat


its 30fps confirmed if anyone was wondering

Combat as good as Web of Shadows. Sadly, it looks like standard BamHam trash

>bamham combat

thats the point, it LOOKS good, but you dont actually "play" it, you look at it.
17 seconds of "fun" out of 30 minutes of footage, just think about that.

I want more pictures. Pictures of Spider-Man.

That's Disney's Marvel's Spider-Man

An entirely different game than what we've been shown.

Think about this; the game is going to be awesome and you're a jaded faggot.

>An entirely different game than what we've been shown.
What the fuck kind of Spiderman game were you after?

This game looks like the amazing spectacular spider-man I've always wanted.

A trailer of actual gameplay and not a scripted movie.

One where Spiderman auto leans to avoid bullets, for one.

Or to flip it you're a drone be it Marvel or Spider-Man and will willingly eat up anything with either printed on it regardless of quality.

>no QTE's, even God of War has stopped using them
>no large set pieces that remove control from the player, make it a cutscene or something instead
>no BamHam combat, mimic games like Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry and actually utilize Spider-Man's amazing agility
>no Oracle helper, Spider-Man is solo unless it's his wife or daughter on the line
>no Miles. Everything he's involved with is cancer
>no stupid looking suit
>less realism and more comic nonsense like SM2000

I'm pretty flexible on the rest

Or to flip that, you're a jaded faggot that hates for no real reason.

why does neo-vidya keep doing this ''imploding hud'' kind of thing

it looks awful

I can't wait to watch this game.

>no QTE's, even God of War has stopped using them
You mean God of Where's My Son?
>no large set pieces that remove control from the player, make it a cutscene or something instead
The whole point of those scenes is to give you a participating passenger ride to set pieces they could never possibly implement into standard gameplay.
>no BamHam combat, mimic games like Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry and actually utilize Spider-Man's amazing agility
This isn't what anybody is after in a Spiderman game.

Felicia Hardy

The funny thing is I guarantee I have more Spider vidya than you. I even almost 100% ASM2 because I was that desperate for Spider vidya but that was one piece of shit too many. I'm not jaded, I just demand more quality from a series I've spent way too much on over the years.

>The whole point of those scenes is to give you a participating passenger ride to set pieces they could never possibly implement into standard gameplay.

So cutscene it. Making it a cutscene with the occasional button press doesn't make it better, or make the person feel any more like Spider-Man it just distracts us from what's actually happening.

>This isn't what anybody is after in a Spiderman game

I think you'll find you're wrong. One of the largest complaints about modern Spider-Man is the combat and introduction a combo heavy, or at least similar style, combat system like DMC or NG would free the games from the absolutely terrible Batman system that dosn't suit Spider-Man at all.

Gotcha JJ.

>no moonswinging
Sup Forums btfo yet again


>What kind of spiderman game were you after?
This kind

They really need to slow down his wallrun ability or have it be based on an ever slowing momentum or something because right now it looks fucking ridiculous.

I think Bayo would be a better example to follow, what with emphasis on dodging, the de-emphasis on hard-lock on, and the variety of combos coupled with dodge offsets.

Fucking this, all of this, a spiderman game like this would at least rival spiderman 2.

People didn't know there was moon swinging in ASM2 until the game came out though user. Several people including myself had to make webms to show people that we were lied to. Again.

I agree it could work, it just needs an action game flavoured combat system that puts the control back into the hands of the player instead of the Batman magnetic combat it has now.

for starters, i want a fucking release date

what happens next. does spidey die?

What? kek no Frank can't hurt Spider-Man.

It would be cool if you could take in game photos as Peter Parker and sell them to the Bugle and maybe Eddie Brock could be your rival and you have to take better pictures

>no stupid looking suit

You type this while posting that awful Superior Spider-Man suit. The white spider looks fine. I'd prefer instead of having two big spiders on the costume, just have one giant one in the front with the legs wrapping around the back.

That or give us multiple costumes to play with like every other cape game.

Literally the same as the gamecube game just in HD. Swinging around the city was fun, the combat system was just buttonmashing or you remember 100 combos

But will Big Wheel be in the game?

>awful Superior Spider-Man suit.

I actually stopped reading here. Someone with taste as bad as you can't have anything else worth saying.

Good swinging. Everything else can be utter trash if the swinging is fun.

Before you say it, I do realize the irony of me hating the Superior Spider-Man suit, while basically applying the same aesthetics to the Insomniac Spider-Man garb.

I dunno, too much black in Doc's costume. The white sticks out more.

>The whole point of those scenes is to give you a participating passenger ride to set pieces they could never possibly implement into standard gameplay.
Because they're incompetent, that is.
>This isn't what anybody is after in a Spiderman game.
Speak for yourself.

>red and black edge suit
>not awful

You and the rest of the autists who love "so edgey" Spiderman can just fuck right off. I know you empathize with baldman mcbadhaircut but you look like an idiot.


>you can't just like the suit's design
>it has to be for an edgy reason

Well aren't you the little man-child who can't just like something. Can I like the classic black and white or would that upset you too much?

>qte prompts everywhere


It looks like Sunset Overdrive without the cool music or colors
Tfw you will never get Sunset Overdrive 2 and are stuck with this capeshit

Sunset Overmeme was this bad? Yikes.

Peter felt like the token white guy. I hate that seeing Tony Stark was a breath of fresh air. Also, why is Flash not a jock? However, I enjoyed it not being another origin story.

Actually no, the movement was 10x better and the game wasn't an overly long boring Open WorldTM cash grab
It had it's problems (namely the humor; it could be a bit grading) but over all it is really overlooked. It just sucks that I know they are using the same technology to make spidy super fast as they did in SO

>that hair
Thank god the '90s are dead.

just webslinging like S2. maybe even slightly improved if i can be really hopeful. that's all i want.

ive seen webms of the movement and it looks awful. you snap to literally everything so there's little skill involved, you basically hold forwards and occasionally press jump.

where can I read more?