>play a fantasy game with many different unique races and class
>picks the human warrior or hunter
I don't get it.
Play a fantasy game with many different unique races and class
well in wow humans are overpowered pieces of shit, racially speaking, if you are talking vanilla then its perception, if you are talking modern then its their free trinket bullshit
going to a vanilla server is suffering because alliance is unironically 70% human
There is something worse.
>Picks female
>play a game with the option of male or female
>picks the female
Are you gay, faggot? Oh, you don't want to "look at a man's ass all day" you closet homo?
The average human player character is going to be more interesting than the average non-human every time, as the players need to create personality themselves as opposed to pulling it from the "race all acts like this" guidelines for every nonhuman race and furthermore need to actually make a background to organically differentiate themselves from the rest past being a part of a super speshul race descended from dragons or whatever. Our world has only one race, and look how many unique cultures we have. What do elves and dwarves, and any other shit bring that's at least half as interesting as those?
it might feel more faamiliar for some people and allow them to immerse themselves more than if theyd chosen a tigerman sorcerer
>Not wanting to be Conan
Laughable beta found
People roleplay differently, son.
>do something i wouldn't do
I don't get it.
Most MMO races suck ass.
Why not just play CoD then? Everyone there is a human
i could never get mad at review brah the bubble he lives in just makes you have sympathy
>play a fantasy game with many different unique races and class
>picks the female human slut
>playing female Dranei
>Sister walks in and starts watching
>"Why are you playing a female, user?"
>I say the stats are better
>"Lol you nerd!"
>She walks away and questions nothing
Dodged a bullet.
he doesnt enjoy overcoming supernatural threats and monsters with nothing but his armor, his sword and his determination.
maybe you just want to fuck elves and hunt orcs
In two of the best fantasy series' I've read in the last decade (The First Law, The Powder Mage Trilogy) both authors agreed that their work dramatically improved when they removed the 'fantasy races' in exchange for actual unique cultural development with humans.
It's because Alliance races are boring OP. Dwarves are just short humans. Night Elves are only good for fapping and dancing. And Gnomes are for the lolsorandomxD crowd.
This is what I say about TES series.
What do Bretons exist if you can pick a High Elf? They're the most boring class. Just put Heavy Armor on an Altmer and boom.
You aren't a RACE TRAITOR, are you?
>picking some furfag shit like orcs/trolls/etc.
>picking faggy elves.
>picking manlet races.
>picking any class other than big dik smashy.
>picking manlet races.
But dwarfs are unironically the best male race in WoW
Why not just play Guild Wars 2 then? Everyone there shits rainbows.
Humans had a nice racial bonus for sword expertise, which was good for tanks/dps warriors.
>manlets are the best.
>But dwarfs are unironically the best male race in WoW
Those aren't undead or Trolls. Dwarf players are the fucking worst. All braindead Ragnaros players in retail, and neckbeard try hards in legacy.
>Playing WoW
so what happens if she walks in while you are fapping to drgraevling shit?
>game has kobolds
>they're fetishy lizards
When will this meme end?
Beast Races
Human Races
In that order.
Because Conan doesn't use a gun you raging homosexual.
Why don't you just go to your local furry convention? Everyone there is a fag.
I never got this. Why play a generic human if you can play as something different learning all the strange lore and getring invested in the lore?
Was he even around during BC? I'd probably never hear the end of the phrases "goat fucker".
>furfag troll shit.
Undead is acceptable however.
>we dont feel like you should be reading a book or doing laundry during combat
did they not play test the paladin class?
also god damn user, why did they nix so many of the shit they talked about adding?
every time i read this article i get depressed
Humans are typically more fleshed out. Other races are usually one dimensional.
Humans proportionately look the best in armour
>proportionately look the best in armor
>fuck huge shoulders
>popeye arms
>feet clipping through cloaks
>Are you gay, faggot? Oh, you don't want to "look at a man's ass all day" you closet homo?
Why is it gay to play the game with a female character?
Seriously, why?
I have to play males since it's weird to play as a female.
I also make my males look good.
Very good.
I just want an MMORPG where the art is designed by Ayami Kojima since she draws THE most fabulous looking males ever, and it pains me to know that I will never be as beautiful as them.
>knife ear at the top.
>t. fag
Humans are far superior to every conceivable race. The only reason non-human races exist in game is so faggots have something to play and real people have something to mock/kill.
Post your favorite race
if you're a male that plays as a female then I can't take you seriously (as a man). It's just really really weird. If you say it's because you'd rather stare at a female's butt all day rather than a male's, then you need to go out more.
The only time this is acceptable is if you don't have a choice...but any other time you choose a female over a male... well, you need to evaluate yourself -- you might be the wrong gender in real life.
Charr fucking suck in 2, much like everything else about that game
picking female in wow is 100% because all the males look fucking retarded, the only cases can be made for humans and undead
I promise you most people started playing females in wow because of the above, not because of the ass meme, males in wow look way fucked proportionally, and even female human looks retarded because they have hilariously broken weapon scaling so that all their one handers look like two handers and their two handers are the size of taurens
I think they are rad. Is it just the blatant feminism that turns you off?
>Human Race
>Lore has millennia of tales of humans triumphing over evil, fighting for their lands, developing beautiful civilizations and grand pieces of art, periodically hurting themselves in the process, often recouping and trying again
>Non-Human Race
>"They are a strong race of hardy individuals who are tough and live in mountains and sometimes make tools and drink a lot. Here is a hero who at one point in a Human engagement in history played his part. What an interesting race."
>Magical non-human Race
>"They are a wise and intelligent race of cunning scholars. They are always seen studying tomes and practicing their magic, and if you ever cross one, they will definitely pose a fierce threat with their magic! Here is a hero who at one point in a Human engagement in history played his part. What an interesting race."
So-on, so forth. Almost all of these fantastical races are hideously boring and are only relevant by how much they play a role in Human society. I'd rather just play a fucking Human than pretend I'm being "Unique" by being a green human with larger than normal muscles and tusks.
Why does everything you play immediately have to be a representation of self?
Iksar are the best videogame lizard race, prove me wrong.
>had a continent spanning empire built on the foundations of discipline and instilling fear and pain onto their enemies
>went to war with and nearly destroyed the dragons instead of befriending or serving them
>good racial
>not a midget, furry or elfaggot
I don't get your point, humans are pretty solid
>Make a WoW character
>Unronically playing as a female Troll, undead, or Goblin
It's how boring they are. I played GW2 for a year and couldn't name a single memorable thing any Charr has ever done because they are all so dull and similar. Same with every other race with the possible exception of the Norn.
because you can't be a warrior/hunter in real life
Don't let them femgoblin FAGGOTS read that shit.
Male Troll/Goblin are bro tier though.
Female undead is ok too.
>my face when trying to outstealth a Human Rogue
Like it's said in the thread, they had the best Alliance racials back, atleast back when I played.
To be fair everything is incredibly boring in GW2 and the Messiah is some shitty ass plant guy. GW2 is a serious contender for one of the most boring games I have ever played even for an MMO.
Are you doubting the superiority of the human race? I need nothing the other races possess. Give me a single piece of farmland and I will craft an Empire with nothing but the power of my will.
I'd say that's GW in a nutshell.
I like Charr for their aesthetics, their design, their culture.
Without blood elves the faction ratios would be fucked up. Was it intented for them to draw all the homosexuals to play on horde?
>these are your player races
How do you respond?
No girls ?
male trolls are dope, shame they kind of got shit on passively speaking, I wish their HP regen in combat was higher
they look cool as rogues and warriors imo, but there's no reason to pick them over based orcs
I uninstall the game cuz that shit is mad gay.
>Orc Barbarian
This thread has now been infiltrated.
Bear for fighter. Goat for caster
birbmen and minotaurs are TOP TIER
Depends. Can I fly as birdman?
>orcs and trolls are furfag shit
Good fucking lord what is wrong with your brain?
Pick bird
Fly away
Can the bird people actually fly? cause if so I'm game.
>"Cool, how is the other faction?"
>Bear Tank
>Mastodon Tank
>Lion Heavy
>Avian DPS
>Goat Fighter
>Bull Shaman
I'm rolling Mastodon.
>sci fi game filled with alien races
>you can only play as humans, or different colored humans
>many different races
>none of them a robot
Yeah no
I racechanged my warrior to Troll during half of WoD, the melee animations for troll were ballin as shit.
I Racechanged him back to orc on s3, he is still my alt
>play a bird ranger
>broken as fuck because they can fly, and can see 8x better than everyone else
This is why that sort of stuff never works.
Iksar truly are the master race. Now if only Kunark would come out for agnarr so I could switch my necro to iksar.
It depends on the game. In something like the Elder Scrolls series, it is boring to just pick a human when there's like three different types of humans. But in something like WoW where you have so many races that are weird and different, playing a human almost turns into the unique choice due to how much they're surrounded by stranger races. It becomes a novelty and more interesting to play a human when so many other people are running around as elves, orcs, dwarves, and other shit.
Besides, humans typically look the best in armor sets in WoW. I played a male troll for years as my main and goddamn is that suffering when it comes to how armor fits. Everything looks like a skin tight texture layered over their body. With humans it looks a little better because the textures aren't getting stretched too bad.
Why do you faggots shit up every single fantasy thread.
>fantasy world has limitless options for races
>2 of them are "human, but shorter"
>game in which gender is purely an aesthetic choice with no effect on gameplay whatsoever.
Quit being inbred - you can literally flip a coin for this, that's how little it matters
>It becomes a novelty and more interesting to play a human when so many other people are running around as elves, orcs, dwarves, and other shit.
You know this to not be true. Every single server has humans at atleast 40%
So I haven't really played wow since Burning Crusade. Is it worth picking back up again? Friend told me a while back that the group/raid finder destroyed any camaraderie and now everyone's just a dick to each other.
Female trolls, badass jungle beauties. There is nothing better
I play a female undead because the males have the horde hunch and don't really resemble the humans model that well. The females look like actual undead woman.
>play a wizard
>>broken as fuck because they can fly, and can do everything 8x better than everyone else
humans don't have that anymore
>Pick Birdman, alt Lionman, maybe Minotaur
>Tilt camera under loincloth
>Cum buckets
It's usually the other way around. Humans and elves vastly outnumber people who play other races by a wide margin.
>all of my characters are undead since vanilla and they all wear elite gladiator gear from various seasons
>people instantly think I'm a dick
this would actually be a pretty fun concept for an MMO, shame it would just attract every fucking furry on the internet
>people instantly know I'm a dick
Wasn't my experience when playing. Maybe the actual numbers disagree with that experience, but I always saw a shit ton of elves and Worgen running around 24/7 on alliance. On horde it was bloodelves and undead everywhere. Humans popped up plenty, but not as much as others.