Polygon/Nick Robinson

So arguably the best part of Polygon (e.i. Nick Robinson and Griffin McElroy's video series and podcast) are almost definitely done for good now that Nick has been ousted for being a sexual predator.

I'm so angry at Nick. Given the amount of people who have out about this abuse, I don't think this is some vindictive conspiracy that an individual has created against him. I hope the allegations are false, but I really doubt that they are at this point.

Anyone else feeling really rattled by this whole thing? I feel so creeped out and all the stuff they made that I love is now tarnished in my mind.

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Yeah same, sucks that I won't be able to watch their old shows the same way. also, inb4 mods

It's funny how quickly Griffin threw him under the bus. He knew he'd be next. At any rate, Fuck Polygon.


I hope those SJW brownie points were worth betraying your friend, Griffin. LOL
Live long and filled with regret.

Were i can follow this

big if true.

If my friend turned out to apparently be a douchebag I'm pretty sure I'd "throw him under the bus" pretty fast as well.

Wow, this conspiracy theory sounds a lot dumber than him just turning out to be an asshole.

Apparently this was a pretty well-known allegation before it blew up, kinda like Cosby in the comedy industry.

Gotta wonder how much griffin and other polygon staff were aware of. Ben Pack at giant bomb is still friends with Nick from when they were interns for GB. He literally mentioned hanging out with him and his family at an arcade on last week's bombcast. Gotta wonder if he had any suspicions as well.

I'm not holding it against them for not trying to uncover this earlier or something, or saying that I suspect they did know anything. It's just creepy to think that this is something that was going unchecked for so long, and that it came from such a seemingly nice person.

literally who?

If you pay attention, you will notice that no one has actually accused him of anything. Only hinted and insinuated, and changed the discussion to "well you shouldnt ask for proof, you sexist" so fast, that no one seems to notice that they havent actually accused him of anything.
So now, if he defends himself, they'll just use whatever he denies. its a classic kafkatrap.

The closest thing to an actual accusation anyone has made that i've been able to find is "he's mean".

Dont ask for proof. Ask what he's accused of.

Lmao this conspiracy is about 100x more stupid than GG. As if EVERY women in games industry would be okay with falsely accusing someone with sexual abuse and this was the ONLY way a new journalist could make it into Polygon.

What is he actually being accused of?
send nudes pls on twitter? or what?

Griffin McElroy grabbed me by the pussy in 2011.

>guy acts like an ass or does something stupid
I'm not one to point these things out but you know, it's getting a little ridiculous at this point.

>The closest thing to an actual accusation anyone has made that i've been able to find is "he's mean".
He was specifically accused of making unwanted sexual advances towards women repeatedly, both on and off twitter. It STARTED with him making a mean comment at a game dev, then someone on twitter made a dig at him alluding to how he creeps on chicks, then it snowballed from there when some people realized they could finally talk about it.

not every woman in the game journalism
just the ones in the SJW clique
we've seen this shady shit and blacklisting before with the gamejournopros mailing group.
shitty people working clandestinely to fuck someone over so they can move someone in that they like through nepotism? it's hardly a stretch of the imagination

It's just basic Occam's Razor.
Dude was way too thirsty. Fucking obvious.

The real "we r legion" BS to pull right now would be to falsely set up Ben Kuchera or somebody as a harasser and let Twitter tear them apart.

As much as I'd love to see evidence for my own curiosity, you're wrong dude. Keeping the evidence private is not about sexism. It's about making sure the victims don't get doxxed, which would undeniably happen if evidence came out (hell, people are already trying to go after people based on conspiracy theories of who is trying to accuse nick).

The correct investigate bodies are looking into it (Vox and perhaps soon the police).

We can't know 100% if it happened or not. But given the amount of people who are claiming this is true I don't have a lot of faith this is false as much as I wish it could be.

>Dude was way too thirsty. Fucking obvious.

dude, listen and believe.


This is one if the most forced attempts at causing gender politics fueled drama I've ever seen.

It's almost as if they're desperate to cause the drama for the traffic it'll produce. But they forgot one little fact, no one gives a shit because its polygon.

>goobergrape siding with the rapist once again

>praising Polygon
>on Sup Forums
What the fuck?

>NIIIIIIIIICK! You can't just go sending pictures of your little boy to random girls on the internet!

I don't really care about polygon but I love their video series desu.

Car boys, lets go to hell, please retweet, touch the skyrim are all really good shit. Sad for them that their entire output was based around a wolf in sheep's clothing.

>Nick hasnt said anything about it, basically confirming its true
>however, no one has shown any proof which should be incredibly easy to bring up

No question marks and you didn't even say um. I don't believe you.

Nick and Griffin stuff is pretty good.

The whole thing is honestly 100% unbelievable.

Given how vocal the SJW journalist clique is, why would they keep something like this quiet for months?

Why wasn't the very first time he "DM'ed someone for nudes" screenshot and publicly posted? Why would all these women just appear out of nowhere to provide "evidence" about some mythical sexual harrassment that he's implicitly guilty of and has been doing for months and potentially years.

The neogaf thread is amazing. Seeing all the tweets from people associated with him just burning the bridges as fast as humanly possible. Like the 2 guys (kessler and ben pack) who they did podcast with him cancelling the podcast in 'disgust' and how they'll never forgive what he did.

They're just doing it out of fear that if they don't react this way, then they're going to be next one thrown under the bus.

This so much.

Nick Robinson may have been funny on a video about cars a couple times but what the fuck. Polygon is the biggest trash heap that "industry" has. If the best Nick could do was Polygon then maybe he deserved to get chewed out by SJWs for working for an SJW shithole.

Yeah, almost as if they're external agents.
Almost as if...

Polygon Video >>>>> Polygon Articles.

Go watch Car Boys or Touch the Skryim. There's a reason people are upset about Nick.

>for one game journalist to be born, another must die
is this how shit like gamergate gains traction
complete drooling retards with no idea how the real world works

There is no proof. But Nick can't say anything that will help, hence the silence. This is nothing but a witch hunt.

>ride with polygon faggots
>get ousted for being a WH*TE FUCKING MALE

Keeping actual evidence off of twitter seems obvious, but what rubs me the wrong way is that I don't understand how it is then fair to make vague comments on twitter and let him be torn apart, publicly. It seems very hypocritical and somewhat cowardly.

Hey Linkara, how's your dickgirl porn folder doing?

Griffin, and subsequently Nick, have a few video series where they just fuck around in x game or x engine and it's funny as fuck. They are legitimately the only reason most people follow polygon at all, since everything else is either awkward or lacking since Griffin is genuinely funny and knows how to act.


SJWs are all degenerates that look out for each other, especially those who are still willing to play ball. But they're also twofaces who will turn on whomever is necessary to save their own hide.

It could also be this

because the second proof is shown the victim will get doxxed by GG/alt-right types. Wherever your politics land I don't think anyone can deny that if someone on twitter posted a screencap of Nick manipulated a woman for nudes or something that woman would instantly be attacked mercilessly and called into question.

Every white male at Polygon should quit. If they really believe in diversity like they say.


>Given how vocal the SJW journalist clique is, why would they keep something like this quiet for months?

If they did, they were protecting a sexual harasser. Pretty despicable.

So why not present the evidence to the proper parties instead of posting it for faggots on Sup Forums to question. Nobody here is important to this "investigation" and needs any evidence for anything.

I don't follow any of that shit, so I'm not quite sure what happened, but if "Nick manipulated a woman for nudes" then I don't even give a fuck. If you send someone nude photos that's your own decision. OP makes it sound like he's a violent rapist or something.

I hope guys use this opportunity to recruit for race realism causes, and not waste time making rational arguments.

Funny how this all started with a video of a shit port.

Every time

*who* accused him of making sexual advances? I cannot find anyone. I can find a lot of pople claiming they've HEARD that he does. Insinuating, whispering. I have yet to see anyone simply state: "I know he does this", or anything to that effect. It's all comically vague.

>someone on twitter made a dig at him alluding to how he creeps on chicks
Exactly. ALLUDING. No one has done anything beyond that. that's as much as anyone I've found, has done.

If you look a people statements - the "women of the industry", they are all saying that they *believe* the *rumors* because they *know* he's a dick. If you have actual accusations, I'd love to see them.

I dont care about seeing evidence. I dont care about Nick Robinson. Fuck him. OF COURSE "keeping it private" is not about sexism, that's what I'm insinuating myself. It's just an easy escuse to not have to commit to any particular statement, because no one actually knows what to indicte him for.

For my money, there's probably no "conspiracy". probably just mass hysteria, and people falling over themselves to a) avoid implicating themselves b) burn the witch.

Look at ben pack, and griffin, that fat dude who used to intern at GB. They are all washing their hands - not because they know something, but because they are cowards, and afraid they'll get dragged down in whatever this is. you would be, if you've seen this go down before, and you live in those circles. Fat guy was easiest to read, but they are all doing it.

Then, people read them washing their hands as "proof" that there is something to wash their hands from, and the whole thing snowballs.

It's funny nobody can even agree on what he's being accused of

Shouldn't have applied for a job at polygon, but this is a bit too ridiculous

>a woman posting proof of sexual harrasment will cause her to lose her job

But then It's okay for a man to lose his job and get crucified by the radical SJW journalists to be made an example of when you don't strictly adhere to the party dogma.

Listen and believe :^)


> "People" unironically saying his silence is an admission of guilt
Day of the rope when?

I didn't say she'd lose her job.

But she absolutely would be attacked for a very long time. This happens every time someone comes out with an allegation like this.

The people who have been affected by Nick have every right to keep this shit private to the people who need to know. Us knowing changes nothing.

This whole thing's weird. It was a comment by one dev about him being a sex pervert and then the floodgates opened and everyone hopped on him. Why now? Why wasn't he blackballed ages ago if it's such an open secret? It's not like he's a super powerful guy, he's just some video producer.

>one nu-male says a catty thing on twitter
>it ruins another nu-males career in "progressive video game coverage"
Almost seems like it wasn't worth signing up with to begin with, eh?
Looks like the only ones with diplomatic immunity here are the McElroys, and even that is unproven. They're white in a community that hates them.

People like Nick and Griffin were making Polygon "cool" again by making original video content, so the masses would forget they're just another SJW site. Too bad that'll change in a few months when Griffin also gets crucified for saying "ay bb wan sum fuk" to a womyn on twitter.

>The people who have been affected by Nick have every right to keep this shit private

Not if they're going to throw serious accusations of sexual harassment around, no.
Innocent until proven guilty is the foundation of Western civilization.

Well yeah. He is a w*ite m*le afterall.

>people are actually censoring Nick's name on Twitter

who's up for gamergate 2 lads

That's the kind of """"justice"""" liberals and feminists want. 'Listen and believe' is all they need, concepts like 'innocent until proven guilty' or 'due process' don't exist for them. Only the slaving submission to the words of someone higher on the oppression ladder is needed for the mob to deliver "justice".

I wouldn't throw any of my friends under the bus for something like this.

Friendship > Online brownie points.

Can we have a Charlie Hebdo 2 instead?

I'm sorry but what should Ben and Griffin and the other guy do?

Firstly, of course they are wise to distance themselves from Nick at this time. This isn't a small, doubtful case from what is being discussed but a massive, public allegation of repeated offenses. I would not support a friend who had these types of allegations thrown at him at this scale.

Griffin has too much riding on e-fame to let that happen. Hence his immediate disavowal of Nick. Doesn't matter. Polygon torpedoed themselves and that's ok with me.

havng listened to a lot of Coolgames inc and watched the Nick n Griffin videos, this doesnt fit Nick at all, fucker is handsome enough to not.... do whatever it is people are accusing him of

EVerything is vague and shitty and I hope he fucks off by his own choice when its revealed he did nothing and his shithead coworkers threw him under the bus for nothing

Yep, dude's fucked either way.


you mean random twitter murmurings? Not even explicit claims? No evidence whatsoever?

Oh right. You're supposed to "listen and believe". I don't even know who this fucker is and I despise polygon, but this witch hunt is ridiculous

>this doesnt fit Nick at all, fucker is handsome enough to not.... do whatever it is people are accusing him of

Dude there a ton of sexual predators who are conventionally attractive and sociable. What a silly thing to say.

So all it took for Sup Forums to get behind polygon (and give them a slight mainstream media boost) is a fake controversy? I wonder (((who))) in the media could be behind such a thing.

Why do people here think games journalism is the cult in The Wicker Man

where did you find this sick pasta?

>being assertive towards women is now considered harassment
No wonder the white race is dying.

Sup Forums isn't behind Polygon, they're still an aids websites.

Nick & The McElroys transcend polygon and are genuinely pretty funny.

>Friend gets accused of something on Twitter with no evidence presented and no charges filed
>Throw them under the bus regardless of how long the friendship was
You're a shit friend and a two-faced rat if you do this

It's me, Austin Walker. POC and PHD in wokeness. I made this thread because I'm trying to convert Sup Forumsirgins to Neomarxism. You caught me. UGH! Foiled again by these brilliant anti-SJWs

You can hate SJW witch hunts while still hating the target of said witch hunt.

Good job, Polygon. You just gave The Daily Stormer another writer.

>Given the amount of people who have out about this abuse, I don't think this is some vindictive

It's true because other people say it is! No need for an investigation!

>I hope the allegations are false, but I really doubt that they are at this point

This is the SJW version of "I'm not racist but..."

You are a shitty person because You post e-celeb shit.

We really don't know what they know though. They could know a great deal more than us.

> polygon is aids
>here are some polygon contributors I like
Makes sense to me

Where are the screencaps that show that they've thrown nick under the bus

What exactly did he do? I just saw a bunch of women say he asked for nudes. So what? He just wanted to see some titty. Asking friends for nudes or if they wanna have sex isn't illegal. They can say no. It's different if he advanced beyond them saying no

welcome to the modern era where twitter is judge, jury and executioner

>all game journalists share the exact same cult-like ideology
>competing sites collude via email lists

Then why didn't they turn him in.

Still shitty people either way you look at it.

>sexual predator

Griffin hardly threw him under the bus. His response is very smart and reasonable desu.

>oh my gosh i just cant beliebe it dis changes evrythin :((

This whole post is fucking cancer

The allegation is proof in every way that matters.

[allegedly] making people uncomfortable is literally rape.

Even if he didn't do it, being reminded that sexual assault exists is also rape so he's guilty of second-hand rape.

Good riddance, he always was posting unfunny/cringy jokes on twitter

>I can't stand that you like white men even though they're progressives just like I am.
The left is eating itself.

You know it's coming though. It's in the nature of the people who run these sites

>best part of Polygon
that's like "best part of Superman 64"

I don't like Polygon, they're all a bunch of clickbait bullshit sjws. However.... it's funny how there's not a shred of evidence for any of these allegations against Nick. It's just a bunch of dumb sjw from neogaf leading the witchhunt against him with no evidence at all.

Sjw eatting their own and it's because he's a while male.

somsone post that fat ugly whore that was the accuser
looked like a 300 lb balding tranny she-whale

Ben is also not really throwing under the bus.

>YES! Something bad happened! I feel so validated

What an asshole.