I don't get it

I don't get it

Why do Sup Forums praise a lot this Nvidia shield with no third party support and Wii U ports?

What's so great or cool about it?

Play games on your TV and play them on the go?

You could do that with your PSP and Vita

What's so amazing about this thing?

Zelda? It's on Wii U and PC

The same old Nintendo IP's?

I really want to know

Even on their worst consoles, Nintendo has always released several must-play games that are available nowhere else.
That alone makes Switch a safe bet to get

Stop advertising your shitty thread sony boy.

have you heard of the wii u? it has no good games that you can't play on anything else

Wii U has more good exclusives than PS4 and Xbox One combined

>I play mario and generic weeb rehash feeling games

I agree here. Why nintendo drones play so rehash weebshit? Its have no depth in it, nintenbros hate sony cuz they games arent baby cartoon, pathetic!

Just do not buy a switch, it all have gay game like weeb mario and Zelda rehash feeling poo and ARM splarton shit mp cuck.

>I play generic re-skinned AAA games that are the same shit every year on my NEXT GEN console

Because it has more games than PS4. So Switch + PC and you're set.

this but unironically and without the le epic irony wording

I play only on PC and I don't play games that often

you just described the nintendo seal of quality though

That's a meme opinion no matter how you word it

Lol so btfo with you foolish rehash game weeb shit, some day you learn to stop hating adult astheic and drop your baby cuck mario.

nintendo drones play mario, pokemon, zelda and then the weebshit like xenoblade

it's not a meme

>Nintendo has always released several must-play games

>but any games on the Ps4 and Xbox that receive praise are "sonybro trash"

Smells a little like someone's got a bias.

This. Its all they play and they think its so good but nope it's fuckin shit, at least others consoles and pc have variety and actually care for adult gamers.

>nintendo players play nintendo games


>nintendo players

yeah so it's not a meme opinion

If you have a PC then PS and Xbox doesn't have anything nowadays. It's not the PS1 + PS2 era anymore.

i just buy all the consoles because I'm not a poorfag. except for complete trash like ouya

its your hobby. be good to yourself. there are people that spend thousands on equally retarded stuff.

Go play your shit Mario Zelda cuck games. Fag.

erm no

>You could do that with your PSP and Vita
don't forget about DS and 3DS.


If I have a good PC, then none of the consoles are worth owning to be quite honest. Any exclusives like Bloodborne or Zelda are just ripoffs of better PC games, so it's not worth the money to downgrade.

>b-but what if I want to play games in the park

no really...people brag here about making 80-90k starting salaries. if that's the case, there's no issue blowing off hundreds on something you plan to use a lot.

>park what's that



>b-but I want to fight gay bowser

Let's be fair here the only worthwhile game on the Switch is that SK dating sim. Everything else is just the same old shit they release every few years

>Any exclusives like Bloodborne or Zelda are just ripoffs of better PC games
ie poorfag

You're Brazilian

It's telling when literally every first party title that came out and is coming out for shitch is shit. Literally nobody can debate that which is why nobody debates the posts BTFOing shitch.

Your canadian. Fuck off leaf.

Dude I can't wait to play smash bros using joycon. I really see where they are going with the whole people are good and we need a way to nerf the player since nerfing the game isn't helping.

>the Smartphone has no games
>Nintendo always makes 10/10 games
>Nintendo made games for the smartphone

Uh oh, looks like we've got a logical contradiction here.

Last night I plugged my Wii U back again.

Nice console, playing MK8.

MK8 is now selling a lot on Switch.

Why a lot of people didn't even knew about MK8 on Wii U but got it for Switch

who knows.

mario kart is your generic arcade racer, also it's a complete rehash series

something like sonic all stars racing transformed is better

crash team racing is where it's at though

Yeah, aduls like us play this instead #NextGen #4ThePlayers

Stop using the Wii U excuse, if you guys cared so fucking much the Wii U wouldn't have been the piece of shit that it currently is

Yeah, you showed him, now lets play non-kiddie, weeb free games on our PlayStation 4™ [Pro]™

Because it has good games, who gives a shit, the vita has good games, and the switch has good games, but you can't just compare it because it has weaker hardware, the ps1 had amazing games on it, and that was super weak.