Got these at a yard sale for $40. Was it a good deal?

Got these at a yard sale for $40. Was it a good deal?

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It was okay. 40$ is nothing to cry over.

heh, you got Turtles IV, Buster Bros, and 2 KIs

too many sports games

Yeah 40 is fine. It's not like they sold you chrono trigger or something rare without knowing.


It's worth the money, but there are probably other places you could get it cheaper.

Not the best, but certainly not bad in any way. I'd say you got your money's worth.

Uniracers alone is worth about 10 bucks. For the $/hour of entertainment, I think you got a good deal.

several of those games will run you $10+ by themselves if they're in any sort of good condition, so yeah.

Plus Tetris Attack is the fucking best, and Nintendo needs to get their shit together and make a new, good, online version.

Is that bad?

Is this bait? I added them all up and you have $357 worth of games right there.

>$40 for KI, Zombies AMN and All Stars? Well they're real fucking good at le-
Oh fuck yeah no that's worth it.

Wtf?! Seriously??

Damn, real nice thanks. Was thinking of getting the snes classic but I thought these would be cheaper

>yard sale

>Tetris Attack
>Mario games
>Donkey Kong

Pretty good haul if you've never played them.

Would drop $80-$100 on all this. They're in pretty bad condition though.

Rented dk back during Hollywood video and Mario world... How's tetris attack and uniracers?

leave Sup Forums as fast as you can, grab yourself a buddy and go play zombies right now.

3 good games

3 good games
4 good games

Uniracers is like a more refined version of Sonic's time attack modes. Very fast, tricks and skill things to boost speed. Very challenging.

Tetris Attack isn't Tetris at all. Ignore the cutesy aesthetic too. The actual game is exceptional and the AI is fucking brutal. I was never able to beat it on the hardest mode.

>that guy who looks up the prices on his phone instead of marking them

This one just asked her dad (dude looked like 80) and was guessing a number

Which are the good games in the first two pics?

Logic Bomb is a fun game.

its a good deal but jesus people really overcharge for their shit. There used to be a time where you could get games for like 2-3$ a pop

>2-3$ a pop

You can still do that. It's called go to any pawn shop anywhere and go to the ps2/360 section. People didn't know the rarity of certain games back then and now that they do the prices are more fitting.

Is it better to sell those games on ebay auction or "buy it now"?

It's a great deal, now flip em and save that money.

Best way to sell?

Go the Buy It Now route, auction can fuck you over and you'll often get less than you would with the BIN option.

If you have the capability or know how then sell them on eBay, otherwise you're stuck with Craigslist or Facebook marketplace and buy/sell groups.

Why would you play old ass games ? rofl

At second-hand retail markup, maybe. But they mark things up because they have a brick and mortar presence and idiots go there for rare carts.

In reality the carts you picked up are worth $0, on their own. But to collectors they could be worth a lot. I would set aside the best copy of each duplicate and store it somewhere dry, dark and cool for the next 10 years.

If you want instant cash just put them on craigslist. Most of them will be gone in a couple hours. You can get $40-$50 just for turtles 4, everything else is pure profit.

>In reality the carts you picked up are worth $0, on their own.

Dumbest fucking thing posted on here today. You're an idiot.

'Turtles in Time' really worth 40??

great deal if they all work

theres an old original xbox at a thrift store near me. i have like 5 pop figures i wanna give to them and maybe trade. you think i could talk my way into getting it for free with some games? im not too confident in my barter skill, but ive been there several times and they might recognize me and be friendly. for the pops i dont think so, but i also have a box of transformers im willing to part with. i also have this big ass unicron if it comes down to it

im still so mad that future perfect didnt work on my 360, or x men legends 2. thats why i want it. at least incredible hulk worked. im also just trying to clean the basement of all its shit.

I've seen it for $70 in some retro shops in the last year. They sell it pretty fast too.

What are the most expensive games I procured??

Unless them bitches were in a flood snes games always work.

>Zombies Ate My Neighbors

you made out like a bandit

Turtles 4 is the most valuable. Followed by ZAMN.

Uniracers is 10/10 tier

Have you checked to see if they work. I actually came to realize a lot of old cartridges can just straight up die because of an internal battery inside cartridges that expire.


You know it's not very good, but the music is catchy and the mechs have cool designs.

It's just a cell battery user.... the game will still work it just won't save. They're easy to replace too if you're not a dumbass. Most carts if they're stored right will outlast all of us.

Yup, over 20 years later and my SMW still saves