What's it gonna be Sup Forums
Atari box
I feel embarrassed for the people that were unironically shilling this piece of shit
I bet the people that made those cringey mspaint comics deleted them in shame
Probably some kind of Steam box, or a cheap HTPC gaming PC..
Not worth anyone's time
>Implying it isn't going to be groovy
The savior of console gaming.
Don't take it so seriously, it's just video games
It's probably chinkshit with an Atari logo slapped on it for Nostalgia points.
>size of the console
Lmao DOA
Something to save the industry
Some sort of cheap console with mobile tier games I assume. Something like ouya, but it's atari.
Android based console with emulators and some new games
It's a Linux box
Just like Todd Howard and Nintendo have done?
coleco chameleon part 2
This would be interesting if it were and just launched some free emulator.
Plug and play with E.T. as the only pre-installed game.
Also you can play all your grandparents' favorite atari games in 4k. 9.99USD each.
steambox alienware tier abortion
atari is worth less than 10m, it's going to be dogshit
Come on, user, nobody was shilling this thing unironically.
jive turkeys