Path of Exile

How are your builds doing 22 hours in the new league, bros?

doing alright

>people are all kind of near stuff already
>best i found is this little summon shield
not so much in the loot part

Well I bought Dark Pact from a vendor, but I can't use it yet. Need like 10 more points to get Vaal Pact.

>killed hillock
>everyone talking about builds they plan on doing
>have no idea what I'm doing
>make it to lv5
>decide to play dota
>have a 5-stack within a minute of logging
Not too well. No dedication and self-made builds have not worked out for me yet.

>Get hyped
>Buy stash tabs and cosmetics cuz why not?
>Talk a lot on global chat since although they have shitty memes they are cool to talk with
>Mention exhentai
>10 min later my account gets locked
>ask why did my account get locked
>Support responds me that I mention an "inappropriate website in-game"

I E-mailed them again telling them if there was a way I could get my account back, if I don't get it back I'm going to charge back and go play another game because not even fucking league of legends that is the most safes of spaces has banned me for mentioning porn websites.

Also its quite ironic because the game is filled with nude monsters that have their tiddies hanging arround and statues with defines vaginas.

You're a fucking idiot for linking porn ingame. But locking your account permanently is too harsh.

I didn't even link porn I just literally said that I loved watching hentais from exhentai.

Maybe I was a bit autistic, also a bit drunk. But since I saw that chat was being racist and homophobic and everything was right I thought that global chat didn't have many rules.

>But since I saw that chat was being racist and homophobic and everything was right I thought that global chat didn't have many rules.

global 1 is often a mess, yhea

How's the enemy variety in this game?

Bad, pretty much 50% of enemies are skelletons or zombies. 25% are dog looking shits and the other 25% are humans.

But I mean that is not the point of the game since from early to end game they can be killed with just 1 or 2 buttons. They act more like experience bubbles with random rng drops.

You're going to be fighting zombies and skeletons half the time. The rest are shitty random mutated animals or living statues. The game has piss poor enemy variety but you shouldn't complain because it's free :^)

>tfw never lucky enough to buy move speed boots from Tarkleigh
Coming from a Raider last league this is really painful

I'm only on act 5 but there's some different mobs compared to the first 4. Bosses are turning into bullet hell-tier though

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who dont play ssfhc

dropped queen's sword for skellies, rolled into skellies, doing alright

pointless mode to give solo players a thing to feel special about
pointless in PoE since it's not even permadeath and sends your character to softcore


is it too late to start playing this game now?

I knew neo-Sup Forums wouldnt disappoint me.

League just started. Now is the best time, just don't okay standard or you will miss out.

thats what you get for being an autistic hentai loving faggot

is this single player or online game?

its an online single player game

charged dash seems strong, like flameblast and flickerstrike had a baby. was going to do BF raider but CD seems better at least for levelling

I would do HC if I actually knew the game but in the past I always brute forced hardcore mode and never got past Cruel. Now I'm just doing standard and following a guide in the hopes I actually can figure out how to play the game for real.
Solo self found is just autism mode.