How would a magical girl game work?

How would a magical girl game work?
>inb4 blue reflection
how is it by the way?
Also which magical girl IP would you like to see/would make the most sense as a video game?

I would like to see a Madoka Magica game in the style of Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

Literally take any genre and replace all men with cute girls in frilly dresses


Blue Reflection sure didn't take long to localize so I'm guessing it'll have an Ar NoSurge tier translation.

YuYuYu needs to get a proper game and not some VNs or Mobages

Speaking of, does anyone know if the Vita game was any good?

It's just a shitty Musou game user, don't even bother.

I think that Magical Girl stuff would either work as some Bayonetta-style over the top action game, or it could be Persona-like RPG with everyday social elements. The latter would probably be the best one, as it could really drive home the dual identity aspect that is integral to the genre.

Sing along with the BGM and the better you sing, the more damage you do.

Modern magical girl fighting game. Symphogear, YuYuYu, Madoka, and Nanoha are enough to fill a roster.

hell, Symphogear can fill a roster on it's own

not to mention the 4 new bad guys from Season 4 and god knows what in S5

Definitely gonna main "Gungnir dato!?"

I would main Ver as a joke

or Adam in his naked skin

>Symphogear: 7 geahs
>YuYuYu: 17 Yuushas + 4 sentinels
>Madoka: 5 Magical Girls
I don't know shit about Nanoha sorry
There are more than enough characters to fill a fighting game with them, and that's just main characters. Could have way more if you added side characters and villains too.

Fate kaleid 3rd person action game with class changing and high impact sexual violence.

>I don't know shit about Nanoha sorry

I know at least 4:

Nanoha has more characters than the other 3 together.

Kinda sad really, every anime based game is either VN, Musou or Gacha shit.

Yeah, but if you kept it strictly to magical girls, only the main 8+one of the villains would be allowed, and I imagine it'd end up being a toss-up between Minase and Sawashiro, Minase would probably get the edge due to being an idol.

Wouldn't a majority of the YuYuYu characters end up just being palette swaps?

>no Ojamajos
>no Mew Mew
>no Precure
>no Sailor Warriors
>no Rayearth
>no Princess Tutu
>no Shugo Charas
>no Fushigiboshi no Futagohime
>no Mermaid Melodies
>no Houkago no Pleiades
>no Sugar Sugar Runes
Shit roster

Only Takashima, Wasshi and (younger) Sonoko out of the yuushas really, but it's true for the sentinels since they all wear the same outfit.