Now that the dust has settled...

Now that the dust has settled, can we admit that Abigail doesn't look that bad and people were just in a "fuck Capcom for anything" kind of mood?

He still is retarded design wise and you are being a cuck apologist

He looks retarded.



>SFV is the worst game in the series
>MvCI looks like it's gonna be the worst mahvel
Yeah man Capcom is awesome!

Oh, people are still in a "fuck Capcom for anything" mood

I'm not the one who accidentally used the wrong model for Abigail's EVO reveal trailer.

capcom is just fucking dumb, but it's mainly their developer and designer talent
they don't know their ass from their dick

Tell me why I should like capcom

Nah its shit.

He's fun to play as and has a great personality that sets him apart from the rest of the cast. Design is still dumb, though, and most people here don't play the game so they don't know he's fun and thus will only judgr based on looks.



how is he being a cuck man
you can't just use an established term as a generic insult it doesn't work

Hello shill. Your psychological tricks won't work here, you know damn well it's not because of "hate" culture. Capcom has deliberately fucked many of their franchises that people have put time in, of different fanbases. They have actually managed to piss off fans of:

Breath of Fire
Street Fighter
Resident Evil
Devil May Cry

All the "hate" a.k.a, criticism they get is justified.

Literal physical embodiment of the "BRAAAP" meme.

This. His story mode was fun, and I like his Story costume, but his main design is ugly. Not a big fan of the Battle Costume either.

the only credit i give to capdrones is
at least they play their fucking games
they don't have to wait months for the next gaming session

The costume with the welder's mask looks good but the other ones don't.

That sprite is great, his model and design dont transition well into 3D. That and he is a too big, bonafide fucking retard.

He looks like a mutant. He doesn't look like someone who got ripped, he looks like someone who rolled around in toxic waste.

it's also clearly a fanmade sprite

Problem is he's fun to use but to use him you have to buy him and no one is willing to drop the FM or cash on him because he looks awful.

I had a guy on ranked ask me if Abigail was fun after I used him against him and said he'd consider buying him, that he had 900k FM but was super hesitant about spending it on the retard.

>Resident Evil
To be fair, Revelations was fun. I can't vouch for Revelations 2 nor VII though.

He's awesome.

Obviously, his actual Final Fight sprite was an even shittier Hugo. That and its styled to mimic Alpha/3rd Strike which is Capcoms pinnacle spritework and artstyle.

reddit spacing

Abigail's design is dumb, but he doesn't look as bad as he looked in the trailer.

Plus, his animations and personality are funny.

the fact that he clips through is own body is fucking abhorrent and the sole reason i hate the character
its one thing for hair and hanging objects with jiggle physics but how do you clip through your own neck
granted thats just an issue with sfv itself and its shit artstyle, i feel like his body proportions could be toned down but otherwise is actually not a bad character, i like stupid muscly meatheads

alpha and sf3 are two different sprite styles

Did u rike abrigrail?

>some personal favorite characters return
>in SFV

Monkey paw shit. I'm still holding out for some major revision of the game.

>shit artstyle

That's the thing: I don't hate how some characters look in this iteration, but in true modern Capcom fashion they find ways to fuck it up. The quality between models is weird.

Third Strike is and always will be the worst game in the series and I'll never let anyone forget it.

VII has its issues but as a classic REfag it's a step in the right direction to me. They just need to improve upon it.

No this is.

I agree. I liked Sean better in 2nd Impact.

I never hated how he looked in the first place.

I felt Revelations was also a right direction. It kept RE4's gameplay, sure, but it was less shooty shooty bang bang simulations, but instead more important on having proper resource managment and, well, surviving, like the original games.

Then somehow Capcom went full retard with RE6. It's like Revelations was the actual next main-series installement and 6 an spinoff and they got the names inverted.

Oh fuck off you know what I mean. SF3 in general. Worst roster, trash balance with three viable characters, parries destroyed the neutral, nobody played the characters that everyone is currently asking for because they were shit (like Q), etc. The game was so bad it killed fighting games for a decade and only know is it picking up in popularity with people who never played it then.

>p-parries are bad!

You can like parries if you want to but I never want to hear Third Strike shitters complain about other games lacking neutral or footsies. Personally I hate that gay shit. Third Strike is the game that plays the least like any other SF but memers pretend it's the best of the series.

They're a horrible mechanic to even think about including the way they did. Doesn't mean it isn't fun.

>great personality
>hurrr where's my car
>did you just fart?

Yeah, what a great story. Maybe it would make you laugh if you're American since they love toilet humor.

I care less about the toilet humor and more of "Look at this fucking dumb idiot fumble his way through the day"

you're talking to a capshill, their bar for great personalities is not very high

>Yeah, what a great story. Maybe it would make you laugh if you're French since they love toilet humor.

sage is not a downvote, bump

This, he looks way better in his non v-trigger mode.

You do realize new generation and second impact exist? No wait. Of course you don't. You're just some 09er shitter with some mild nostalgia regarding 2 at best. Chances are you weren't even alive for SF2 if you say retarded shit like that.

Those games are still SF3 and anything regarding SF3 sucks dick. Not apologizing for shitting on a bad game.

Not only does he look retarded, he acts retarded too

>Third Strike is the one that plays the least like Street Fighter
>It's the best Street Fighter

Maybe the other Street Fighter games just play like shit

No, you're just a tasteless child so stop demanding that every other SF be a clone of Third Strike like you idiots seem prone to do.

I was just being a shit, but 3S is my personal favorite and I'll sink with that ship. Played it in arcade and across the various odd ports. Its presentation and everything just struck a chord and stuck with me. Been to tourneys in the past when I wasn't rusty and had fun as well.

What's your favorite SF game user? I'm genuinely down for conversation on fightan and like to know.

I'm learning Ibuki right now and finally fought an Abigail todya.

It's a lot of fun even though I got bodied by someone who clearly just made an alt account to buy him with the Story FM

5. Please realize that without street fighter fighting games as a genre would die. Please tell me you like Abigail and don't forget to buy SF5 while you're at it

I loved him in Alpha.

I like almost every version of SF2 and I know Super Turbo is definitive and sure it's the one I practice the most but I think I also really like Turbo: Hyper Fighting because it has the better music and sound bytes. That could be nostalgia talking though. Otherwise I do like the later iterations of SFIV as well. I guess I like neutral and fundamental play a little bit better than what SF3 had to offer, but more than that, I'm also a big fag about always playing Dictator and SF3 has no suitable replacement or any characters that I took to right away. Of the Third Strike cast though I've come to appreciate Dudley, Makoto, Alex, Ibuki, Urien, and Hugo.

>"fuck Capcom for anything" kind of mood

Only played 3S, A3 and ST, but really like Abigail, finally a big character not focused on just grabbing. Still for the little i played SFV and know about fighting games it seems very repetitive, i see pros executing constantly the same combos over and over, but that i imagine has to do with the core gameplay of the game that needs fixing.

Sauce on this cool sprite?

Also don't forget to preorder Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and to buy a season pass

Maybe that's where the difference is since I never took to SF2 well. I understand and respect its importance in the genre but could never truly appreciate or enjoy playing it. I'm a sucker for music though so I enjoyed lots of tracks from it.

So was SF4 actually good when it came out, or did it become good after SSF4 and USF4?

It's the normal cycle

>SF3 releases, is hated
>SF4 releases, is hated
>SF3 is now beloved
>SF5 releases, is hated
>SF4 is now beloved

The Japanese FGC are just contrarians

more people actually liked sfv at launch/a year later than they did with sf3 or sf4. those two were hated so fucking hard. this means sfv has HUGE potential, but capcom is very mismanaged right now so its hard to tell if they can really make the game achieve its full potential.

I agree. Abigail is the best newcomer on sfv.

It also represents the style of actual SF. And its not just a kof, final fantasy reject like many others. This is pure wacky SF. If you dont like it, you are literally re3ddit

I mean, I don't even like Street Fighter in general. I much prefer Tekken. I never even said that I want other Street Fighters to be like 3S. I just want Street Fighter to stop being fucking terrible.

Still looks fucking retarded. Gameplaywise he's better than most of the other DLC shitters

This. Like someone said the design fits in perfectly with the Alpha games like OP's sprite shows. All the models look a little fucked in 3D. I still can't believe they haven't fixed Ken. Wasn't he like the third one even announced 3 years ago?

Apparently code for the arcade mode and bonus stages has been found in the game, so it's only a matter of time before they add it. Hopefully SSFV revitalizes it because 1.7 million sales 1.5 years later is pathetic af.

>tfw I bought season 2 pass when Akuma was released instead of just buying Akuma.
>I haven't even booted up SFV to try Abigail (or Ed). Last time I played was When Koleen came out.
>tfw huge MVC2 and UMVC3 fan and MVCI looks like garbage. I can't believe that Capcom expects me to pay full price plus DLC for a game that is obviously a low effort soulless rush-job. Also I am very salty about no assists and no X-men.
Fuck Capcom fighting games in 2017.

>He doesn't like Canadian humour.


>Abigail doesn't look that bad

Gameplay wise? He looks fine. His design is still pant on head retarded though and doesn't belong in this game.

But Fang as any better? It's the same about of ridiculous just taken to the other extreme with a very lanky guy who flaps his sleeves and flies.

Everyone knows the best Street Fighter game is Night Warriors.

No, retard. Just because I'm criticizing one thing doesn't mean I endorse another. Stop applying this broken useless "logic" to every argument you get in, it makes you look stupid as fuck.

People complained about F.A.N.G. too because his wacky design doesn't fit the game either. Only difference is F.A.N.G. is over a year old and has been discussed to death, while Abigail is the new hotness.

and you like mudslims

I'm saying no one's design fits. Ever since SF3 the characters have been all over the place. You got classics like Chun-Li fighting weird fucks like Necro. There is no such thing as "doesn't fit" in Street Fighter.

>and doesn't belong in this game.
Its the only newcomer that belongs in SF m8. Looks straight out of sf2

The characters have at least always been consistent with the games overall artstyle. Humans generally look like other humans. While Necro wasn't exactly human he still fit the games artstyle. There was nobody who stood out as inhumanly disproportionate like Abigail and FANG do. Even Hugo in SFIV didn't stand out as much as these fuckers.

The only reason Abigail looks like he belongs is because he was designed in the early 90s around the same time SF2 was, maybe even by the same guys. He just got a little bit of an update but the core elements are all still there.

Can't wait for Zeku. One good thing to come out out of this shitfest.


This guy looks awful. Chances are hell be a Guy clone too, maybe with one quirk to set him apart. Guy sucks, Zeku (probably) sucks. Should've got Maki.

Hey fuck you buddy, Guy was my main in USF4.

Eh, I'm on the hate SFV bandwagon but I'm hoping Menat or Zeku turn me around. I highly doubt it though. I'm starting to think that Capcom intentionally doesn't want characters that can play footsies or defensive neutral too well.

Maki sucks

I don't care about how he looked. I just want the Street Fighter series to die.

No, not really, he's retarded and the only people that like him are Capcomcucks.

Also if they released a character that did these two things but also rewarded good execution and has a good walkspeed I'd play it. I probably should have played Chun but I would like more choices.

I want it to live and my ki is stronger.

>Chances are hell be a Guy clone

>Should've got Maki

Yeah female guy is different right?

I don't want the series to die but it seems like Capcom is intent on making SFV have nothing I liked about old SF games. The methodical and slow paced footsie game, the fireball game, rewarding good reactions, having a deep technical ceiling, etc. I feel like they were intentionally left out of the game for whatever reason. It's a shame because I want to like and enjoy the game, even get really good at it, but I always felt alienated playing it. Might change as they release more characters maybe but I'm not holding my breath.


Hope this guy gets a wolverine color scheme.

I don't mind the design, it's funny and over-the-top which is preferable to bland, and derivative character designs.

He doesn't quite look like his Final Fight appearance (He seems younger and more freakish) But I like his color scheme and understand they were trying to make "A bigger and more retarded Hugo"

Still I don't like the current direction SFV is going in - introducing a new character once every 2 months doesn't deliver any real depth to the gameplay for most players who are dedicated to their mains.

I want either everyone to get a new Super Move, and/or V-ism custom combos to make a comeback.

Inb4 balancing issues, if the custom combos are game breaking, just make them sacrifice a good chunk of health to activate.

I like when he rolls his Rs and says ABIGAIL PUANCH! Japanese one sounds better when saying that one.

I wonder how he'll be different?

Guy with grapples?

Guy with rekkas?

Guy with a projectile?

Guy who's slow and tanky instead of fast?

It's odd because Guy is a pretty balanced mix-up rushdown character, so it'll be interesting to see what angle they're going for.

Mad shills.

Guy except he runs away instead of towards and his super is a health replenish