What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ Playstation E3 2017.jpg/

Yeah man that Nintendo conference was kick ass, oh...


No one mentioned them...

No DD2
No new From game
No Death Stranding
Not even TLOU2 even if I don't particularly care about it

Dumbasses getting excited over announcements rather than actual products. If you don't give a release date that is within the first year of announcing it, then I couldn't care less. Most people are too stupid to realize that's how they should be thinking.


you're the first person to say nintendo in this thread. Fucking Ubisoft had a better presentation than Sony.


>OP says sony is shit
every fucking time

The gamer market has always been easily impressed. Just show a fancy pre-rendered trailer or spout off ambiguous computer/console stats instead of showing actual gameplay. People will still get hyped and open their wallets.

They didn't have any games to announce

That's the price of announcing games 3 years in advance of the actual release

Sony doesn't care about E3 anymore. No one does. Sony has the Playstation Experience now.

I'm gonna assume this is a falseflagger

God you Nintendo fans are pathetic

They showed actual gameplay.

You're autism.

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ Playstation E3 2017.jpg/

It's killing me that the only game that got me interested was fucking God of War.

Still better than dickroshit and nuntinpoo
Keep that salt coming tho lmao

I know calling Sony games movies is a meme and all that, but this conference seriously felt like one long cutscene.

How many times are you gonna keep making this thread OP? I remember some getting deleted because you kept spamming your autism in the catalog.


Eat shit.

>Biggest thing they announced was Monster Hunter World, which isn't even an exclusive, and had maybe two people clap afterwards

>Sonormies still mad that no one liked their shitty conference

>yfw one of the most interesting games on show this year was a fucking rabbids game

Is this bizzaro earth?

>buy PS4 in 2014 since I got it for only $200 brand new
>most of my games are ports, which is fine since I didnt have a PS3
>however none of these games have wowed me, including "masterpieces" like TLOU or Uncharted 4
>I literally use it for Netflix and Hulu more than gaming at this point
>Spider-man announced, get hyped as fuck, huge Spideyfag, think this finally going to make my purchase worth it
>its nothing but Quicktime events and what looks like the slowest swinging yet
I can't even describe to you how simultaneously mad and sad over Sony's press conference this year

>muh graphs and charts
okay nigger? remind me who sold 60 million consoles and going to surpass ps2 ?

thats right, now go play your child's toy with no third party support and fucking garbage hardware that has no right to be priced that high

You won't save the white race by making fun of the nigger OP. It's far too late to do anything now.

They had nothing close to completion for their 2016 conference, so they showed stuff that would be, at the earliest, out in 18-24 months. People enjoyed the presentation style of this conference, because it was a slew of new content shown all at once without any unnecessary fleshing out or explanation, and this worked for Sony because they had so little of the games to show.

The problem in 2017 was that they came back with the exact same stuff they'd already shown in 2016 just closer to release date, and they chose the same presentation style, which didn't work as well, because once the excitement of the reveals had worn off, people would benefit for some kind of sell with on-stage explanation and showmanship. Trailers didn't really cut it.

The games also wound up looking quite disappointing. For a start, many of them are the same stock-standard third-person adventure game in the ilk of UC and the Last of Us, and games like Spider Man and Days Gone looked mediocre at best.

>Getting mad at people posting graphs and charts while simultaneously bringing up sales

does ANYONE actually give a shit about that zombie game? it's so generic I can't even remember the name of it

I know you're fishing for You's, but surely you cannot be this stupid. These percentages mean absolutely nothing and will continue to mean fuck all as long as the PS4 keeps dominating world wide. Nobody cares about the sad cacophony of a few Sup Forumsirgins on in internet.


Like nobody cares.

>M-Muh 60 million...

>Sup Forums kept saying that sony could just show up and show the exact same shit from last year and still win
>sony does exactly this
>Sup Forums goes apeshit
anyways, they either got cocky and thought they could just impress everyone by showing last years stuff OR they are saving their big announcements for the playstation experience. and considering TLOU2 was announced at that event, im betting its the latter.

>tfw Spider-Man has garbage Arkham combat

It is not fair.

What do sales have to do with E3? Holy fuck, everyone agrees the Sony conference was garbage, and selling more than Microsoft/Nintendo has nothing to do with it. Are you all that insecure?

Too much good games. I won't have enough time to play them all.

what the fuck does sale numbers have to do with the argument at hand. He was talking about who won E3 and the majority of Sup Forums believed Sony was the worst. Then you go on about 60 million sold which that didnt have to do with anything about e3.

not sure if this was meta-b8

>everyone agrees the Sony conference was garbage

Since when couple of autists like from Sup Forums is "everyone"? Only insecure person here is you.

>David Cage

>when even Chad Daddy himself was disappointed

>Asking Sonyfans if they're insecure
Is that even a question?

>no one
>bring only some Sup Forums chart made by Nintendo toddlers

My god, some people are really buttdevastated.

>Multiple charts that were posted numerous times after E3
>b-b-but nintendo...

The only insecure people are the ones replying to bait. You're just giving others a rise.

Why would Nintendo fans make two recount polls?

>still posting Sup Forums charts
>meanwhile around the world people choose PS4 over Switch in almost any country

Your anal devastation and insecurity really activate my almonds.

?Why would shitposters make two recount polls?


And it's not entirely Nintendo fans either.

I am not going to do your fucking homework, go look up the general reaction to Sony's joke of a conference.

>m-m-muh Nintendo
Fuck off, i have always been a Playstation player primarily, but that doesn't change facts, and the way you decide to bring up a completely unrelated fact to make Sony look better is the definition of insecurity.

>Sonormies so starved for games that they have to post about their sales to somehow have a counter argument

>I am not going to do your fucking homework, go look up the general reaction to Sony's joke of a conference.
So you basically pulled this out of your ass and have no source? Again, why do you have such epic amount of inferiority complex?

It triggers Sup Forums and that's always fun.

Well, PC cucks and Nintendo toddlers are so starved for games that have to post Sup Forums charts. This is even more silly.

I am not the one who has to bring up sales in a topic that has nothing to do with it because he can't accept that his precious company had a poor E3.

We have this thread every other day. Can't we ever not fling shit at one another?

They are saving the big reveals for PSX

>60 million sales
>1 game


I highly fucking doubt it.

You said everyone agreed Sony conference was bad yet somehow after E3 PS4 is beating all systems everywhere. When I asked you for source of your statementt you said "hurr do your homework" making complete laughing stock of yourself.

Sony without a doubt had the most boring conference. All they showed was a bunch of shitty movie games. It's pretty bad when Microsoft, Ubisoft, and Nintendo all had way more interesting games to show.

Nice argument. You must be 12 at best.

>1 game


Switch already has more exclusives than ps4.

Sony having the sales lead and making mad money, and they'll continue to do so for the remainder of the generation so there's no need to invest in more titles.
There were only 3 good announcements in Nintendo's conference.
One of them was Mario+Rabbids, which was previously in Ubisoft's so it wasn't hype.
The other two were Pokemon and Prime 4, but there was no gameplay, just confirmation that they were starting to work on them, so there's nothing to look forward to yet.

Microsoft did well this E3. Needed more 1st party AAA titles, but whatever.

>h-heh.... y-you're just underage... j-j-just wait for psx....

Companies are making more money than ever. They are also being as unoriginal and unimaginative as ever.

Casual audiences are now the widest appeal. It is better financial reward to release garbage consistently than to make gold.

Getting rich off of hard work and reinvesting into bigger, more ambitious projects isn't the path anymore. It's just about getting richer and richer. Use as little as possible to innovate and invent. Each dollar spent making a good product is a dollar not in your own pocket.

>Switch already has more exclusives than ps4.

Like? Name them.

I can't wait to play a bunch of Wii U ports and multi plats. Oh boy, look at all these exclusives!


C'mon you are underage.

Bethesda was worse in my opinion. Wolfenstein was a good reveal but the paid mods shit is inexcusable.

>Post something completely unrelated to e3 as a retort to OP
>People call you out on how it's unrelated
>lol you mad you jelly

Jesus Christ, you sonyfaggots deserve all the hate you get for the pure uncontained cancer you spread

Mario Kart 8

Funny, that's what people said about the PS4.

>Switch already has more exclusives than ps4.

This thread is getting better and better. Keep going.

They announced their games too early, should have waited until they were less than a year to release.
>but but Nintendo!
Fuck off console war fag.

I actually forgot Bethesda's conference existed because it was so unashamedly bad. Outside of Wolfenstein, it was so shit I wanted to just forget it happened.

>Mario Kart 8
not exclusives, dumbass

Arms, spla2n, mario is out inn a few months

Now name any exclusive for ps4 that isn't Bloodborne.

And it was true for that as well. What's your point?

Sony already said they held back on reveals

>I don't care that Sony actively shits in my mouth, we got dem sales BAYBEE!!!

>he still can't post source about people general opinion of Sony conference being bad
>he literally admit he pulled this out of his ass because of insecurity

>>I don't care that Sony actively shits in my mouth
by doing what?

That's 2 exclusives that are out now.

PS4: Horizon, Bloodborne, Uncharted, Nioh, Infamous, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0. So how Switch has more exclusives again? And don't even start with "I don't like them" or "they are movies". I already had enough laugh.

No user, YOU are making a complete laughing stock of yourself.

Yeah, but the difference is I'm not so desperate for games that I have to lie to myself that ports actually count as Switch games, unlike the vast majority of Nintendobros.

>Please Lord Sony, please make PSN a paid service, and not only that, but please please please raise the prices of it!
>While you're at it, can you make sure that the service is still incredibly bad and not worth it?
>Oh, and PLEASE tell us we're not allowed to have backwards compatibility!

>mfw Sup Forums filters Sony-gger to Sonybro now
And people say this board is nintenshill city.

>Announce games in 2016
>Show them again in 2017
>The games aren't launching till 2018
The absolute madmen.

My point is that it's ok when Nintendo do it. Now fuck off...


Nintendo has paid online too plus amiibo cancer and no backwards compatibility, where's the endless hate threads for them?

>no u!

its all filtered you fucking newfag. Nin-toddler is Nintenbro

don't forget Crash

>Sony has by far the most amount of word filtering
>People can still say a fuckton of things about Nintendo
Least we still have Sonyroaches

>b-b-but nintendo...
Also you're blind if you haven't seen the constant threads made in regards to amiibo and paid online

>Only Nintendo's shit taste good

Go ahead and defend it, like you fags always do.


This is the main reason i am upset the WiiU was a failure desu. Free online and backwards compatibility down the drain for that Switch meme machine.
PS+ being required to play online is pure cancer though, at least we get some nice games occasionally.

Paid online was the worst thing that could have happened to console gaming.

I could also post Ratchet and Clank but they would say it don't count because it's remake. However notice how there is no answer now :^)

>August 5th, 2017
>still posting about Sony's E3 conference

You're an actual idiot.

>Mario looks so real
this will never not make me laugh

A new fag AND a tripfag. It's fucking too late for you. Go back while you can.