Splatoon 2

Splatfest. Are you guys bored of Splatfest yet?

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I'm bored of the matchmaking taking 10 times as long.

I'm bored of losing so fucking much. I was 32-18 in the first week and now I'm down to 24-26. What the fuck happened?


Weve had faily threads for 3 weeks now. When are we moving to /vg/

It's nothing but ketchup vs ketchup. I've already moved up to a ketchup queen. There's really no point in playing anymore.


Post em


Previous thread : News
- Sploosh-o-Matic (Curling Bomb, Splashdown ) is back: twitter.com/SplatoonJP/status/893391908172480512 (embed) (embed)
- The first Switch My Nintendo rewards are Splatoon 2 equipment (Japan exclusive so far)
- The Current Splatfest is Mayo vs Ketchup. Join a team and scrub your Tees for 2000 coins each.
- New Splatfest-exclusive stage "Shifty Station" announced! Its layout changes with every splatfest.

> Splatoon 2 Information (links + translated tweets)
- pastebin.com/h04p6aqy (embed)
- pastebin.com/1wPYkZc9 (embed)

> Splatoon 2 Weapon Stats
- imgur.com/a/eV8p0
> S2 New weapon stats
- imgur.com/a/NFzgv

> Big S2 Gear & Weapon list (contains unreleased weapons)
- leanny.github.io/splat2/


>Splatted by Octobrush!

Why are so many people bitching about octobrushes? the range is so shitty you just shoot it from afar and it dies. you can see it swim behind you so there really is no reason. are mayotards this bad at the game?

Because they are shit

Post dirty tactics you've used to ensure your team wins
>Switched to Tri-Slosher

I have never once lost on Shifty Station. This stage is blessed.

So glad I got to play 4 matches in a row against my own team.

Not enough circle-jerking to move to /vg/.

>played like someone who doesn't have a learning disability

Just semen unfortunately.

I think I'm done with turf war for a while.

Will Shifty Station stay? We really need more stages.

The people saying it have no situational awareness and think they're being ganked when the brush user is just capitalizing on their stupidity.

I'll take it

No, but they're using it to test new ideas and get feedback. There might be a stage like it soon.

I hope not fuck shitty station

That's a cute spaghetti

Mayo King

>t. Someone who never won on Shifty Station


I've won multiple times I just don't like the stag and it's layout

I share that user's sentiment, and yes, your statement is true. I just won for the first time on it and it was because the mayo team was a bunch of rollers who forgot the roller can fling ink.

my man

I fucking hate sloshers and in going to return the game if they are balanced soon

>mfw Crips are near by

But Marina made it for you

From the thumbnail I thought this was a fetish pic and they were being turned into weird colorful vases or something.


does anyone know where the scrubber guy is hiding? I wanted to farm my shirt some more but he seems to hate raves
sounds like it's the permanent 3rd stage but only for splatfests. I'm perfectly ok with that, because they finally have map rotation during splatfests. I'm a little pissed that I played it for hours last night and still haven't played it meanwhile my gf got it 8 times.

>It's an enemy team has ink armor every fight episode
Fuck that broken special.

good thing it'll change for next time

>squidbag after every kill hoping the opponent tilts

nigga's right in the middle of it.

I'm tired in general of all of the MOTHER FUCKING LOSERS on my team that keep getting 0 points. It is sad as shit when you have up to 3 0 pointers on your team, and you can not go more than 3 games without getting at least one. Fucking hell...

>he seems to hate raves

She needs to see a design expert i guess

>it's a ketchup vs ketchup episode
Come out and play Mayo

How fast is the matchmaking now? I tried playing it last night but it kept making me wait until 10 seconds left on the countdown before finally pairing me against my same team.

It always matched me immediately, even if the teams were wildly imbalanced (1770 power vs. 1980 power was the worst instance). I thought it just dumped a bunch of random people into a lobby as fast as possible.

>Using the octobrush, super charge up, super power up
It's like spending half the match just sneaking up on retards and then the other half flying around with a fuck you cannon.

I am having the opposite problem. Last night I would be paired fast as fuck and half my games were against Mayo. Now it seems to take ages.

>Join friend on a normal day
>Keeps putting us on opposite teams
>Try to join friend during splatfest

>Zooming around the stage with a carbon roller
>Outspeeding shooters and leaving them to deal with my mess while the rest of my team goes in
Nice. Love it.

This. I keep getting ketchup vs. ketchup battles. Did no one pick mayonnaise?

>tfw have to play with my Switch docked because my WiFi internet is shit

Where are the mayo rooms though?

19-31 after hitting Mayo King. Is anyone on a nasty losing streak? I had some moron standing at the base after getting splatted.

Apparently not. Shouldn't all of southern US picked Mayo?

I'm at 30-13 so far. Playing with /vg/ is pretty fun.

Why the hell would southern U.S. pick mayo if the southeast is full of black and the southwest is full of mexicans?

>play together with 2 other friends all the time
>can't play without one more
oh well at least I carried them to profreshinal from go getter last night. Pretty pissed I still haven't got there yet because of the bullshit ranking system. Does anyone know where the best place to get a switch is? I have one more friend who will get it as long as it's at MSRP

Can confirm as southerner, picked mayo.

I want to keep grinding abilities, but I don't want to hurt team mayo any more.

>100 years of ketchup makes a glopping noise as it flows into team mayo

Rofl what's with that puny score.

You hurt it less than I did.

Hero Shot btw and not the Aeromeme

I'm having fun tearing these Aerospray and Splooshomatic users a new asshole with my .52 Gal and Mini Splatling-- the desperation to just win with turf coverage is too real

Is Ketchup royally screwed?
Find out this Sunday morning.

Post squids.


>I ink a lot
>I splat a lot
>still below 2000

I do not understand

>Switch to octobrush.
>Win rate goes from approximately 50% to 80%.
>Power jumps nearly 300 points.
>Can't go back to a more fun weapon without a high risk of letting my team down due to my now artificially elevated power level.

I really don't remember it being this good in the first game. Maybe it is just the higher concentration of people with low range weapons in turf war compared to the later days of Splatoon 1.

Fuck shifty station, haven't won a single fucking match on it.

I love Shifty Station so much

People who hate it are probably aerospray players

Sick of Ketchup vs. Ketchup though

California isn't part of "the south" in the US. Are you not from the US? It isn't as simple as your geographical direction as retarded as it may sound to you. The "south" is synonymous with the confederate states.


I swear some of these are ironic

I'm sure we'll see more revamped Splat 1 stages

Triggerfish please

>power surge cuts off TV and computer
>can't use PC's internet anymore but WiFi working just fine
>play for two straight hours until finally decide to reset the modem
>PC can go online again
>suddenly every attempt to join a game in the past hour has been met with a connection error 5 seconds in
14 points away from King and now my wi-fi decides not to cooperate.

>tfw I'm at 30-20 for wins, but the shitty partners make it feel like 10-40

How do you know if you're the reason your team lost? I'm usually the top contributor, but still lose.

If mayo loses, they should be ashamed of themselves. They've got such a huge handicap in their favor.


I love splatfests, they're so fun. They're honestly a stroke of genius by nintendo, bringing the community together like this, with special maps, music and rewards is just brilliant.

Ketchup is more popular if the mirror Ketchup matches are anything to go by, and the more popular team tends to lose in wins due to higher number of shitters so it's possible.

>make it feel
Stop being so fruity and man up. If you blame shitty partners maybe you're the one not strong enough for the team.

I just wish they'd do shit like this for ARMS. It'd probably make the game fun again.

Only the best color ink for splatfest

I'm pretty sure 90% are not actual furries. Why woukd you report a post that just a animal person waving a flag. You're playing a game filled with animal people.

mayofags btfo

Switchless Splat1 fag here, can you play splatfest with your friends this time, or is it still solo queue turf war only?

Did you get a bingo?

This needs to be updated though I guess since Inkstrikes no longer exist.

mayo QWEEN

>ketchup vs mayo battle
>green and blue ink

What does the (0.8) next to the amount of splats mean?

>losing streak
>want to try something new
>try out the roller
>our entire team is roller
anyone with eyes could see how that went.

Yeah there's a team option now, and team wins are actually a contributing factor to which side ultimately wins the splatfest.

>not strong enough for the team
>winning more than losing
>out of 100 games, will come in first on my team 90+ games
I don't understand user. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to score less like you to feel like a man?

I found my Teensy, give me images to print to miiverse.

is there anyone who uses the octobrush that isnt a total bab

Last one was a mirror match, somehow.

Ammount of assists per game.