>Bloodborne is an action game
>Here's a boss were you have to run around in circles and wait for the stars align for an opening where you attack once (twice if you're lucky)
>Bloodborne is an action game
Bloodborne is an action game
Not very, all 3 have different ranges. Just use the debris around the stage and it's not that bad.
>Not quickly murderizing the fire fucker
Makes the battle much more manageable.
I beat them yesterday a few hours after the thread died. It's still a poorly designed boss.
>not having a battle brother
Nice non responses
That's one way of doing the fight, I just rush down and play aggressively , it's not that hard.
That's fun as fuck fighting all three of them and how does your hyperbole example prove that bloodborne is not an action game?
You just suck at it, git gud.
>have to dance around hoping for 20 damage pokes every couple minutes
>bloodborne is an action game
>he didn't use shaman bone blades
>Make the boss fight themselves
Bloodborne is an action game.
>dude just use exploits lmao
What a well designed boss
Imagine being so bad, you can't even counter the easiest boss in the game.
That's what this thread is telling me.
Seriously, shoot them, visceral them. How hard is that? Did you fuck up your stats so you do jack shit damage?
Probably the best gank boss from ever made aside from demon prince amd Abyss Watchers
>Using an actual item that's in the game is an exploit
This has to be bait. No one is this retarded.
>Game gives you the resources to prepare for encounters
>It is up to the player to properly judge when to attack, as well as when to time dodges and gun shot parries
>Failure or poor execution of the above will result in the player getting bodied
>But its the games fault that the player gets bodied
Frankly I'm amazed you made it past Gascoigne
>hey, use this. It helps.
>You want me to make it EASIER!? nah I'll just blame the game
Was Paarl was pretty easy.
That's literally what I did.
Countered the katana fag and had to play hot potato one he got the ability to shoot snakes halfway across the area at the speed of light.
Countered the fag with the sword since all he does is hop around anytime you want to get near him to attack.
Mage was easy, but they had to compensate by having hm be able to summon giant snakes that can 1hko you.
It's a shitty tedious boss that's only fitting in Souls. Not the ACTION GAME.
Gascoigne was an actual fight. Not ring around the rosie with stretchy arms extendo fingers
Don't even pretend Soulsborne faggots don't throw a shit fit if you even say you looked up tips on how to get through something. Now you fags are acting as if making the game easier is acceptable.
>>Dmc is an action game
>Here's a enemywere you have to run around in circles and wait for the stars align for an opening where you attack once (twice if you're lucky since they dont get stunned but you do)
>Dmc is an action game
Is this thread going to become a daily thing?
I'm stuck at Blood Starved Beast
He kills my npc buddy and then me right when I get it to around half health
>Don't even pretend Soulsborne faggots don't throw a shit fit if you even say you looked up tips on how to get through something. Now you fags are acting as if making the game easier is acceptable.
Are you seriously so retarded that you can't understand the difference between looking up a how-to and using an item put in the game that the developers intended for you to use?
Stock up on blood vials, don't even worry about antidotes.
Dodge to the left.
If you get poisoned on the last phase, heal through it. Using antidotes wastes time.
Also buy Gascoignes armor for the poison resist.
Circle strafe his left side
Your attempt to defend your situation just makes you look worse and stupider. Practice, man. Use what the game gives you. Stop blaming shit other than yourself
Are all you faggots fucking retarded?
Did you not see this exact same thread yesterday?
Why the fuck are you responding?
You can't really be "stuck" at an optional boss
>Did you not see this exact same thread yesterday?
Cuz EVERYONE visits this shiet place EVERYDAY
No one has yet to disprove me though
People who don't visit Sup Forums everyday are the people who are ruining Sup Forums everyday.
Reposts of reposts of reposts of reposts of reposts
Yeup, take the fire guy out first: The one throwing the fireballs has the least health and the most annoying support if left unchecked.
Once you've gotten a few hits in, they'll all be vulnerable while they're gorwing and spurting out snakes. This should give you enough time to slaughter the fireball guy.
Next one to kill IMO is the pure attack one. Once he has snakes he throws this bullshit long range attack at you.
Once it's down to the candle-flaming guy, always just hit him ONCE, let him recover and dodge, then immediately hit him again. He will keep doing this, "get hit, dodge, get hit, dodge".
Good luck.
thats only one strategy for them, there's many others
If you do Vicar Amelia let one of those kidnappers (one appears right outside the chapel in Cathedral Ward) black bag you and you can get a good set for poison resist in Yahar'Gul, along with a few other goodies. Antidotes can be handy but as other user mentioned they might just be a waste of time.
It's a beast so saw weapons like the cleaver (in retracted position) and the spear (either position) get bonus damage plus fire (molotovs or fire paper, oil flasks to buff fire damage) is highly effective against it. These things combined well should bring it down in short order.
The timing is very dicey but Bloodstarved Beast can be brought down with crits using either backstabs or parries with a pistol. However I've only ever seen it done in videos, I just can't nail the timing myself so I use other tactics. Good luck. I hope you enjoy the chalice dungeons once you start doing them.
Left, got it. I always go right normally so maybe this will help out. Got the old man's armor too.
After losing 10k souls to it yesterday because I thought it would be a cakewalk with an npc, I just want to knock it out. Already explored the normal way and bought the 10k key, just wanted to finish my business with it before moving on.
Dodge to the left and antidotes.
This, he can't really hit oyu from EITHER side but his left is even weaker
he has no poise so you can stagger him with 5-6 hits in succession
never stop moving towards his side and he will never hit you with any of his one shots
>Features are now exploits
You must be delusional as fuck to be denying the soulsborne community won't be at your throat for not gimping yourself at every opportunity. Go make a DaS thread and brag about how you beat the game with the black knight halbeard or some shit like the gravelord sword.
>Practice, man
I beat them yesterday you fuck. I didn't even make this thread. Are you even reading it? I'm >Use what the game gives you
I didn't even know the shaman wiggywiggyooogabooga existed so I couldn't use it. Even then, it still says a lot when you have to resort to an item that makes the enemies fight one another. Same with the faggots yesterday using a video where a guy was doing enough damage to murder them in a full combo.
>op got rekt
>makes the same fucking thread everyday
How one can be so butthurted?
>he's gonna kill my buddy
>and then he's gonna kill me
>oh my gooooooooooodddddd
It was tricky but I did it and I suck ass at bloodborne
Come now now, user
Fuck off and kill yourself, this isn't reddit or tumblr, stop re-posting garbage threads like this.
Yes they have. You refuse to use the games features and is complaining about how much you suck. Being bad at a game is not an argument. Please state an argument.
never forget that if a majority of people LOVE a game then it means that it's casual.
people who think that bloodborne is top of the line action are the same people that had to die 100 times to a boss and then when you point out how shitty (not hard, just utter trash) some boss is they just scream GIT GUD since they have no other understanding of it since they had to either grind or die a 100 times to finish it.
>no one can criticize muh bloodborne
That's not me.
> so mad you make a thread daily about one boss fight
god damn, so this is what they meant about fearing the old blood
Is this the same platinumautist?
so that i don't get a million responses, bloodborne was a good game, i was just pointing out that it is just another arpg with fun combat, but attracts the casuals as shit attracts flies.
>I'm stuck at Blood Starved Beast
Just parry him, he is literally the easiest enemy to parry in the entire game, it's so easy it feels like an exploit. Don't summon an NPC.
God hopefully not
Bloodborne feels the same as Souls. Slightly faster, and the changed the lockon dodge to a sidestep. There's mechanics to INCENTIVE you to play aggressively but there's a lot of cases in the game where taking it slow is still far better.
>literally wrecked the blood starved beast solo back when the game was new
>still see posts like this complaining about him
I don't get it.
Applies to you.
Buying poison resist gear from the insight shop helps a lot. It's probably the first and only time it's worth caring about status/element defense other than frenzy.
Other than "don't get hit", the best advice is really just to pump health in the early game. You have tons of stamina out of the gate, and damage stats are total garbage until weapon levels and scaling starts to improve mid to late game. Health is massively more valuable early on, to the point where there's no reason to level anything else except to meet weapon requirements until vitality is 30.
Oh shit, it's you again. Have you beat the Shadows yet OP?
It's probably the 3rd phase where he shits out poison.
What features did I refuse? I literally said I parried them to death twice.
so, how is that related to my post?
>"I'm a loser who sits on Sup Forums all day every day!"
Sad, really
>people who think that bloodborne is top of the line action
Do you have dementia?
so, how is that related to my post?
>doesn't want to the shaman bone blades
>no bloodvials when fighting them
>no quicksilver bullets when fighting them
>mfw I sucked at parrying my first playthrough so I went trick BoM the whole game and still beat it
You have literally no excuse, this game isn't that hard.
We had this same shitty thread yesterday.
And we'll see many more. OP really wants to earn that nickname. Or maybe it's just someone else shitposting. You never know.
>multiple ways to defeat a boss
>this is somehow bad
n e v e r c h a n g e Sup Forums
>bone blade
Wasn't even mentioned in the thread I made yesterday and I didn't know it existed.
CTRL+F it yourself.
>no blood viles/bullets
Like I said in the thread I just linked, I didn't feel like going back and getting more. I did the same thing with Vicar and knew the fight so well that when I did bother to get vials I didn't even need to heal since I only got hit once when she was about to die.
Oh come on, this is like one of two boss fights with multiple enemies that doesn't suck ass.
It is someone else. Read the fucking thread holy shit.
Maybe later. But I should have known it's someone else. What a pity, I wanted to see another case of 10 day user.
Blood-Starved Beast is the final casual filter of the game.
>Cleric Beast
>"Alright kiddo can you see these telegraphed attacks and remember dodge timing?"
>"Okay now stop playing like a bitch and get right in there. Play like this rabbid fuck you're fighting your now. Parrying is a thing, look he's doing it to you"
>Blood-Starved Beast
>"Alright faggot can you seriously play this game or did you just hide behind tombstones during that last fight?"
BSB was such a memorable fight for me.
>get to boss
>last fire paper
>end up barely winning because of it
I was shit at parrying too, so it was just threaded cane all the way
>I made yesterday and I didn't know it existed
There sold by the messengers who charge insight in the hunters dream. No excuse.
>I didn't feel like going back and getting more.
You refuse to usethe game features and complain about how much you suck. Not an argument. And if you fought these guys so much you should know their moveset by now.
From Soft makes a Vampires Vs. Humans game when?
I just want to be a fabulous vampire, seducing hot bitches, fucking bitch boi pucci while sucking them dry and pull strings of string pullers of human society.
>There sold by the messengers who charge insight in the hunters dream. No excuse.
I just checked, they aren't in there for me.
>You refuse to usethe game features and complain about how much you suck
Reading comprehension.
>And if you fought these guys so much you should know their moveset by now.
I did. Did you miss the part where I said I beat them yesterday?
isn't there a vampire soulslike game in development now? I thought I saw a trailer for it during E3 or one of those trade shows
Just checked the wiki, you only get the bone blade shit after doing a chalice dungeon.
It's an action game that centers around minimizing incoming damage and seizing opportunity.
I'm not certain how one could play a game with a absurdly good dodge, a ranged parry, and get this far in the game without realizing it.
>literal retard has a problem with one of the easiest bosses in the game
>the boss is a common action game trope where the boss battle is against multiple opponents with different moves
Of all the things to complain about ...
Code Vein ? That's from the God Eater guys
Is Vampyr going to be souls tier in gameplay? Hope so.
yea that's the one
>being this bad
>wait for the stars align for an opening where you attack once
fake news
OP, if you think Shadows of Yharnam is an unfair bossfight, just wait until a little bit later in the game. You WILL LOVE this fight (it's not even a boss fight)
BB is still the best game in the last 15 years and there's nothing you can do about it OP
This will be the new 10 days.
Fuck these niggers, I have never beaten them. They are the hardest thing in the main game, even more than Lawrence or the Orphan.
>Bloodborne has good combat
No fucking way
Lol these are 3 of the easiest bosses.
haven't died to these guys once
Flamel should have upgraded his weapon.
Code Vein?
>Caring about PvP
It's like complaining that Mario 64 looks shitty. Everyone knows it and you look stupid for complaining about it.
the safest tactic is actually like the Shadows of Yharnam fight. Get a charged visceral attack on the guy standing in the center and then aggro all 3 hunters. You head out of the chapel from where you came in and have all 3 hunters follow you. The hunters actually have different leash ranges so when you are far enough from the chapel 2 hunters will stop following you and you can fight them one on one. You just need to beat them one on one and then won't respawn later.
BB is a dodging simulator.
not being on Sup Forums while at school, work, on dates, at movies, during sex, while with friends, at family functions, during your childs birthday, while being honored for civic duty . . .
>its like your a gay baby
I wish scrubs, plebes, and human garbage weren't allowed on Sup Forums.