I love Fallout 4 so I decided to get all of them, but I can't find Fallout 1 and 2 in any Gamestop I've gone to. What console were they made for? Or did this series just start at 3 for some reason?
I love Fallout 4 so I decided to get all of them, but I can't find Fallout 1 and 2 in any Gamestop I've gone to...
Low level bait
how dare you
Thinking of starting up and playing Fallout 2 again, which build should I go for Sup Forums?
Just in the low chance this isn't bait and someone actually is this stupid.
Gamestop doesn't sell older game, you can get the first two Fallout games on Steam. However they play very different from Fallout 4.
dont bother they're unplayable garbage
stick with 3 and 4
energy weapons, with no points in small arms
High luck, low intelligence, jinxed.
When Bethesda made 1 and 2 consoles were not an option.
They have gotten a lot better at making games since then so skip them if you want you won't miss much.
low int is terrible for fallout 1 and 2 because it reduces the number of side quests you can get. Some characters will flat out refuse to talk to you after the first time because they realized you're dumb af. pretty fun tho 5/7
Well only for Fallout 1, in Fallout 2 you can still do a lot of the stuff. Helps that you get some of the funniest dialogue in the game.
The combat is very tedious, contrary to what nostalgia fags will claim, but the story, writing and role playing are what make the game worth playing.
this. Combat didn't get "gud" until fallout 4, but fallout 4 had weak rpg elements as a result. New vegas combat is pretty satisfying once i installed mods like improved sounds, better first person animations, and shit like that.
speech and big guns
>need mods to play a game
>When Bethesda made 1 and 2
This is legit the most fun I had in F2
Boxing my way through the game never got boring
How 'bout a bimbo slut build?
>sex: female, age: whatever (preferably from 18-22)
>Max CHA, leave INT somewhere at 3-5, END at 7-8, rest is lrrelevant.
>Pick sex appeal and good natured
>Tag speech and other shit, like firstaid/doctor/science/outdoorsman. No combat skills.
>companions are allowed
>become the best porn star of New-Reno and have sex with every NPC that gives you this opportunity. (even fucking Myron)
What do you like about Fallout 4 OP?
Asking honestly. How's the level design and gunplay of the game? I ask because the game was gifted to me and I'm thinking of selling it while it's still new and sealed. On the other hand I could just give it a chance and play it.
The OP is bait, but I will tell you that F4 has mediocre gunplay, though it's still a big step up compared to the gunplay of the other games in the series, and the level design is no good, but not offensively bad either. If you just want a mindless post-apocalyptic shooter, then you'll probably enjoy it, but it's not an amazing game in any regard. I'd say you're best off selling it, but again, you might enjoy it despite how shallow it is.
And I thought this could only be a meme.
Underages shouldn't be allowed on the internet until they learn proper history.
>Helps that you get some of the funniest dialogue in the game.
You'd had to be bored out of your mind to play that way and also find amusement in it.
And I bet no one actually completes the game with one of those retard characters. It's a fleeting novelty for people who are desperate to squeeze one last bit of entertainment out of a game they have played too often. People should stop recommending it as though it's an absolutely side-splitting, rollicking whale of time.
OP is obvious bait.
That said, FO4 did do a couple of things right. Still preferred 3 and NV, though.
If you want a fun open-world Post-Apocalypse sandbox with a shit ton to do, Fallout 4 is a great game. If you want a deep and engaging role playing experience, Fallout 4 is terrible.
>"hey guys, i really enjoyed this game you all hate, should i-"
>(autistic screeching commences)
i fucking hate this place
fallout 4 is the only good one
Sorry this isn't a hugbox. Do you want tissues with your feminine tears?
Kot blini is to good for this thread.
Interestingly enough the owner determined his breed as Thai and some kind of special marble.
>playing a turn based RPG for something other than the writing