Why do black guys like fighting games so much?
Why do black guys like fighting games so much?
Because they're violent
Because the blacks, much like primates, cannot comprehend anything more than mindless aggression.
oh yes i expect well thought out and civilized discussion about videogames in this thread
My collection is much nicer and im white as fuck.
>Rival schools
Looks like Woolie's stupid collection
Woolie isn't technically a black, though
Fighting games are fun, op
Of the ones in that pic though I only played SFIV and Rival Schools, and I didn't play the latter very much
>Like fightan
>Only fightan I was good at was DoA
Feels bad
Because black communities in the US are a lot more focused around group activities.
Fighting games are a group activity, as are sports games.
Also fighting games aren't super expensive, you just need a console, a tv, and two controllers.
I know two three black guys that are into vidya, but none of them are into fighting games. One is a Kingdom Hearts degenerate and the other two prefer games like Horizon Zero Dawn or Uncharted 4.
Same reason they like DBZ. Utterly vapid. Nothing but manufactured hype.
I don't know, user. He looks and sounds like a negro to me.
Why do black ppl likes playstation so much?
Every black guy is a weeb.
Those other two are uncle tom faggots that like shitty movie games though.
This is true.
I don't know user. As a kid i used yob hate fighting games because id always lose, but now i love them because i can get competitive with friends and have alot of fun. Nothing to do with me being black.
I don't know, are you looking for the Sup Forums 'recycle Sup Forums infographs from 1973' answer or the actual answer? If it's the latter:
Arcades are typically pretty cheap, you slap a quarter in the machine and you get to play until you lose. There's a more masculine, competitive streak in the black communities I've been around so the inherent gamble of your quarter being stretched based off of how good you are is great. Beyond that, you're right next to a dude and can clown on him (same reason sports games are so popular) and typically there was other fun shit to do at the arcade.
If you wanted the red pilled intellectual answer:
Dumb nigger chimp monkey like make smash smash.
>Every black guy is a weeb.
yeah, either a ironic weeb or a dbz-only weeb
Black people like three things. Dragonball Z, Kingdom Hearts, and fighting games. And if not all three, then at least one of them.
>Visit cousins down south at family reunion
>Topic of anime comes up
>Everyone talks about how the new GiTS movie was shit compared to the original
>Kids talk about DBS and AoT
>Teen cousin loses his shit over Deadman Wonderland
>Dad talks about Hellsing Ultimate with his cousin
>Everyone starts talking about comics and superhero movies
>dbz-only weeb
Not a weeb then. The word you're looking for is patrician.
This is right but i hate sports games. I wonder if mh, gravity rush, the entire dark souls series or open world sandbox games fall under mainstream JRPGs though
>tfw your actual answer is just a long winded version of the red pilled intellectual answer
>dark souls
>not mainstream
>open world games
>not mainstream
Careful friend, whilst you're busy showing us your games a chimpanzee is trying to steal your games!
but its not.
Why do white guys and (((white))) guys like movie games so much?
>dark souls
Why Kingdom Hearts?
I don't know. I've just seen a lot of black people who fucking love Kingdom Hearts and think it's the tightest shit.
>t. triggered man of color
>tfw my 50 yr old army captain dad is a weebo
>collects ninja animes and mangas like Kamui
>big fan of Samurai X
>likes Macross and End of Evangelion vcd
>has a wakizashi
>>big fan of Samurai X
>Retarded post coupled with retarded anime question marks
Every time.
They are violent and confrontational by nature.
Who actually played Street Fighter on the PS3?
Why do virgin white males like weebshit so much?
Blacks like weebshit too though. Ever heard of Etika?
I know you're white by the way.
He's probably (((white))).
because theyre violet asshole you fucking slut
I hope you strangle your own sphincter
t. someone whose never gotten good at a fighting game in there life
Gravity Rush is my favorite JRPG.
Am I the only one who stopped buying physical games just because they've become too much of a hassle to have anymore.
You forgot Nep white boi
Why are americans sexually attracted by blood and gore but refuse to look at a pair of tits?
Well we have to think of the children, wouldn't want them becoming a bunch of whores now would we?
>He's never seen the army of Kingdom Hearts blackaboo cosplayers
hmm that didn't quite work out did it
>Hassle to have.
Are you a poorfag? Only apartment and basement lards seem to have a 'hassle' with physical shit.
I feel like I'm the only one who still enjoys physical copies.
Since black people tend to be poor.
If you can't afford to own a lot of games, you tend to be drawn towards the ones that get the most replay value, like fighting games.
I'm 1/4 Welsh, 1/4 Swiss German, 1/4 Slovak, and 1/4 Polish.
Why are black guys so hot?
nice projecting faggot. not everyone wants a shit ton a clutter.
How do they manage to steal all this vidya without getting caught?
More testosterone compared to beta whites and Asians.
how do you keep your shit from collecting dust?
They was kangs n stuff.
probably by dusting
actually this isn't a checklist since the boxes aren't square. the round one implies you can only pick one
t. Tyrone Kang DeJamal