Rimworld Thread

Rimworld Thread

>Don't Know What To Build Edition

Post old bases and how they died


Based Rimworld poster.

The colony thus far. Digging into mountains is slow so I wind up building an entire base right outside before I begin.

Now that we have several diggers the work progresses with some speed.

>building out of wood

Still haven't learned but steel is such a pain in the ass sometimes

that's why i refuse to use wood walls for anything but temp. rockside rooms and prison cells

too many instances where I've been like "oh i can handle it if it catches flame" only to have fucking lightning hit one side and a Zzzt hit the other while people are trapped inside the burning rooms
it doesn't help that i completely forget how quickly air temp rises and how devastating it is

i tend to make a stonecutting station immediately and set someone to make a few hundred of the nearest available stone. with half decent crafting skill or a work speed bonus you can make a room's worth of stone walls in a couple in-game hours

>beachfront colony


Building out of steel is bullshit too. I highly recommend investing in grinding out stone blocks for building purposes. It's cheap, plentiful, has high durability and is almost useless for everything else.

>all that stuff
>Extreme Break Risk x5
>multiple soft breaks
what are you doing exactly?

I want to like this game but the art style is so fucking awful

Thanks, my only complaint is that you can't completely wall off the sides so I'm forced to have two entrances

Building and observing

>all that space
>those poor defenses

I'm assuming that you're playing on Phoebe Basebuilder or something equally non-threatening

What's the cheapest this game has gotten to? I really want to play it.


I don't think it's ever gone on sale

i have yet to see it drop below 30 leafbux
I don't even own it, i play it on a friend's account via family sharing
i feel bad for racking up 200 hours in a game i have not purchased

Why miss out on pleasures such as getting brutally powerfucked by a 25 warg rape squad?

I hope you tamed those


At least someone's getting value out of that purchase

yeah he has hardly touched it, he only bought it for his roommate to play who has since moved out

this visual spectacle is literally the only reason i play rimworld over dorf fort

i love dorf so much more overall but it simply cannot properly convey the satisfaction of force-feeding bullets to your unwanted guests

>when a poison ship part lands and shits out a centipede with a minigun
>kill the centipede by using natural cover effectively and animal distractions
>using that minigun alone to repel the next 3 raids

I mainly play this game to get comfy enough to get entertainment by handling raids

what's entertaining is looking at that and seeing the majority of the damage done to the colonists was from the turrets behind them

Never did any lasting damage

oh, certainly not, but it's funny to see

Constructing components is bullshit

i just buy them from every single trader that offers them, regardless if I need them at the time or not. precious commodity, those fucking things

Is it possible to find them with the deep mining drill?


((don't tell anyone but i torrented Alpha 16 months ago))

its very addictive & i will give it money as soon as i get le job