>he mains Engineer
He mains Engineer
Other urls found in this thread:
>he mains
>he plays Group Forrest 2
>he attacks
>he mains stickyspammer
>but he also protects
And no, 'Disappointment' isn't an answer since we're all expecting that
>Removed random crits
>Removed the meme server selection
>Added moar ranks for casual
>made competative playable
>removed spy from the game
Nothing, lets be honest. they will fuck up pyro even more, the new map is going to be yet another payload, they will pick the worse community map to add into the game, buff other classes who dont need buffs and add mre dumb taunts
>He doesnt play as a goblin engineer
>finish 2 Cities tour
>two boxes on reward screen
Its such a bad update that its literally an insult to the players, its so spectacularly bad, that Valve is forced to actually make an outstanding update just to make up for it.
>Useless cosmetics
>Pyro reskins
>Some new weapons that are either op or unusable
>comp changes
Oh and all of this in a new campaign
Competitive will still be terrible
Community servers will stay dead
The weapon/pyro rebalances will be short sighted and will once again show that valve doesn't actually know how to play their game
The map will probably be good
>he uses stickybombs
They're probably just going to unleash shitty pyro sidegrades instead of fixing his flameboxes
I actually can't hit anybody with flamethrower particles at all as it is
I thought that's what the Meet Your Match update was
I don't care anymore about what it'll contain, I just want it out
Pyro gets her bases slightly buffed, but also recieves various nerfs to airblast and her weapons that make her even weaker than before.
More of these, please.
Somebody get the party van in motion.
I'll make some oc ones if this thread is still alive when I get home from work
The last one was filled with faggots who'd ban you for shit you could do on the past party van
this one sounds like it was made by a 9 year old
>kill a soldier with sticky
>"fucking noob spammer"
>since when does shooting floor take more skill than shooting arced projectiles that have a delay before they explode
>he mains demo
>he mains scout
I have a theory on how to fix le second primary man
>make stickybomb only carry 4 bombs in a full clip
>as a result, remove 1 bomb from the quickiebomb launcher
Now there's a fair choice on what to use, grenades or stickies.
I miss the good old TF2 Gmod memes.
>*pipes your head, sending you straight to the ground, causing you to die a clumsy and painful death*
>thinking stickies are overpowered
you're making it too obvious that you're a bad player
Maining demo is like maining Junkrat in OW, that should say something.
>*strafes behind u*
heh, you were good son
shit idea, i have something better
>pipe launcher clip increased to 6
>stickie clip reduced to 6
only now is the strongest primary not obvious
Gosh, golly and gee! I am sorry mr. Demoman player!!!
Scout counters demo so bad it's not even funny
>He can't deal with scouts
I'd actually like this but only because I am a targefag
*blows you up with the trap i had hidden just for this scenario*
>be 15000 hour demo
>see 1 hour scout
>next second im dead for some reason
wtf game
>the liberty launcher needs a buff
if someone says this you know theyre retarded and know nothing of the game
>I never played against a good scout
Nice to know
reminder that current u.s party van is good, (cept fucking rtd remove that shit) and we all had a fun friday night.
Gid gud, faglord.
He's not wrong
Scout/Demo match is about 70/30. Infact scout has a favorable matchup against almost every class in the game.
>He plays whatever class is most useful in a particular situation
>he plays whicherver class is least useful in a particular situation
>he plays classes that arent soldier
>several hundreds hours into that game
>still utterly shit at it
get several thousand hours
>maining anyone in TF2
>playing TF2 in 2017
I don't see why people would want it buffed. It's designed to work with the rest of its item set, like the market gardener.
So, i decided to buy a key and trade for some hats and strange weapons. where should i go for this kind of shit?
Tf2outpost charges 2 to 3 ref for hats and that sounds a bit expensive for today's economy.
it all depends on the hat. most older items cost like 1.33 ref on backpack.tf
whats ur problem
so y'all jumping into the party van or what?
-Base speed raised to 107%
scrap.tf, sfuminator, and stn.tf
I might after work. MVM Machine Attacks final episode when?
>Maining in an FPS
>fix bugs that have been in the game for ages
>make fire particals not work like shit
>fix me getting terrible ping on servers close to me and getting better ping on servers pretty far away
>new mvm maps
>proper tutorial
>bread boxes 2.0
they had ALL the time in the world to make the update actually significant
>wm1 spam calling out sticky spam
scrap.tf? backpack tf?
>being killed by w+m1
>been playing for 7 years
>just learned this week that melee is basically just delayed, short range hitscan and your crosshair has to be on the target when you click, not when it hits
when you can consistently hit shit with the zatoichi demoknight becomes kinda ridiculous
>Used to be a Spy main
>Got bored of it and started maining Heavy
This is actually really can't belive I never even touched heavy more than a dozen hours in my 2,000 hrs of total gameplay
Last time I went on the server was fucky for me, wouldn't let me pick up health or ammo even though other players could do it just fine. I might give it another shot tonight to see if it's fixed though.
>your crosshair has to be on the target when you click
This isn't true. Melee is delayed short range hitscan. It's based on the animation.
nah we can do better
>make stickies do jack-shit for damage upon launch
>need to wait like 3-5 secs for them to actually do shit,forcing you to actually use them for traps as was their initial purpose
>crosshair has to be on the target when you click and not when the hitbox comes out
Does that mean if you're at the right distance and click, but in the short fraction of time you move out of the correct range, it will hit?
>Spy disregards this whole thing because his melee swing has the hitbox come out instantly
I main Italian Fat Scout
A little more than half the 2k hours were in Spy
I remember when these threads would get derailed by one Overwatch bait post
>inb4 thread gets derailed by this post
Every other RL is better, except RJ, and the LL doesn't fill any niche or unique style like every other RL. It needs a rework if anything.
Why are Pyro mains always a Furry or Brony or some degenerate mix of the two, what is it about Pyro that attracts degenerates?
Password: vidya
WM1 Kill Em All 1956
I am axe man
410,757,864,530 DEAD SPIES
LL is nothing more thatr a fuck you scout weapon and I like it
>It needs a rework if anything.
Yeah I agree
>he plays classes for fun
I wouldn't mind this Pauling