Post secrets, tips and other things to help new players out in the game here. This thread is for thals only. Sapes fuck off.

Other urls found in this thread:

How do i get to the catacombs?
I need to get that fucking sigil to open the goddamn door in the cenotaph.

Has Sirotek killed himself yet?

Why does the Sanctuary start give you a fucking GUN GAUNTLET and FREE ITEM IDENTIFYING


The bandits in the beginning aren't meant to be beaten yet. Go to aquavius, the dungeon is right next to it. Also explore the back of the forest for a chest and shrine of the raptors for items as well. Theres a hidden wall in there. Good luck.



Yeah man I'm fucking loving this shit.

So far there doesn't seem to be a way to revive dead aeorbs or vamphry's after the bite the dust

The staff doesn't work? Caudecus staff?

How do you make windowed mode bigger?

nope seems the're immune even to magic that would help em like raising from the dead

Who here /load every time you get a disease or killed/

>weapon range means literally nothing

What did Cleve mean by this?
I wanted to make a cool ranger but bows have shit stats and there's no benefit for ranged weapons.

>being a save scumming sape


What's his endgame?

There is though, if there are like 4 enemies are some are in the back you can't hit them unless you kill the front guys.


How often does that happen though? My party's level 4 and I have yet to encounter more than 3 enemy "rows" and even those very rarely.



>I'm a Neanderthal

Ahahahaha is this a ITT: We pretend grimoire is good and we're discussing about it seriously like it has tons of quality content that can makes you feel likes a real adventurers/ right?

G-good one Sup Forums but you won't get me.

How do I make the indentify spell work? I get the magnifying glass bottom right of the dungeon window. Now what?


Quite often, you just don't notice because your dudes kill the front ones first and the ones and the back move up to replace them.

Hey guys I just got a bone dagger which is actually a 2d4 wep which is good but it's cursed and I can't unequip it.

>not saving before equipping anything

Cast identify, higher power the more accurate it will be. Then right click the action icon and click assay, then click the item.

If you want to see weapon stats and stuff after you identify drag the item to the magnifying glass(assay icon)

Hope this helps.

You cannot defeat rpgcodex. They are one of the highest concentrations of autism known to man. They far exceed WMD-tier autism. If Sup Forums was considered a water gun, rpgcodex would be the death star. Their desire for more drpgs will lead them to convince themselves it's good, and try to force others to believe it too.

sorry you're too much of a sape to get over the MASSIVE INCLINE

When will Cleve's LA riots posts be adapted into pure kino incline? Who should play Cleve?

It's a huge upgrade though and I did save before. I just can't unequip it, but I want to wear it. It scared me actually I equipped it and it said BONE DAGGER IS CURSED

I don't even fully understand what it means.

I'm having a great time playing it. And the only DRPG I have played is tales of rivia, and 2 wizardry games and 1 might and magic.

This game is of that quality. It's fucking fun.

Humanity tried to wipe out the neanderthal race, and they repay us with the greatest game ever conceived. This is why neanderthals are the most beautiful creatures to grace this Earth and we humans suck.

Anyone have links to the Sapes who said it would never be released? I heard there was a youtube channel

anyone else stacking unarmed Saurian berserkers? 3d4 base attack


don't worry, it'll break soon. hope you still have your old weapon!

>yfw you dont know if this is a huge false flag or people are truly discussing the game

A ton! Thanks user.

Thals are no good, slant-browed, cave dwellers. They deserved what they got.

It's legitimately a good game, just difficult as fuck.

Yeah I do, cool then.

No problem man.

How do you revive party members? Also why does it say I received the product for free on my review?

How do i open that door on the dungeon with the vase that asked for 5000 gold?

To be fair he missed 9 deadlines before so it was a pretty strong assumption that august 1st was just another deadline to miss, which he did.
Yeah if you can get over the vomit art style, music, and clunky gameplay. So, y'know, just 90% of the game.

How do i pleasure my wife?

Haven't gotten to a town so I don't know there if there's a ressurection shrine or something.

But in shrine of the raptors you find a hidden wall by clicking space on the walls and find a switch. Inside is the staff of caudecus with 7 charges and it can't resurrect your party members.

I want to torture rpg codex posters for being jaded d&d nerds.

Ask her boyfriend

In the wizardry games it just meant that you cannot unequip the item unless you cast dispel curse onto the character holding the cursed weapon.

Note that the cursed status (in Wiz6-8) only means you may not swap it out. If it were harmful, say it would poison you or drain life you, that would be a second weapon status. Yes, these very powerful lategame items exist in the Wiz games, but I really doubt that an early game item has such a condition.

I'd just use it for now.

More like there is a good game in there somewhere but Cleve's stupid make it hard to find

and it can****

>graphics music and accessibility are 90% of a video game

Fucking kill yourself summerfag

Nice, I had no idea

> There are more people playing Grimoire than Battleborn

>gameplay = accessibility
Literal retard

Please, this game is casual as fuck.

What the fuck is up with the sun dial puzzle? Anyone know how to figure it out?

>tfw naga party member seduces shopkeepers and steals everything they sell

there's also two switches on the 2nd floor that need to be pressed

I pressed the lever which activated the water way but nothing happened when I set the dials to what you posted.

How do you seduce?

wrong switch m8


I found it before you posted that, and saw the note too. thanks man.

With the BBC

>sneak archer

Can somebody give me a quick rundown on all the cringey shit the developer of this has done?

Two races so far seem to be immune to rez. Vampire and eyeball dudes. So yeah, kinda sucks.

On another note, I just poisoned an own partymember. I forgot to change the focus after casting a heal. Turns out the poison spell fucking wrecks my dude's shit. All hail multiple saves.

Fuck off sape.

He pretends to be his own son and has an imaginary wife.

Nah man apparently in another thread some user has met his actual son. And has him friend'd on facebook and went to college with him.

He basically said his son is a mini cleve and hates lefties. So his son is real.


Wow you mean one person on an anonymous imageboard claimed something without supplying any proof and that means it's a fact?

Cleve mentioned there's a necromancy spell that will revive both

The pretending thing is also an anonymous claim FYI. You believe whatever you want to believe.

I have a stun rod but I don't know how to use it. Anyone know how to use charged items that you can equip?

The way he said it seemed plausible. He didn't specifically go into details because he didn't want people from here to bother him. Also he didn't even know that cleve was his dad until someone typed blakemore. And he was confused until he realized he was cleve's son.

Are you fucking kidding me, dude? It would literally take years to archive every single post Cleve has made.

Here, have a teste.

I'm not sure whether to believe you, Cleve.

Believe something doesn't exist because there's no proof, or believe something does exist but there isn't any proof. Decisions decisions.
He couldn't back anything up so of course he would be vague.

prepare your spacebar

Man, Cleve hangs out with the big boys. No surprise so many hate him, they're jealous.

>not pretending to be your imaginary son's wife
Do you even incline, sape?

Not really man, he had no reason to lie. He didn't even know about the game until we made threads about it. Search the archive for the post, you will see what I mean. He had no reason to lie really. It's funnier to think he doesnt have one I guess. But cleve isn't insane, he's a madman, but not insane.

I tried playing this but the UI is unintuitive as fuck and getting through even a single turn of combat is a chore. I've only read LPs of the original Wizardry games, but they didn't give me the impression of being this bad to control at all. Was I mistaken, or is Grimoire just a mess?

Are you telling me you wouldn't becleve these pretty blue eyes? He's so trustworthy shell over your $40, user.

yes, was too much of a sape to handle the incline

>he had no reason to lie
People lie on the internet without a reason all the time and you're delusional if you think otherwise. Or do you seriously believe every post on Sup Forums?

No you are just confused as hell. I am having a lot of fun. I have played a lot of the older DRPGs though. It's surprisingly really well made.

Wait a minute. Third guy on the left side. Is that Cleve?

>only play meme games
>just read LPs of games that actually require effort
>surprised when your brain is too caked with rotten shit to participate in the incline

why are you even here my dude

Funny too because you literally believe he has no family because of a post on Sup Forums. Your a fucking loser who likes to gossip like a school girl about video games.

Fuck off sape.

For charged rods, you have two options. First option is to use them by selecting the Use action then clicking on the item during combat. Any character can do this but I think they need to have a decent Invocation skill otherwise the spell will backfire. Second option is to equip it on a character's alternate/secondary weapon slot. With the latter, it's up to random chance if they use it or not during an attack, and only spellcasters can equip them, I think.

i will never stop laughing at the neanderthal vs sape shit

>post a VN picture
oh wow

I think this dog has autism

>you literally believe he has no family because of a post on Sup Forums
Oh, that's my reason? Thanks man, here I thought it was for a completely different reason.

I thought the same thing. My character who uses that portrait is named cleve

> I'm not racist, look, my wife's son's wife is asian and i got black friend

Stop joking cleve we all know you're redpilled as fuck, why lying like that?