What are your favourite ship designs?

what are your favourite ship designs?

are there any games with a lot of variety of styles?

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I like Rebel Galaxy

Homeworld 1-2 have a shit ton of cool designs

Cataclysm is best.

Sins of a Solar Empire had excellent design, especially the Titan units. Shame it's an RTS. I would pay good money for an X type game in the Sins universe.

which is the best X game?

I tried one once, but it started me just in the middle of space and I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing

Riftborn we're my favorite ship designs. United Empire was my favorite faction to play as though. Humanity first.

X3 and it's expansions are usually considered to be the pinnacle.
Rebirth had a rocky start and gets a bad rep, but Egosoft really fixed it up in the expansion.

The fact that there hasn't been a space game in this style is criminal.


Riftborn had the most lit designs

the glowy digital people look cool too

Starsector has some of my favorite ships, some of them are pure sex.
Its got such a good variety of ships too


My favourite is the UE carrier.

What games have vertical ship designs?

Talking about carriers, did they implement fighters and bombers yet or are carriers still just bigger combat ships

Next patch.


The Event Horizon

Homeworld you nigger.

What are some games that take place on space ships? Preferably non-linear (not open world, but metroidvania like)


literally homeworld is the only one I really ever think of.

Eve has some big ones, But they always feel "big" rather than "tall". I think Star Ctizen has one tall one.
Babylon 5 (TV show though) has some vertical ships.

System Shock(s), and Prey if you include space-stations.

it's small, but you can run around your ship in Mass Effect.

Galactic Civilizations III.

You can create any ship you want and if you're too lazy for that the steam work shop is filled with ships from Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, Babylon 5, Animoo, and just cool looking custom stuff.


>Space ship has horizontal decks instead of vertical ones

Literal pleb tier

Dead Space, but it's divided up into chapters. You do revisit areas, though.

Outlaw star was for patricians. Too bad it doesnt go too far.

>spaceship has wings, but has ability to fly in an atmospheres


I love this thing

"[...]every surface infested with topography. Armor plating would hide most of it prior to deployment, of course. Ribbons of piping and conduit, ammunition reservoirs and shark-toothed rows of radiator fins— all to disappear beneath smooth reflective shielding. Only a few island landmarks would rise above that surface: comm ports, thrust nozzles, targeting arrays. And gun ports, of course. These things spat fire and brimstone from a half-dozen mouths apiece."

>spaceship flying grapple claw


the ark designs in ES2 are absolutely kino. destroying them feels so fucking satisfying and their wreckages stick around on the main map


This looks absolutely retarded. What even is that?

>Children of a dead Earth

Excellent taste.

Jodorowsky's Dune, but the artist is Chris Foss


can i relive legend of the galactic heroes battles in this?

best ship with best dock

Don't mind me, just posting the best space superiority fighter ever conceived. Aries faggots need not apply.

the shit taste filter

It's dune mister underage

I love the Federal Corvette. I wish FDev would really expand on multi-crew options so it could feel like captaining a real battleship.


The size of those ships are ridiculous. Imagine the size of that dock when it was still whole.

Besides that, does anyone have the homeworld fleet webms?

The attached image is classified level Rho.

can you actually get different types of ship in elite? literally every screenshot i see of that game it's the exact same cockpit everyone is using

>tfw like homeworld so far but it's getting hard

so i literally need to play the entire campaign using my scavengers to capture enemy ships? i'm on the mission where my ships can only move whilst inside a dust cloud and i'm finding it hard to handle

You're not gonna tell me there's people that think that looks good?
Granted, it's good artwork but the design itself is shit

I love Chris Foss's artstyle/design philosophy with his space craft. Amazing shit.

as far as I can work out, it's because they based it on the original game's ships... which were little more than slightly off-centre geometric shapes


I like a lot of Starsector designs overall, but some of the ships are too "busy." I think it was mentioned on the devblog that some ships were going to get redesigned art that cuts down on the bits and gubbins.

it looks spectacular.

I literally masturbate to it

Let's try that one again.



a e s t h e t i c

Each ship belongs to a manufacturer and most ships from the same manufacturer will have the same cockpit, most people use ships from one of the manufacturers so half the screenshots have identical cockpits. Theres a fairly wide selection but tbqh you probably won't use most of them because you'll only ever really use the best multirole for your price point or the best combat ship for your price point.

Elite Dangerous needs a lot of work dong,

I've always liked the teladi designs in X2. Shame they ruined it all with x3


I bet you like Blue Planet designs too, you sleek-fucking faggot.

Yeah, there's something like 30 different ships you can get that all have different pros and cons. The cockpits of each ship are pretty distinct, but the HUD stays the same so that's probably what has you confused. There's also fighters that you can deploy from some of the larger ships (unfortunately you can only deploy 2 at once right now and actually getting a ship that supports fighter bays takes a shit ton of grinding).

>guys, what if our ship is just one long gun barrell

How are the chances that x4 will be good again?

Not entirely unrealistic, considering we've done it with the a10


Is there such a thing as something like the X series that involves exploration, trading, and dogfighting combat, but takes place mostly or entirely within the atmosphere of one planet? Like with fantasy airships maybe. I like the concept of the games but I find deep space itself to be really boring as a setting.

there's one where you're in a Jupiter dome, but I forgot the name

X3AP, the Litcube Universe mod is the best for any X game for a number of objective reasons (performance improvements for one which make the game smooth as silk at any scale) but you'll probably want to screw around in vanilla for a bit before trying any mods.

My favorites are old frigates that CCP has made retarded since. CCP are dicks.

I always loved the Covenant ship designs, I'm not knowledgeable enough about space physics or whatever to interpret whether or not they're practical but they're just so big and sexy.


meine negger

I think it might be G-Police, but I'm not sure

>Eve sounds found
>look at the ships
>why are half of these fucks so asymmetrical

Ships,cockpits and sound design are great in elite,shame about the rest

ayy same shit in tortanic

>always online
this pretty much killed it for me

the whole "buy our new version" thing just confuses me

Oh there way worse things about E:D than always online

yea, it also looks pretty boring.

>no modern games where you can fight in a space-war through a series of campaign missions
>or take revenge on the guy who threw you in jail
>or fight an interdimensional race of cosmic horrors invading your reality
but hey "you can do anything" sandbox games

>Give NPC's the means to use equipment their ships shouldn't be able to use and made hyper-aggressive for the tryhards in Corvettes and Anaconda's.
>Everyone else gets slapped.
>Don't raise bounties to make up for increase of difficulty.
>Turn the game into Space EuroTruck.


for some reason my brain just thinks all the Destiny ships look the same.
> middle main-body, wing bits.

I love the Adder in E:D, such a comfy little ship.

I have shit taste and my favorite space ship designs are "dude what if we took the navy and put it in space"

I love playing this slow behemoth. The thing spits out dakka like there's no tomorrow.


I fucking loved the Riftborn designs, and the imposing designs on all the Vodyani ships.

Amplitude is bretty gud at art design

Elite is so fucking boring with its designs.

>no modernised NASA space shuttle aesthetic
>hell, no actual NASA space shuttle flights any more
>or Concorde
>or WW1 bi-planes
this is all disappointing

Because the ships in Destiny were made by making a handful of main body types, and a bunch of random tech parts. Throw all that into a blender to randomly kitbash together ships. Weapons and Armor were done the same way, but as the game progressed they added in more body models to keep things varied. I don't think they ever made more ship bodies though.

I'm surprised the NASA aesthetic isn't more popular.
is about the only thing that comes to mind, and that's only one faction

forgot my image

Anything with lots of rough sides and useless shit stuck on, very aesthetic

Starsector and its mods have a lot of nice ship designs

accept no substitutes