Nintendo Treehouse confirms Fusion Mode is "the hardest difficulty" and not just a cosmetic model swap.
Metroid Samus Returns
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>the game’s hardest difficulty mode.
Wew thank god, at least we know it has more than just piss easy and fusion mode hard
Nice false flag. You'll get tons of responses. I'll be the first you.
Welcome to last week OP holy shit
>People will defend this
why should someone defend that kickass gameplay?
you must be really dedicated to your shitposting
>locking difficulty select behind a plastic toy that costs $15
Worse than some of the shit EA pulls
Still going to buy the game but I hope I can just use homebrew to unlock the difficulty.
Are we really doing this whole song and dance again? The exact same thread?
>They changed it, now it sucks.
"""Boss fight""".
yes, that is a boss fight, a very early one I might add
enemies arent a threat in what appears to be area 2, wow what a shocker its just like the original metroid 2 where only like 3 enemy types outside of bosses did anything threatening
If it's not broken why fix it? Metroid has always been about fear of the unknown, why would Samus be running up to things and using cinematic 'press X to awesome' moves on them when she has always handled them with her arm cannon in the past?
Changes are fine but they should make logical sense within the franchise.
DLC jewery aside, this game looks ugly and boring.
DON'T DO IT Sup Forums
The game seems so cramped regarding resolution and how large Samus is relative to said resolution.
You keep posting that as if irs bad but the Melee attack just adds a new option to the combat and you can still just blast away at the enemy like you could in the previous games. The precise aiming is also am undeniable improvement
And it clearly shows how the game is being balanced around the melee mechanic being required based off of the enemies telegraphing their moves by glowing a bright color.
This argument of ignoring it doesn't work when it's a fundamental game mechanic, I could play Mario without jumping but I wouldn't get very far or have a very good time now would I?
I really can't wait
>TF2 reaction pic
Why do all the models look so weird?
welcome to Sup Forums
its just you and one other guy on this board.
>He doesn't know about ACFag
Hello summerfag
Because they're going the cheap way and abandoning franchise conventions by going with 2.5D polygonal graphics, the art direction also is very underwhelming when compared to the likes of past 2D Metroid games.
You don't understand.
Despite a Nintendo Rep saying it was a more difficult mode, there were still all kinds of people, particularly here on Sup Forums, who believe that Fusion Mode was just cosmetic.
>mfw Hemorrhoid: Fagus Reachesaround flops hard and Nu-troid dies forever
Welcome to 2017 vidya user, 2D sprites are only in pixelshit indie games now
>ACFag and Pokebarneyfag in the same thread
what the fuck does "mfw" stand for? my feel when? that makes no sense...
If Nintendo are going to ditch sprite work then they could at least make the game look half decent instead of worse than an N64 game.
>locking a difficulty mode behind a piece of plastic
It's okay when Nintendo does it!
>compressed Youtube screencap vs emulated N64 game
I dunno why but I love the blurry youtube screenshot meme
>Shitroid: Semen Returns (from your mom's mouth) flops and makes Nintendo lose billions of dollars
Hello summer
>hard mode locked behind a toy
Quit your autism flailing Pokebarneyfag and take your medication
>B-but it will look so much better at 240p
It looks fine. Calm your tits.
SM3DL looked better in 240p
Hollow Knight set way too high a bar for Metroid games this year. Samus Returns is really gonna need to pull out all the stops.
>Blury youtube screenshot
>Game emulated in HD
The usual suspects aside, your obviously trolling. Get a life.
>Bland environments with a brown and yellow filter look fine
>Metrosexual: Suxus Retards gets a fat steaming 4/10 from every single game journalist site
>Implying you don't
Its just as cancerous as you anyway
Not sure if worth pirating desu when AM2R exists :/
>Metroid Prime thread last night reaches the bump limit with no shitposting
>Samus Returns thread today isn't even 50 posts in and it's overflowing with shitposts
What the actual fuck
Imaginé if they came up with the paid hard mode for Trilogy, back when Nintendo was the bastion of anti DLC.
They threw the frog into the boiling water and it still didn't jump out.
Maybe because one is a great, complete, hard worked game and the other is a late to the party remake with Jew politics behind it.
Do people even use quality bait anymore?
>and the other is a late to the party remake
So was Zero Mission
Don't forget the cinematic garbage.
I don't see the problem. It gives you a powerful solution for dealing with enemies that try getting under your skin, but having to wait around for them to attack you slows you down, and as we are all aware, the Metroid series is partly responsible for the current speedrunning phenomenon by actually incentivizing beating the game fast.
Zero Mission is a masterpiece though, I think we all know Samus Returns won't reach the same level as quality that Zero Mission did.
The first big red flag is the art direction.
Cinematics are okay for a few things;
>First time meeting a specific type of boss (such as the first Gamma, first Zeta, and the final boss)
>Using transitions between zones, such as the teleporter (that needs to be shortened though, way too long) and going through doors.
>Showing off a new powerup for a short few seconds, like in the Prime games
Anything more would be intrusive and unwanted. Little introductions and having Samus move a little differently here and there is fine.
>It gives you a powerful solution for dealing with enemies that try getting under your skin,
The games already have a problem with becoming too easy around the late game, and this ability so far affects every single enemy in the game, including bosses, so it's only gonna exasperate the problem.
The definition of nintenbro.
Yeah because Zero Mission is 13 years old and you've played it, no one but Nintendo has played Samus Returns
Calling a game shit because its not pixelshit isn't a real criticism
>Zero Mission is pixel shit
>the art direction also is very underwhelming when compared to the likes of past 2D Metroid games.
It kinda seems like the artists feel like they're being shackled by the rather barren look of SR-388 in its past depictions, when the easy solution would just be to make it look *different* and more fancy, and not just a bunch of plain rocks and dust.
Then again, they might do just that with other areas in the game.
That webm clearly shows that they are integrating cinematic melee attacks into the core gameplay, I don't see how that fits in a Metroid game which have usually given you complete control of Samus for 95% of the game.
When you press the counter button, control is stripped away from the player in favor of style over substance sequences that play out.
nice reading comprehension
>Oh no these enemies that used to just scuttle and float around now charge you making them harder but you now have melee attack that if you time correctly you can "parry" them instead of just dodging them and blasting them afterwards
>Oh no you can now "parry" the bosses and deal bonus damage as a reward doing so instead of just dodging
I don't get it is the complaint that it's slightly harder? Or that theres a new mechanic?
Why did he bring up the term "pixelshit" in the first place, if he wasn't directly referring to Zero mission?
>Oh no these enemies that used to just scuttle and float around now charge you making them harder
>this is what casuals consider hard.
How much do you think I will get for my collectors edition on ebay? I paid £60 for it.
>by the rather barren look of SR-388 in its past depictions
Not ACfag or Barneyfag or any other boogeyman but I think AM2R had good art direction to it, the art style they've chosen for SR does seem rather bland and lifeless. Hopefully it's just because we haven't seen much.
you made the claim "artstyle" from the looks of it
You can barely see them, faggot
>Features free in past games cost more than the base game
Probably because primefags will eat anything up while we, 2d bros care about the franchise and speak up when we need to
So what you're are saying is that the game has a Normal and Hard mode while an "extra" difficulty is locked behind a McDonald's toy? So why is Sup Forums bitching?
Because there's a difficulty mode, which were previously unlocked by beating the game, being gated behind limited quantity physical DLC.
There's no reason not to. Even if AM2R is better (not saying it is since I haven't played Samus Returns yet, though that melee counter is really fucking concerning to me), this does things differently so they'd both be worth experiencing.
Is this still not releasing on the Switch?
I need more than just Splatoon to get that console
Except anyone in their right mind will just edit their save anyway like every single other Amiibo game that locks content. Fuck sakes there's a save file on GBATemp to start you off with every single Amiibo puzzle in Picross 3D 2.
It's not even DLC. It's all in the game, the amiibo just unlocks it. amiibo is just a key.
don't worry man
you have this to look forward to
So it's on-disc DLC then.
That's the way all amiibo work.
They'd be too expensive otherwise.
Thing is you act like is a bad thing, if anything the melee mechanic adds a new layer of interactivity vs the enemies, instead of them being a static moving sprite that shoots at you from time to time.
The solution to something being too expensive is to lower the price, not to make it mandatory to unlock features that were in the regular game.
I mean, that's okay I guess, but would still like to see a Side scrolling-ish style one
I will also always despise the 3DS for holding hostage amazing IPs that run like shit and look like garbage due to being on hardware that phones had 10 years ago
*unlock features that were previously in the regular game.
Reminder to boycott Metroid until we get this.
>people were honestly expecting MSR to be good
>reminder to boycott [company] until they make [game] that we want
that's a literal Sonic fanbase-tier option desu
You know, I always through Metroid Fans were the sub community that had the lowest amount of autistic fan boys in their middle 20's in Sup Forums, but post like this make me think I was wrong.
There are one or more of these threads every day dude please kill yourself no one cares
that's just the 2d side of it though
prime fans are ranging from good to ok
Is the Zero art style, of course is a good art direction since is nintendo's, people gated Link between two worlds before it was released cuz it looked like crap in the trailers, remember?
You guys need to fucking remember 3DS trailers look god fucking awfull, but when is on the console in our faces, it looks great.
>buying this piece of shit
How desperate can you get? The game looks like absolute garbage, look past the fucking title and see the obvious truth.
Nintendo has made it so the series has been dormant since Other M, I shouldn't have to be picky about the titles they release for the series when they release them as infrequently as they do.
Every Metroid fan has wanted the series to continue to the story after Fusion left on a cliffhanger, if Nintendo don't make a product I don't want to buy I'm not going to. When it comes to Metroid I want Dread and so do many others, pretty simple.
Makes sense I guess, I don't want to sound like an ass, but Nintendo fans pre-Game Cube era are some of the most autistic kids you could ever meet on the Internet, talking all day about how Mario 64 is the best Mario ever, I started with the N64 and I really can't stand them sometimes.
Now Game Cube era+ kids? super chill and can make friends with ease.
>2d metroid fans haven't had a good game since fusion
>a completely new 2d metroid game was scrapped for federation force
>a new 2d metroid game is finally announced
>it's an awful 2d remake of a beloved 2d metroid game that was perfectly remade already by some fan over a year ago
It's a wonder why any fan would be upset.
>2d metroid fans haven't had a good game since fusion
You mean since Zero Mission
>a completely new 2d metroid game was scrapped for federation force
Why a team that would make a Prime game make a 2D game instead? give me source son.
>it's an awful
and I stoped there, game is not even out and this nigga is trying to reflect his life into the game lol
Hollow Knight is great, but comparing it, a 2017 game, to a 25 year old game is fucking ludicrous. It's like comparing Metroid Prime to Pacman.
>Thinks Fusion is bad
>Unironically defends Samus Returns