DS3 + DLC is the best Soulsborn game but it released at a point where everybody was already burned out on the series

DS3 + DLC is the best Soulsborn game but it released at a point where everybody was already burned out on the series.


Yeah, pretty much. I think I'll revisit it in a year or so.

BB + DLC is still the best in my opinion

Not really. I can still go back to all earlier titles and enjoy them more than 3.

1+2 are better senpai. 2's DLC shits all over 3 and what ever else 3 has to offer. 1 was the best. 3 was shit.and made no fucking sense K thx bai

DS1 DOES feel clunky after playing DS3 but it's still the best by far.

I still haven't beat the second DLC. Is it worth it?

It's quite good. OK length and areas. 2 great bosses.

I absolutely loved my first run of ds3 and the dlcs but I can't enjoy replaying it. I can't pinpoint why.

Strongly disagree
The Dark Souls 3 dlcs do nothing to fix the problems that people have with Dark Souls 3. It's still mostly linear and it's still an unbalanced mess from both a pvp and pve perspective.

But I guess if you only play through games once you might enjoy Dark Souls 3 if that playthough involved you using a quick weapon like the longsword (the only weapons the game was actually balanced for).

>linear map forcing you to go through the same shit brown/piss yellow areas connected by swamps
>builds severely impacted by this as you can't rush the items you want
>no NG+ content
>"n-no it's because people were just burned out on the series not because DS3 has 0 replay value"

into the trash it goes

had a year break before playing it and still didnt like it

I still don't understand all the praise 2's DLC gets. Yes it's better than the base game, but it's not hard to be better than a game that sets a bar that low. DaS2 DLC only has size and quantity going for it, otherwise it's entirely unremarkable and suffers the same shitty design the base game has.

Sup Forums hates it because its the newest entry but it is the best game for sure

i was so disappointed finally getting a ps4 to play bloodborne then realising ds3 is much better

This. Long time fan of the souls games, poured countless hours into DeS and DS1 when they first launched, just doing random challenge runthroughs over and over. When DS2 came out I didn't like it as much but still played through it once or twice since some aspects of it (like the pvp) did feel a lot better. Skipped BB on launch due to it looking like it wouldn't appeal to me and picked up DS3 when that came out later instead. As polished and atmospheric as it was, just couldn't get into DS3 for some reason. Felt like it was a cleaner rehash of a thousand things the previous games had already done. Ended up dropping it and trying BB instead and holy shit, I hadn't been that sucked into a game in years. Once it finally clicked ended up doing nothing but playing that game for weeks at a time after work and on weekends. There's just so much they did right with BB, it's a damn shame we're not getting another game with a similar playstyle. DLC was fucking top tier too, felt more like a proper expansion pack then an add on dlc. Farming for gems to be viable in PvP was kind of ass, but I will admit that the chalice dungeons were pretty fun to co-op with anons from /bbg/ after I burned out on the main game for another large handful of hours. Went back and finished DS3 later, and all I have to say is that it's a great game that came out way too late in the series. If DS3 came out in place of DS2 it'd probably be hailed as the best one.

Enjoyment / gameplay wise for the first time through I'd probably rank them as

BB + DLC > DeS (might be clunky and outdated but it'll always hold a special place in my heart for kicking the whole thing off) > DS1 > DS3 + DLC > DS2


They're all shit. Sup Forums only defends the sloppy programming, awful animations and low frame rate because le git gud xd.

Be honest, how many of you actually enjoy the series rather than just paranoid about being labeled a casual?


that;s sum week bate boi

oh yeah, and forgot to mention. After coming back from DS3 to BB back to DS3 again, I do think one of the aspects of the game they did fuck up on in DS3 is how much they tried to blindly pull out of BB without thinking about how it'd affect the rest of the game. Most of the enemies / bosses act like they're from bloodborne in terms of how speedy/aggressive they are, which makes your character feel extremely slow/clunky going up against them since you're stuck with the slower DS movement instead of the more fluid BB one. Anyone else notice something like this?

Both DLCs were shit, and I'm starting to realize Ariandel was a tad better PvE wise. Name one part of Dreg Heap and Ringed City that actually worked well.

>it's a damn shame we're not getting another game with a similar playstyle
Why do you say so? BB 2 could be announced this year for all we know. They are working on something that carries the torch of the Souls series at least.

>Anyone else notice something like this?
Yeah it's a common complaint. Still seems you can roll like 10 times and drink estus whenever in 3 though

BB is just too fucking easy. Great game, but its simplicity makes it weaker than DS3.

I've played through every single Soulsborne game with a UGS. DS3 is still easily the best

all souls games are easy once you've played them for 20 hours. I'd say that its greater focus on melee with different mechanics is better than DS3. DS3 may have variety, but it's fairly shallow and doesn't try to do anything new, unlike BB.

>might be clunky and outdated but it'll always hold a special place in my heart for kicking the whole thing off
Opinion discarded. This just proves your ranking comes down to youf subjective (and shit) taste. DS is an objectively better game.

I agree as well.
>everybody was already burned out on the series
Kind of ironic considering the setting by the time of 3.

I always saw DaSIII as Miyizaki's last big "fuck you" to Namco. The main reason (to me) that the game feels so disjointed is that it seems like most of the story and game mechanics are just things that are there to wrap up stuff from DaS. I don't think this was on accident, however. It feels Miyizaki was probably just fed up with corporate bullshit and fanwanking, so the game is stuffed to the brim with things he had meant to put in the first game, but didn't have a chance to because of Bamco's shitty business practices.
Fuck, thematically speaking the game is basically screaming "PICK THE DARK ENDING PICK THE DARK ENDING PICK THE DARK ENDING" the whole time, and the DLC ends with basically telling you to stop playing Dark Souls and go play Bloodborne.

I disagree. It's a game that rejected its RPG roots to turn into a poor man's action game.

All opinions are subjective, fuccboi.

Souls games have always been way more about the action than the RPG what are you smoking?

Note how I didn't say overall rank, just
>Enjoyment / gameplay wise for the first time

>Why do you say so? BB 2 could be announced this year for all we know. They are working on something that carries the torch of the Souls series at least.

Honestly wouldn't mind even if it wasn't BB2 but another game with improved BB gameplay. I feel like the world of BB has more or less been properly fleshed out, unless they do a game set in another civilization afflicted by the plague in BB, like Loran.

Okay, here's my problem with BB, I seriously think that it has the best parts of Soulsborne and is unrivaled in setting and lore BUT, and that's a big but, it's far too samey so it doesn't mange to impress as much as it could. Imagine a song that goes from 0-100 at stays at 100 for entire duration, that's BB for me. It just drones on after a while. DS3 is far better in that regard thanks to its variety.

are you a teenager? you're critiquing like a teenager

31 actually, but my taste in all types of media has always been a bit weird I think. So that might just be my problem.

Nah, just the way you type and give an example that doesn't really make any fucking sense makes you seem like a teenager.

Aaaand midnight

I can rest

I'm dragging this thread into the next day.

Also i liked 2 the best because rolling actually had downsides. 1 and 3 both have a ring that increases the time you're invincible, you roll really far, and rolling costs like 2 stamina.

Ohfuck wrong thread

I thought I was posting on /pgg/ lmao

Not that user, but I think the comparison is quite accurate.

>linear maps
>3 fucking swamps
>other games dlcs are better

Nah, I still prefer all the other games besides DaS2 even though I love 3

Your contrarian is showing, user

Yeah nah that's wishthinking

>DS3 + DLC is the best Soulsborn game
No, no it's not. Not by far.
>but it released at a point where everybody was already burned out on the series.
That didn't help either.