>WoW is dying
>hearthstone is dying
>DOTA2 is dying
>LoL is dying
>overwatch is dying
could this be the beginning of another renaissance?
>WoW is dying
>hearthstone is dying
>DOTA2 is dying
>LoL is dying
>overwatch is dying
could this be the beginning of another renaissance?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dumb frogposter
I have a chub if this is true.
None of things are dying and 3 of them are thriving thanks to China/Russia dumb frog poster
*adjusts bowtie*
*clears throat*
*sniffs deeply*
*raises eyebrow condescendingly*
*leans into mic*
>WoW is dying
Kind of, it's not really going to be truly ever dead unless Blizzard fucks up really, really bad.
>Hearthstone dying
If the new expansion is a bust, it'll suffer but since it's uncontested in its niche, it will remain strong.
>Dota 2 dying
Less popular, but still active due to being more competitive than its peers.
>League dying
Actually dying, thank god.
Crashing and burning because Blizzard somehow can't milk the cow quick enough.
Also, Gigantic's recent popularity highlights how shallow Overwatch is in comparison.
>unless Blizzard fucks up really, really bad.
I own a Thrall statue and played WoD regularly. I quit during Legion.
>WoW is dying
[citation needed]
How is Overwatch dying?
That's some bizarre backwards retard taste user.
video games are a dying genre
FFXIV and GW2 are murdering WoW right now
WoW has been "dying" for almost 10 years
The only way Hearthstone could be dying is the same way WoW is dying
None of the big ASSFAGGOTS are dying
Overwatch might actually be dying
1/5 is shit kys frogposter`
Show us the Thrall statue. Hot glue optional.
FFXIV I'll give you, but GW2?
>every singleplayer game is open world
Just let it die.
Is League actually dying? For real? Maybe? Because I really want that to be true. Please.
Why am I still seeing new versions of this fucking frog years later?
the only way those game would die is if other, just as shitty, games replace them
they fill a void
Ah jes, another one of these 'blizzard is dying' threads.
I've been enjoying these for the last eight years.
WoW has a higher active playerbase than both of those games combined, several times over.
Did you forget where you are?
It's the new troll face.
>How can you NOT love time gated everything RNG mandatory loot and forced retard-group weeklies user?
And they say Blizzcuck should be filtered
Or maybe people get bored of it? Oh no way, impossible!
>WoW has been "dying" for almost 10 years
this lmao
everyone will say "subs are less than peak during WotLK, therefore dying!" and yet it made it through like another 10 years and 4 more expansions
dying? really?
So what games aren't dying according to Sup Forums?
>LoL dying
Any actual evidence of this?
>>DOTA2 is dying
used to play that
it was a good game
only bad thing was the community, lower number of players could make it better I suppose
you tell me
Top 10 games in worldwide revenue from January-June, 2017
1. League of Legends
2. Dungeon Fighter Online
3. Crossfire
4. Fantasy Westward Journey Online II
5. World of Warcraft
6. World of Tanks
7. DOTA 2
8. Overwatch
9. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
10. New Westward Journey Online II
1. FIFA 17
2. Grand Theft Auto V
3. Battlefield 1
4. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
5. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands
6. Call of Duty: Black Ops III
7. Destiny
8. Madden NFL 17
9. NBA 2K17
10. Overwatch
they get bored with one and move onto the next one,
>Hearthstone is dying
>numbers of players highest they've ever been
>new expansion next week
>all other online games are Hearthstone clones
What did he mean by this?
>league actually dying
Please be real
why are blizzshills so easily twiggered? not even the droniest of drones get so fucking shitter shattered so easily and perk up to defend their favorite billion dollar corporations as quickly as blizzcucks. the absolute fucking state of these cretins.
OP btfo
Take it from someone who quit playing a few months ago. League streams have dropped in views, queuing took me about 2 -3 minutes longer than when I first started playing, and there's just an overall disgruntlement towards the game from most people playing it. They're burnt out, been burned for the last time by Riot's questionable balancing, reworks, so on.
So if a game is very popular and Sup Forums hates it, it's dying, despite tons of evidence to the contrary? Is that correct?
smooth sailing as it shifts between 13 and 14 global users at any given time
>shitposter is shitposting
All's right with the world.
>ESPURTS is finally dying
>But now Fighters, RTS, FPS, and sports games are all fucked since publishers mashed them and ESPURTS together into an ugly mess
I hate this timeline.
>billion dollar corporations
I thought it was dying? Cant get your story straight.
i wish they were dying
only thing dying is me
I don't know. I'm trying to think of games popular on Sup Forums right now, but I'm realizing that people here don't even seem to play games
Dota 2 could be fixed literally by making the game cost 5 dollars.
>teenage redditor doesn't understand how the world works
absolutely embarrassing!
Yes user, theirs a new expansion coming out you s-should b-buy it.
yes, PUBG is just the most recent example of shitters on Sup Forums calling a game a flash in the pan only for it to be fucking huge
Is that in china? Rarely there is more than 2 channels full in eu.
See you next year user!
Why Sup Forums wants League to die? Is the best game so far on PC and it prints money.
Why? Are you just really that garbage on the game?
>still hating on based League
Why you don't just git gud?
I don't see LoL ever dying because Riot keep pouring money into it in smart ways. It's gonna become less popular but don't think it'll die.
>WoW is dying
When you play the same game for 10 years straight unsurprisingly it gets boring at some point, either that or you get a life. There's only so many 9 year old children SodaPoppin and Towlie can bring in (^:
>Dota2 is dying
Mobas are dying in general, not very fast but they're dying.
>Overwatch is dying
Yeah because it's FPS LoL without the depth or character count, you simply can't play it for long without getting a brain aneurysm. Come next year unless they drastically change something the game will be filled with normies exclusively.
>Hearthstone is dying
It's just being out competed. WoW nostalgia can get this low quality brainless game only so far.
>permanent pass
please tell me they've resorted to content zones you "rent"?
At best it means we'll get a lot of battle royale type games now and I'm okay with that.
If you consider mobile shit a renaissance
No, their basically areas that have shops, banks and crafting stations. Think of citys only smaller, compact and VIP only areas.
Dude legion is loads better than wod. Right now at making is great. I'm getting all characters to 110 and going through the story. Only pain in my assignment is doing broken shore quest line on every character to get mount. The dam some of the mount quest are the best flavor they brought into game. Especially dk and pally.
what single player games are popular right now?
is gigantic good?
>have to install 3rd party DRM to play it
It just released an expansion.
Skyrim and fallout 4, most other sp only games lose numbers after a couple months
>>DOTA2 is dying
Yo papa', how many of dem subs FFXIV got?
Shieeet papa, dat ain't enough to get yo son through college.
Nice try, Celestalon. Did you write that shitpost on your drawing tablet?
>any product that is being used by millions every month
i wish
>What is The Witcher 3
Not even shitposters make fun of it anymore
>Both fucking terrible RPGs
God, they did make a neat world but I wish they just left all the fucking rest to Obsidian.
>can't make your own decisions
>Everyone vaguely important for any quest is unkillable
>nobody gives a fuck about the shit you did so far
God I hate them so much.
No, because no good games will be made anyways
>someone thought it would be worth their time to type this out
And the tippiest of fedoras to you, fellow faggot
Nah, not really. It's way less popular than it was at its peak, but it's already seen massive shrinkage and is now growing and leveling out with a stable amount of players. Dota on the other hand is having a surge due to TI7, but is currently going through massive shrinkage. It remains to be seen if they will level out like LoL or keep shrinking, since most players have become more and more dissatisfied with the changes for many years now one after another, while the game has a very weak ability to attract new players unlike LoL.
Elite Beat Agents
DJ Hero (still waiting for 3DS)
i type at 80 wpm kiddo, that post took me like ten seconds
That no one gives two Fucks about...
Better luck next time, kiddo
League is actually dying? Haven't played that shit since s3
No on my phone with auto correct making it unreadable.
But making alts is fun right now. I don't even bother with raiding. It gets boring so fast.
>it's a "Sup Forums says games are dying because they are mad it's popular" episode
This time the games really are dying though
You made me chuckle, I have to admit, *actions* are my biggest weakness
The king himself:
None of these are dying though. Sorry you never get out of the Sup Forums echochamber
You rang?
about time
>wow community is dead
>people only pop in for world quests then bounce
>Sup Forums says ff14 is social and there are even wacky RP guys
>play game
>no one talks
wtf Sup Forums lied
>MMOs like LoL
>GTAV is F2P Online
>Gamers aren't stereotypes
excitement period is over which means highest surge in popularity, now it stabilized with lower playerbase than at its peak but smart decisions and refreshing of the game mechanics/game itself keep it from going down. burnout percentage is lower than new player acquisition mostly because of a piewdiepie effect. when shit really goes down there will be a big change that reignite the spark but because of the genre they only have a one opportunity for it. after that it will stabilize again and any other try at revitalizing the game will be less successful and then you could finally say that its "dying" just like wow.
right now there is nothing wrong with it and it will keep being #1 game in the world for at least next 5-7 years
Not him but these pictures are my biggest weakness
You have to visit Balmung for that 'wacky RP' which onsists entirely of ERP 90% of the time.
Riot games made like 2 billion dollars last year, by what metric can you call them dying?
Where does a name like that even come from?
Is PLAYERUKNOWN a CoD pro's handle on a mod forum or something?