ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong

ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong.

Try to make an original or interesting thread for once, fagboy.

poor Nick

that's what you get for trying to fit in with transtrenders without pretending to be a woman or something


Sucks to be that guy, but he works for Polygon so he was probably a cunt who deserves this kind of treatment.

can't wait when he comes back "redpilled" and faGGots start sucking him off left and right

do you post this reply to the other 99% of Sup Forums threads? must be exhausting

What's going on? I can only gather so far that this guy is basically being slut shamed for having sex or talking up multiple girls with one supposedly being underage.

he always seemed somewhat "redpilled" in a way desu (especially for polygon standards), kind of reasonable and not afraid of being inappropriate.

weak chin, ugly haircut, cant hide the snarl on his lips betraying his unhappyness/loathing. Doesnt look at the camera, trying to look aloof because he thinks it'll hide his insecurity.

poor form 0/10 would not bang

If you watch the films The Hunt and/or The wicker man, you will know all you need to know.

not having sex or anything, just being bad at flirting via private messages. one of the girls was 18 i think, but the issue is the nature of the texts (which are fairly horny, but nothing that warrants suspension or firing imo)

Yeah but your fatass gravitational field is what keeps Boogie on this planet so shut the fuck up


you need to go back

>likes: 1622
>likes: 240 combined


i have no idea who this guy is
somebody give me the run down of what's happening

here's what actually happened:

he was a fat awkward no gf kid his whole life until the last few years. Now he's decently fit and is popular on the internet. Girls actually want to talk to him now and he doesn't know how to do it.

He's not evil, he's just a retarded sperg who doesn't understand how to flirt.

pic is one of the texts. the optical illusion says SEND NUDES when you do it. that's what most girls seem to be saying, they try and make conversation with him and he tries to get them to send nudes or awkwardly says sexual shit to them

Nick Robinson, a Polygon game journo who is currently getting his ass kicked by rumours about how he is a sexual predator

He sent someone a send nudes meme over twitter

>he is a big furry
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums are now defending him for it

i used that term widely, redpilled in a sense of not caring about the politics, feminism, representation of people of color etc. in games, but just the games themselves.

dont agree with me if you want to insult me
that just makes you catty, and me right
