Japan is the best at fighting games

japan is the best at fighting games
korea is the best at moba's
europe is the best at shooters

what is the u.s. best at?


jack of all trades

making competitive games

Letting the companies fuck the consumers in the last

Just remember: company is first, consumer is last

i thought US is the best at school shootings

Is Europe best at shooters?

>current year
>that joke

Giving those faggots computer games to fuck around on.

all the best cs:go teams are european, overwatch league too young to call right now


>what is the u.s. best at?
The olympics

Indie games.



the best at making games that everyone else plays.
I'd just like to remind you that CoD and FIFA top charts globally, every time they're released.

wtf would you need 2 katanas? Also that's a retarded way to place/draw them. gay

Honest answer that I know no one is going to like.... Hearthstone

Party games i.e. Smash Bros

Best at having wannabe pros in every one of those categories

Isnt that sweeden?

>japan is the best at fighting games

isn't that a meme because they get arcades of the fighting games only in JP so they have an advantage when it comes out on consoles in the rest of the world?

didn't US players kicked their ass in SFV? legit curious



I guess there aren't really any other cocompetitive shooters right now. Overwatch isn't even really a shooter.

U.S. is best at Speedrunning, the best form of competition.

it's fucking autism, that's what it is

t. burger


SFV is definitely more even than 4 was, but a nip still won EVO. US has better prospects though. Granted 5 actually stays alive but it probably will.

Actually, koreans are better.

Shoot em ups

cheap marketing tactics

>europe is the best at shooters

You aren't the best at anything

miss me with that kard shit homie

this is probably the best answer you're going to get

Tokido won EVO my dude.

To be fair US is actually pretty good at SFV (Smug, Punk) but it's pretty much the first time they've been serious contenders for quite a while.

It's not really a matter of having early access - that advantage will dwindle the longer a game has been out - with most games (especially Street Fighter) being so long-lasting, that wouldn't make much difference beyond maybe the first year.

starcraft is not a moba


Can't stand that fucker.

open world sandbox survival games in third person

This. USA is number 1 in things that matter




I did four school shootins yesterday what the fuck do you mean current year

At dominating early, but falling apart into petty drama.

Farming simulators

>At dominating early

thats the best time to dominate

NBA 2k16 champion is an American
Madden champion is an American
Candy Crush champion is an American
Hearthstone champion is an American

so, quite a few actually...

how the fuck do you even play that competitively?

europe is certainly not the best at shooters. the best euro shooter is STALKER and even then it's okay good with mods.

NA is the best at shooters. Europe is the best at non-ASSFAGGOTS RTS.

You do know they're talking about the competitive scene and not "who makes what games" right?


Koreans dominate Tekken, dunno about other fightans tho.

uhhh... jewing people with microtransactions?

>Candy Crush champion is an American

im sorry, what?

well I stand corrected, but it would have made more sense to say "europeans" to refer to "individual european players" as opposed to "europe" which implies "teams of european devs"

How long does it take for you to grow 1000kilos of corn, user?



It can't refer to "individual european players" because they often refer to teams since, barring fighting games, all those others mentioned are group games.

it doesnt imply anything faggot, only your lack of reading comprehension and context clues does.

How is Europe best at shooters?
US has: Doom, Wolfenstein, CoD, Halo and that's just a few.

The top 3 best tekken players are Korean.
Since tekken is the only fighting game that matters... Yeah.
Shooting "games" are garbage boring and losing viewers thanks to EU being boring to watch
The Japanese are good at rhythm games and fighting

u.s best at burger eating jajajajaja

America best at autism?

only a single post in the first series of posts provides even a hint of context that OP meant competitive games.

>Candy Crush


Quake fad passed and modern day american FPS is trash.

>this kill Ivan and the slopes.

>what is the u.s. best at?
not being losers who spend all day playing video games

Ah just a little reminder
Europe contributes next to nothing to the video game industry. They just shit on American games while not making their own

Korea hasn't developed a single major moba to my knowledge but they're known to be good at them. That context alone should have been enough.

New quake comes out later this year, no idea how good it will be but Doom came out last year and was fantastic. Wolfenstein: TNO was amazing and New Colosuss looks like it'll be good too. Sure they either don't have multiplayer or it's crap but campaigns are both 10/10. CoD and Halo aren't as good as they used to be but, they are still both extremely well known. What does Europe have?

US has the best story driven games, as well as the best sports game titles, without a doubt.

Something else I have noticed that America outdoes most others on is racing games.

Everything else is a toss up. Though, I must say, America should probably keep that to itself, because Xbox shit gets released around the world, yet sells far worse, despite the fact that it has the most "American" kind of exclusives and third party games.

Sports games and racing games sell well in the US, and I would even say they do well in the UK / central Europe, but Asians seem to just not give a flying fuck about our Grand Turismo / Madden shit.

Distribution and indies.

The u.s made grand theft auto.


Shut up faggot. Its a shooter. I don't even like it that much but saying it "isnt even really a shooter" is moronic.

gta is a shitty game for casuals.

>americans can't even read

actually made by scottish devs


>europe is the best at shooters
How so?

Europe isn't. Europe isn't best at anything if we're being realistic. Maybe Fifa.

>korea is the best at moba's
There's almost no Koreans in dota though? When there were Koreans they did mediocre.
If you want to be fair, China is likely the best at mobas by way of being top tier at both of the relevant games.

>it's an Americans get butthurt for no reason thread

I wasn't knocking it, I just don't consider it a pure shooter

Bombing the gooks

Not getting invaded.

>the thread's entire basis is that America isn't good at things
>"lol amerifats got butthurt for no reason :^)"

America got invaded by white retards hundreds of years ago though.

europe isn't a country.

But muh EU


op just asks which genre americans are best at, since the facts of the op statement exist. but i understand if you guys are defensive, i would feel bad if my country was worse than brazil in competitive esports.

>America got invaded by white retards hundreds of years ago though
Who hasn't? This is our planet.

>This is our planet
Not for long.


Yeah but unlike Hong Kong, India, The Philippines, etc. America never managed to drive off the white retards.

Besides, just like gingers white is a genetically dying race.

Landing on the moon

wait i thought the us soldiers were white not asian.

realloy activates the pre frontal neuro cortex

is that a threat? ill report you to the fib

The Japanese arcade thing is also an advantage just for practice. The country's so small that you can pretty much get around and play the best players on a consistent basis without having to put up with the lag introduced by netplay fucking up your practice.

I'm fairly convinced this is the main reason SFV is more even than prior SF games, both because good Japanese players are actually starting to practice and play on consoles and US players are getting sponsored and actually traveling around to play top players on a much more consistent basis, outside of a tournament setting.

Guilty Gear or Blazblue on the other hand aren't that popular in the US *and* have that early arcade launch in Japan, so even the good US players are still pretty much stuck in their geographic bubble or with online mode to practice, and then top 8 of Evo is 8 Japanese players.