

yes, son?


change clothes, you look too plain

Think this game will play on a geforce fx 560 pci card and a pen 4 with 1.6 ghz?

Is that a serious question?

Velvet is one of the hottest vidya bitches ever

I should get at least 30 frames with s-vdeo?

>Waits for you to leave so she can change

>will a 2010 mid-tier card run this 2004 game?
gee weez I wonder

I mean, I know the game looks good, but c'mon now, of course it'll run

>brings home a man for me to drink from
miss me w/ that gay shit

Post favorite clan.

Tabletop welcome too.

i used to play it with P3 866mhz, 384mb ram and mx440



tzimisce or nosferatu, can't decide

He said Geforce FX and Pentium 4. That's mid range 2003 hardware.

Assuming he doesn't bump the graphics up too much, it might run, but it'll run like shit.

>that is a 2004 game
>this is a 2017 game

Assamite or Ravnos.


>He said Geforce FX
oh, my bad

Everyone else are betafags

uh... fx 5500 I mean

I was think about getting a rx 560 later in the year.

Was it fun?

reasons for buying AMD:
>better cost/performance in some instances
>helps take away the monopoly from Nvidia's jew hands

reasons for buying Nvidia:
>better fps and visuals
>no overheating

your pick user, but regardless, if you're gonna buy later this year, then either get one of the new AMD Vega GPUs, or get the new series Nvidia will reveal in a couple months (probably 2200 series)


is that... TF2 Scout made into a vampire tranny?

Damn, its gonna be hard unseeing that now...

A toaster with a monitor can play this game.

Christ. I had an FX5600 way back then. It was fucking garbage and even games at the time ran like shit.

Terrible DX9 performance. If you can force games to DX8 that would be better.

seriously, who is that supposed to be?

Night eating you?

>tuxedo wearing nosferatu

jeez boss i dunno

>In a game full of hot women, your subordinate is the one who looks like a foot
Why can't we have nice things?

*Hollywood Theme plays*

Well I guess it's time to stay up till 5am drinking alone again.

Ventrue is very underrated.

Giovanni are pretty dope in how varied the family branches can be.


someone post the image
you know the one

I kind of want to replay both vampire games on an old dumpster dell dimension 8100 and this card. Not sure if I want to deal with sub 30 frames. I mean I could just use this and a core 2 duo vostro.

Pretty sure she has the second largest breasts of out of a cast of funbags tho.

Her face gets a lot better when she's wearing the goth outfit, in my opinion.

>Mod that lets you embrace her
>Do so as a nossie
>She becomes Imalia

just in case you really wanted to know


your Gary Golden looks really nice, boss

>Full of trannies and degenerate deviants
>Basically tzimisce ends up losing their identity and assimilating into the hivemind

By far the most beta.

Tremere are the true masterace

this line alone
from her, the way its delivered is enough to make me diamonds

What the fuck happened these last few days? Seems like everybody was itching for a vtmb thread now.


vtmb threads are always welcome

>Clan life is sucking their superior's cocks until they get promoted
>Still end up completely fucked by both Tzimisce and Saulot

Yeah, still no.



Is there Redemption in this threads?


I made it to Tremere chantry in Redemption and haven't played it since.

How much until Modern Nights?


A few levels after that, but the gameplay doesn't get any better.

You end up getting more powerful, you buff your party and try to rush through the area and fights until your buffs wear off, then repeat. The game feels a little bit empty.

I like that game a lot though honestly.

>A few levels after that, but the gameplay doesn't get any better.
The gameplay does get better as you get horribly overpowered. Once you get blood magic you can nuke anything.

>player character bbq'ing the characters at Santa Monica Pier
That's actually jokes, I never knew you could straight up attack them like that.

of course you can, it's a combat zone

> doesn't like chain of command
> doesn't like sick as fuck downtown apartment
> doesn't lile having access to both vampire and mage abilities

lol, you can always do what ever the fuck you want as MC did in the game

if you're not willing to suck cock for magical powers, you don't deserve to be a motherfucking wizard

>top 10 most anticipated games for 2004

I don't remember much about the game. I think I put in four hours of play like five years ago. I want to get back into it. I have a physical copy of the manual but not the game. The manual rocks. I used to read it on the crapper while I was playing vtmb.

I never thought of doing it. It's a funny way to market the game.

Real Tremere are blood bound, MC got lucky and got embraced outside the pyramid.

>Protocols of the Elders of Zion but real as a vampire clan


I still don't get why they blurred out her tits when she doesn't even do anything.

>lol, you can always do what ever the fuck you want as MC did in the game
not really, Tremere get a level 2 bloodbond with the clan leadership on embrace, the MC is a very rare exception to this
not to mention the Tremere regularly purge their ranks of any dissidents.
For the health of the entire clan this all works fine, lowest rate of backstabbing in all of vampire society, promotion happens through skill instead of politics etc. But for the individual dissidents it's kind of a raw deal.

she always looked like Harley Quinn to me.

>Mage abilities

Nope, not even close

I think I spotted another a VTMB Sim. I'll have to post it after this one.

i think it's supposed to mean that she's flashing, but they code it because of engine limitations

To hide the fact that she doesn't do anything I'd imagine.

Harley Quinn looks like her, you mean.

Well obviously you would want to be in MC's situation with gen 8 blood flowing in you. Being a gen 15 dog blood shitter like you start in P&P autism would be fate worse than death

Mages have zero practical abilities.

Boy I can't wait to suck cock for three hundred years so I get to learn to taste the blood of my regent's semen, just in time to sprout a third eye, melt into a puddle of flesh, and die!

its time to stop posting neonate

Haha, i said nope, that will show him :^)

Gangrel. Everyone else fuck off.

Yiff in hell

>He doesn't know mages are ludicrously overpowered in WoD

Rewriting reality > lame vampire powers

my toaster doesn't even have HDMI output

Yiff in hell


the best

They're ludicrously overpowered in theory which is why 99% of mage shit is just jerking off over potential power levels.

seriously though, Giovanni somehow manage to be the degenerates of a society that features Toreador

that's sort of impressive

Why don't you fags say that to the motherfucker who ran an entire fucking football field under the blazing mid-day sun.

Yiff in hell Faggett.

Toreador are just socialites, literally vampire Chad and Stacys


>rewrite reality all over some faggot vampire's face
>his faggot vampire buddies control the banks
>they control the media
>they control the politicians
>mfw they wreck my life
>mfw I'm the faggot now

pretty sure there's toreador parties where they overdose their victims on cocaine until their blood gets saturated enough they can actually get a buzz

okay thats actually pretty accurate

>mage abilities
their mage abilities are so powerful they will get wrecked by a shitty apprentice mage

that's just how the game presents them. In reality, they're passoniate about stuff, that's their characteristic. Most of them are passionate about humanity, sex, socialising ,art etc. but some of them are passionate (read: autistic) about other things, such as politics (this is probably how the camarilla was made), or video games (probably top player in every competitive online game) or swordsmanship (best swordsman to ever live) or music (mozart etc.). They're just misunderstood autists.

Which is pretty appropriate for a setting where all the powers are literally in your ability to understand the "reality" of the setting.

I agree that every thread on mage is literally just theory masturbation when it should involve cyberwizardry and magihacking the digital web.

There's really nothing that degenerate about Toreador unless they're antitribu; they just love art and being trendy. They're hipster snobs but some of the largest examples of "trying" to be good people.

Giovanni however are inherently incestuous ghost rapists. Which makes them cool, but they're literally degenerating.

Camarilla was essentially made by power hungry Ventrue, Toreador court autism, desperate Tremere in need of protection from Tzimisce, and the fact that vampires almost eradicated themselves by being too visible to mortals.

Don't fight a fucking mage then mejt, they will die of old age sooner or later while you can chill entire life banging hot goth babes
