So something i didnt know about the n3dsxl

so something i didnt know about the n3dsxl

it apparently has absutely no internal memory at all and you cant even save a game without having an SD card in it what sort of horseshit is this? i have a game carteisve and it reguses to start without an sd card all of which i left at home

Why did you remove the SD card that came with the system?
That's pretty much the equivalent of removing a PS4 or other modern console's hard drive and wondering why it can't save anything.

Yep. OP is just a moron. Nothing to see here.

i had a 64 gig one in there and then i put it into my phone and then into my hacked wii u but the game cart i have in it wont even le2y me play without saving so now i have nothing to do all night since i also left my phones controller at home and i will nit ask someone to drop either one off to me and there are not any good mobile games at all

lmao ur a dumbass

It comes with a 4gb SD card.

>I am retarded, let me blame my 3DS
Either get a separate SD card for everything that needs one or accept that you're literally taking your 3DS's storage out every time you remove it.

what an i going to do for entertainment now? its not my fault mobile is all free to play bullshit its the markets


Either play the game without saving or find something else to do. Where are you anyway that you aren't at home but have hours to play?

im at a job where there is very little to do and i tired playing without saving the the game wont even start without an SD card

What job? Surely there's something your boss would rather you do than play video games all night any way.

no i have asked i have assigned tasks that total 6 hours and the shift is 12 he even walked on a few times and asked what i was playing rather than why i was not doing anything else since im supposed to be letting letting the morning emplyees in and thats the reason i am here all night

Guess you're just going to have be bored then, and it's your fault for being an idiot.

Why make all this shit up OP? The cartridge holds the game's saves, so you don't need an SD card to save your game. You'd need it for digital game saves sure, but then you'd also need the SD card to even download the game in the first place, in which case why are you so retarded that you thought you could just magically download whatever? Not to mention the fact that I have to avoid how underage you are that you can't pick up an SD card for sub-$10 and decided to bitch about it on here instead.

i am not making up shit

Clean your fucking screens you pig

>Playing pokeshit that requires extra data
Defer to the rest of the post, suck it up and pay $5 for an SD card and quit bitching like a child. I did forget about extra data titles being a thing and that's a design flaw, but how hard is it for you to scrounge up some pennies for literally any size SD card?

i have 3 dollars till payday

Please be kidding, no one's actually this bad at handling money right?

i have bills to pay and food to buy and who saves money?

>and who saves money?
Any functioning adult. And this is coming from a guy from eastern Europe living in a hole in the wall.

i have no reason to put any amount of money away so why would i? homding onto money just makes it so youbhave to lie to people who want to borrow money

You're a special kind of retarded, even for a 12-16 year old. Just fucking say no, they're not entitled to your money and if you can't handle doing that then I'm amazed you even have a job at all

im 30 i just dont want to tell anyone no id rather not have it than have someone keep bothering me to borrow money i dont want to give them its hard enough to get alone time as it is with tje way my roomate thinks its just fine to knock on a closed door or soesnt get that it means i want to not be bothered

I don't believe you in the slightest, but if you're this fucking retarded at 30 you seriously need to reconsider not killing yourself