“There’s nothing worse than getting stream sniped,” streamers said a mere week ago. Oh, how naive they were

>“There’s nothing worse than getting stream sniped,” streamers said a mere week ago. Oh, how naive they were.
>The latest major update for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds added, among many other things, car horns. Suddenly, the practice of watching somebody’s stream of a game and using it to gain an upper hand—evolved. Now instead of stalking their favorite streamers and killing them, people have taken to following them around in cars and honking at them incessantly. It’s called stream honking, and it’s infuriating and/or hilarious, depending on your perspective.
>Brendan “PlayerUnknown” Greene commented that stream snipers and now stream honkers will be banned once their actions are brought to the attention of the developers.

First stream sniping now stream honking. Why must people be massive cunts in vidya?

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because streamers are a cancer

If you are looking for pity you won't find it here. I think it is funny personally. They have the option of not streaming.

When will people fall in line and learn they are a fucking second class citizen as far as glorious streamers are concerned.

Why dont they just put a delay on their broadcast? Whoa so hard, suddenly stream sniping is useless. Bitching about car horns though what the fuck? Fuck streamers they're retards.

because it's fun

>stream sniping
>something bad

dude lmoa just like set up a delay kekkkkkk

And griefers have the option of not being fucking idiots ruining the game not only for the streamer but their tens of thousands of viewers.

I know shit game played by retards but this is getting ridiculous

inb4 honking is removed from the game entirely. PU has to suck streamer cock. They've made his game into a success when it would have just been a shitty flavor of the month.


>underage streamers disscover screen cheating

>no good videos of this yet
Them getting pissed off at this has to be gold.

I fail to see how fucking honking ruins the game for streamers, especially when they can literally fucking shoot the offending players

>I should have to put a delay on my stream because some idiots cannot find the self control to not cheat

Fuck off


Streamers aren't human, why does Brendan insist on sucking their collective cocks?

yes you should

now go hang yourself on a tree pussy

bada bing bada fucking boom

1. It draws nearby enemies
2. Team killing is a bannable offense

I was just looking for some i want to see streamtards getting angry and throwing a fit.

>Go around just honking my horn at enemy players
>One of them happens to be a streamer
Nice game

What year is it? Strategies to mitigate this are over a decade old by now. If you're playing PUBG though, you're not playing professionally but for money. Just roll with it.

>They have the option of not streaming.
Don't want to be sniped?
Don't stream.

then cry more L-O-L (laughing out loud)


>broadcast your screen to thousands of people
>cry when someone uses it against you

Lmao what a fucking pussy

I'm glad the doc doesn't give a shit about stream snipers.

>I'm having this problem
>oh well here is an easy solution

literally women tier problem solving

It's really fucking annoying. Fuck stream snipers and fuck stream honkers. Let me watch my streamers in peace you faggots.


I'll give a (You) to whomever can give a food analogy comparing to this.

This could be solved if streamers just put a longer delay in their streams, but they won't because having an audience of 20k+ viewers watching and noticing things that the streamer missed is an advantage that none of them are going to admit.

>inb4 developers ban players because of doing this
Oh don't pretend the devs don't get a hard on when they see streamers playing their games!
It already happened with the friday 13th game, it will happen there as well.

>it draws nearby enemies
So just shoot them before they get close enough to you
>teamkilling is a bannable offense
They aren't even on the same team

>So lock your doors


>forget to lock your car door
>someone steals your car
>call the cops
>lol, you should have locked your car. it's now the thief's car, deal with it

That's how retarded you sound like right now

>make a public stream of yourself playing in realtime
>act surprised when people use it as an advantage
You're asking for it you fucking retard. Kys. Just kys.

>watches streams
>calls other faggots

Dude just,like, play the games yourself.

Sniping ban is understandable looking at where an enemy is on their stream to get the upper hand is a form of cheating. It'd be like looking at an opponents hand in poker. Banned for honking a horn? Bullshit.


>stream snipers and now stream honkers will be banned once their actions are brought to the attention of the developers

Because they bring their drones/fans to get interested in the game...seriously do you even think before you post?

wow how dare they
even consider
interrupting a stream with
an obnoxious noise

the fucking cheek


more like refuse to

>forget to lock your car door

>voluntarily broadcast your in-game location to thousands of viewers

you're fucking retarded

Wel, he's right you know, or you are those guys that says that rape's fault lies on the rapist and not on the idiot woman?

>“There’s nothing worse than getting stream sniped,”

how about getting stabbed in the face?

>your phone number is in the phone book
>that means people should call you 20 times at 3AM

Fuck off you retard

Can you really complain about other people in the game finding you easily when you're LITERALLY BROADCASTING YOUR POSITION CONSTANTLY?


I keep hearing about this shit and people sooking.
I just now after seeing this thread loaded up a video to watch it.

Damn thats funny watching the Streamer getting more and more upset about it, demanding the person get banned.

Watching streams is like eating chicken, you might enjoy it fried, but roasted chicken is akin to shoving religion down people's throats.

>I don't know the difference between could and should
Okay idiot.

Streamers deserve it for ruining the video games industry.

What a shit analogy, kek. One of those can actually end up being illegal in the states

>broadcast your game to the world
>it's somehow not your fault is someone uses this against you


>Don't lock your car door
>Tell insurance company that
>We're not paying out, you failed to secure the vehicle
This is you

what's struck me is why can't the streamer just hide what server they're on

blur out the map at all times or some shit

can't be that hard

So what does honking do exactly?

Does it give away the streamers position or is it just annoying to listen to?

Why don't the streamers just shoot the person honking? Seems like an easy kill right?

someone pls answer these questions i dont play pubg

>forget to honk car door
>lock yourself out of stream
>call the cops
>gabe comes and bans you from stealing video games

wtf it's like I'm a second class citizen

shit i meant

>I should carry a gun because some trash doesnt have the self control to not rob me
Granted thats a shaky metaphor but people are cunts and everyone should have the self agency to take care of something themselves if possible
Its like reporting someone for saying nigger or faggot in a game instead of just muting them if you cant handle mean words

It isn't your fault, it's the fault of the aspie who loaded up your steam just to harass you. Do you understand what "fault" means?

can't those fools shoot those people? It's a shooter, right?


I fucking hate Twitch chat so fucking much.

Bunch of asslickers to the streamer.

It's vile.

Streamers have saved and revolutionized vidya by adding a whole new dimension to games. Instead of just something you play yourself, now there are games where viewers who aren't even playing can influence the course of the game.

>streamers have been streaming games like Dota 2 and LoL for years with no problem from stream snipers because THEY ALL USE 2 MIN DELAYS
>suddenly memerunknowns memergrounds streamers throw a bitchfit and refuse to have a delay to counteract sniping

>stream honkers will be banned

Stream honking is funny because it annoys them and since you aren't killing them (offering free kills) this shouldn't be an issue, now any streamer can claim someone "stream sniped" them when they lose

What a load of entitled babies

these salty tears of kid's cock-gobbing streamer's dick, mmm, my favourite

>wont just fucking block out their game screen until they land
>whines about stream sniping
>dev sides with them

i like the game but god damn

>not looping footage of yourself camping in one location to lure in stream snipers
>not waiting in the grass 100m away and sniping bitches with the kar when they try and snipe you
I swear, streamers have no fucking imagination

It's done all the time to no one's great detriment. These individuals are being disingenuous and petty to market themselves.


Not should, could, and yes, they could. And do you know what I could do? Turn off my fucking phone.

Do you actually believe this?

How old are you?

>banning people because they aren't playing your game right but aren't cheating or otherwise exploiting/breaking the game

Fuck anyone that supports this.

Shut it. I have over 12,000 subscribers and make over $5,000 a month streaming. I will not sit idly by while some underage losers try to literally destroy my livelihood and my ability to put food on the table, How dare you try to ruin someone's career for the "lulz."

>be a loyal subscriber to a pubg streamer, among a few other streamers
>low on money, but can cut a little bit on food to afford my monthly subscriptions
>finally get my Mickey D's paycheck
>rush to my computer so i can start subscribing and donating to my based streamer bros
>after subscribing and donating around $20 each to all my favorite streamers, it's time to leave the best for last
>i subscribe and donate $40 to based mr.disrespect
>right as i do it, some ASSHOLE is honking his horn in stream, detracting the attention from my very special donation which goes nearly unnoticed because every one of my twitch chat bros are talking about the stream honker instead

I hate you fucking stream honkers, and wish you would all die

You people have zero regard for your fellow man, and i dearly hope someday you'll be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for all the grief and pain you've caused to the streamer community

>play the game for the first time
>kill someone who happens to be a streamer
>get permabanned
>gaben steals your house
>you go to prison

wtf i hate gaming industry now

Streamers should be banned.

>Banned for honking horns

What will they ban next?

i know nothing about streaming or battlegrounds but it can't be that hard to tie a fade out to the map button or someshit?

>I should be banned because some faggot streamer gets butthurt

Yeah, I know which one sounds less reasonable.

how the fuck does honking ruin your carreer

A thousand time this. Same shit applies to MOBAs where playing a character "wrong" can get you banned. Fuck modern multiplayer games.

>go out of your way to ruin someone else's game
>get banned

Kill yourself


Now that bait is too obvious, no (you)s for you

>Lock your doors
That's the equivalent of "ban and keep out stream snipers". Streamers would like that.


>make meme game
>market it with streamers, even having commercials for it that just show streamers playing it
>actually put systems in place to see if people are purposely leaving and joining lobbies to end up in the same game as a streamer
>actively give out bans if they suspect that you purposely stream sniped someone
>people defend this

>Now instead of stalking their favorite streamers and killing them, people have taken to following them around in cars and honking at them incessantly.
This is fucking hilarious.

People in my streams start calling me Honky and I tell them to shut up! Then everyone else starts making fun of me, and I have to take a few days off of streaming just to cope with it.

Lol fuck yourself loser - you're putting the vulnerability on yourself by streaming. Banning any snipers is horseshit - if anything, ban them from watching the stream, not the game
