Why do you obsess over Tali when you could pick Admiral Xen?

Why do you obsess over Tali when you could pick Admiral Xen?

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Xen even has a sexier voice.

Isn't she one of those quarians without accent? Fuck that. Also Tali was great because she had a cute personality.

She experimented on her toys.

Quarians should be genocided anyways

Quarians are innocent people who just tried to protect themselves from heartless machines.

I have yet to play ME3. I just...I just don't want to be disappointed.

>yfw nothing will ever be as disappointing as Tali's face "reveal"

Do it for Tali

It's actually not too bad. Just turn it off when you're at the end; you'll know when the time is right.

And now they are space niggers

Or you can just buy into the indoctrination theory.

Is this the disappointment thread

>space niggers
Space gypsies more like. Pic related are earth quarians.

I don't remember Xen actually getting to do anything, despite all her talk about wanting to control the Geth.

Qwib Qwib got a more climactic role in the finale than she did.

Just kill off all your beloved characters. That way, the ending won't really matter, as you've fucked up all of the lives of the characters you grew fond of over the previous two games.

>we need a good alien surname that doesn't mean "alien"
>say no more

Tali was the biggest nerd bait ever, she's so shy and submissive and timid and so infatuated with you, like fuck off, she shouldn't even be part of the team, all she did was give you a bit of evidence, like there was so many more side characters that had more reason to be part of the my squad

There are still some genuinely good moments despite all the flak it gets.

Just make sure to have the Extended Cut DLC and maybe save the Citadel DLC for the epilogue.

But the priiize.

IT is just as bad as the regular ending. Actually it might be worse since in the IT there is no ending

Tuchanka and Rannoch are worth if you've done ME1/ME2.
Also you missed out on some fun MP. It was bare bones horde mode but Andromeda STILL managed to fuck that up.

I miss my Geth Hunter.

Indoctrination Theory was just everyone's desperate desire to justify the nonsensical aspects of the ending in hopes that it meant that follow-up DLC was on the way.

>ywn hear Xen moan in pleasure while you give her the mating press
why even live

Arr rook same anyway

Yeah, that. Krogan are space niggers. Either way both are next in line for the gas chambers.

Rannoch might be fun to play but the story arch is completely retarded

Sorta this. I'm not one to annihilate people, but I always put the needs of Quarians below everyone else's.

The children should not be punished for the sins of their ancestors.
In retrospect Quarian society really shouldn't be glorifying their ancestors.

I don't care what they did in the past but they still are a bunch of faggots today


Pretty much every single Quarian you meet outside of the leading council were just good natured down-on-their-luck folk that everyone went out of their way to treat like shite.