What are some games for ironic weebs?

What are some games for ironic weebs?

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what a horrible thread youve made

you should feel bad about this

Senran Kagura

I'd say Ghost Trick.
It kinda has western art style but every character is so over the top dweeb that it physically hurts.

What even is this thread

are Facebook weebs finally imploding?

What's the difference between an ironic and unironic weeb?

Being an "ironic weeb" doesn't exist, there's only weebs in denial. The only acceptable way is being a closetweeb and not associating with the turbocringey vocal minority.

You're no better phoneposter.

one is a fucking faggot and the other wants to be the little girl


None they are both insuferrable.


pretty much any anime game with generic boring flat artstyle

no such thing as an ironic weeb, just a weeb who's fooling himself

lost pause more like lost cause

I love how ironic weebs put weebs on suicide watch. Not everyone has to be a virgin with a waifu to like anime

If I don't watch or play anime but wank it to hentai am i a weeb?

>that first video

god help us

nah you're fine

Ironic weebs only like japanese entertainment on a surface level. They're the "im such a gamer lol!" equivalent of the anime community.

the fuck language do you speak? polish?

Sup Forums BTFO

>1 million subs
>around 100-200 thousand views
wait, what?

Looks like czech, pollocks don't have weird stuff over their letters.

he does realize Sup Forums is a forum, right?

I take it he's never been to Sup Forums with their shitty moeblob-of-the-month obsession

we are an imageboard
completely different

You mean underwater basketweaving guestbook.

>inb4 people trying to correct you who don't know the term forum is older than the internet

He literally has a SAO poster in the background, probably asked for recommendations or something and told to fuck off.

Shit, too late

Those are self-shaming weebs, OP. Ironic Weebs just watch anime for the sake of being funee to the normies.

For what it's worth, I was being ironic and assumed he was too.

I thought the point of being an ironic weeb was to OVERLY embrace the weeb life like Your image makes literally zero sense OP

How do we stop this madman

Also Azzman is pretty fucking bad

his underaged followers shit up /hgg/ threads

>all of these video game related threads that get zero replies
>this one has 30 in several minutes

Fuck off

At least we all agree that every dweeb should be gassed with cyanogen chloride.

does anyone irl actually care about weebness?
the only thing I remember from high school was a couple people were made fun of for being obsessed with k-pop
not a burger btw

Forums are "forum websites" in reality. A website where you have a forum with people.
Imageboards function as a forum as well, but their design and intended goals are totally different from a "forum website" structure.
It's plain as day for anyone with a brain to see that Sup Forums, reddit, and neogaf all have drastically different formats and have drastically different kinds of discussion and it's more than reasonable to not group them under one umbrella.

In your attempts to nitpick to appear more intelligent you actually outed yourselves as retarded.

lmaoing@ut life butt bothered gook cum guzzler

>one is a fucking faggot and the other is a fucking faggot

Is Sup Forums a public place where people gather to discuss things?

Yes, so it's a forum.

What did he mean by this?

An ironic weeb is a poser that wants to be a part of anime nerd culture without genuinely enjoying the medium
An unironic weeaboo is someone like Ken-sama, they want to be Japanese



well it's much more of a burger thing, japs are taking over americlaps with lolis
hell the trump won because of anime memes

a ironic weeb is someone who enjoys konosuba.

Yes. They're all forums in the traditional sense.
But when somebody says forums in terms of the internet. They are talking about a specifically formatted website designed for communication and having forums with others. Only a fool would confuse use of the two.

Your attempts at ignorance don't make you stop being wrong.

In my experience, ironic weebs are just full-blown shameless weeaboos who think that they'll be less embarrassing if they play up the "self-aware XD" card. From these degenerates you can expect anime avatars, cropped hentai avatars, MAGA or either meme hat anime girl edits, smug anime posting coupled with awful opinions, and tons of ERP/sissy behavior.

What about someone who just enjoys anime and likes posting on anime imageboards?

Sup Forums was directly inspired by forums and as you yourself said, this is indeed technically a forum. Call it whatever the fuck you want, but don't deny what it really is

>But when somebody says forums in terms of the internet. They are talking about a specifically formatted website designed for communication and having forums with others.

[citation needed]

>an imageboard or image board is a type of Internet forum which operates mostly via posting images.

stop posting pics of your mom i don't even really like her after all

Does liking anything beyond shounen anime make someone an ironic weeb?


its funny because someone on Sup Forums made this. they actually spent time to make this.

this guy is insanely punchable

every website has a comment system these days and that also meets the english definition of a forum. it's not wrong but it's terribly imprecise

honestly i don't know if i am an ironic weeb. i haven't watched anime since highschool, but the flipside is that i still browse the japanese internet because.

i like to translate things i find amusing and share them.

japanese internet is quite different but at the same time very familiar.

Those aren't designed for discussion.
They are exactly what they're called, comments.

I'm not getting into this with you retards. It's imprecise to call everything a forum no matter how technically correct you are.

But ironic weebs love being called "weeb". it makes them tingle inside because they feel they're a part of something for once in their lives.

I'm not saying you should call Sup Forums a forum, I'm just saying that it is one. If you wanna call it a Chinese Milk Dumpster, go the fuck ahead, no one's gonna stop you. Just don't say that it's NOT a forum

Nier Automata

funny thing in japan they call forums BBS which is also a very generic phrase that refers to a very specific type of service that hasn't existed since the internet became a thing

>tfw ironic weebs will never touch based madoka because it literally is 2deep4u

>madokafag thinking he's better than anyone

Ironic weebs watch that though. No one really 80s anime though for some reason other than Fist of the North Star.


Keep giving me (You)'s

nope, they have threading and reply systems designed for people to carry conversations directly with each other. also double standard either you take the technical definition or you recognize that words have meaning beyond mere definitions

What? Madoka is entry level

Let's be real here, M.D Geist was ass.


thanks for the free (you)s easiest of my life

np bro have another one with a cat

>being a patriot means you love your country, but aren't opposed to things that may change it for the worse

It was fun in the sense that I'd want another MC to pull the shit MD Geist did on the end.
Second movie fucking sucked though.

How is Madoka 2d4u? It's got some symbolism but it's a pretty concise story. I'm of course excluding the piece of shit that is the movie.

so all dweebs I ever met have that faint cheese like smell to them
is this a common occurence?

What is the Narutaru of vidya?

holy cringe batman
i think i hurt my toes by curling them too much

why boner

>He didn't understand Rebellion

He probably got called a faggot for having shit taste or just being a faggot in general and now carries a grudge.

Ironic weebs only like anime for cancerous "reaction images"

yes. In case you didn't know, penises emit a cheesy smell after being left unwashed and cum covered

Fuck off cancer

>dweebs still think they're relevant in any way

whats wrong with it? I think its pretty good

it smells more like fish to me.

>Can't understand Rebellion
>Calls other people names
Lashing out won't fix this

some day you won't be a virgin any more

MD Geist is pleb tier, it's all about Genocyber.

Pretty kiddy show desu

Kuso thread of the week
That being said, Undertale is this x10

Fuck off ironic weeb cancer

Speaking of 80s, was this guy supposed to be Tetsuya from Great Mazinger?


We need to gas everyone who likes Maidragon.