Has Sup Forums ever been right?
Has Sup Forums ever been right?
Literally never. Even the tortanic eventually started printing money.
I mean in recent memory they were right about ME Andromeda.
They were right about transtioning, I've never been happier. Thanks Sup Forums~
Calling any game involving Ubisoft, Activision, Blizzard, EA, or Bioware shit is like saying "tomorrow the sky will be blue." Of course Sup Forums was right that time.
Only once, about No Man's Sky.
Sup Forums was right about nu male sky, but then again so were a lot of people outside of youtube and the gametrailers dick suckers
In hindsight, he was 100% correct.
I don't get it.
You're welcome~
Yeah but I mean they were beyond spot on with that one, usually a slip might happen, Look at Titanfall 2.
No Man's Sky.
Nu-Doom is breddy gud and Sup Forums called that one.
I get most of my game recommendations from Sup Forums, never been wrong
corporations don't want you to trust Sup Forums
Everyone said it was going to be shit.
>and Sup Forums called that one.
I think we have read different threads back then
If I say no, and i'm an user on Sup Forums, then i'm wrong, which means that im wright, which means that I'm wrong, which means that I'm right...
Sup Forums calls everything shit.
So statistically speaking, they're right most of the time.
Besides the blatantly obvious red flags, I don't think this board has ever been right about a single thing.
People here are so dead set on hating the mainstream and scream tortanic, that they forget it's why it's popular or simply don't understand. It's a sad board all things considered.
Love how newfags keep posting this with absolutely no proof. Stay mad that SWTOR was a horrendous bomb
Everyone's going to think this is bait but I have an idea of where he was going with that.
"I like it because it's fun" is a pretty empty statement.
What's so fun about it?
Mass Effect: Down-Syndromeda.
Nu-Male Sky.
Might No. 2
It ia not about being right. It is about shitting on popular stuff for easy (you)s. The more people like something, the more popular it gets, the more you can make a huge shitposting thread calling it shit or hyping it.
Best example: pubg. Those threads are always full of retards.
Sup Forums as a whole tries so hard to discard the mainstream while also embracing it. That's the best I can put why people are always wrong here.
>all these people posting ''they''
where do you think we are?
Can't think of a time Sup Forums was wrong
Would you like 'us' instead? Or would you not like to perpetuate the Sup Forums is one person myth? I don't care, it triggers Sup Forumstards which is fine by me.
Im pretty sure everyone said that game was gonna be shit up until single player footage was shown.
Sup Forums's become far too obsessed with seeing everything related to video games fail so they have something to complain about. This board has been absolutely infested with children that post console war related shit on a hourly basis.
look, just respect the pronouns, alright?
>Mafia 3
>ME Andromeda
>Watch Dogs 2
>Every Gearbox release post-Battleborn
>Knack (aka Cuck)
>Amiibo Festival
>Fed Force
>Codename STEAM
>DmC Devil may Cry
>Doom 4
>Mighty No 9
>Yooka Laylee
>Arkham Knight
>The Pii U
>The Xbox one
>The Xbox one X
This post utterly decimates the in-denial redditors, phoneposters, and facebergers. EVERY. SINGLE. GAME i just listed is a certified F L O P
The real question is when is Sup Forums ever wrong?
only about denuvo , contrarians and shills wanted you to believe that denuvo would never be cracked and now that ruskie only needs two days to pirate
>Nu-Male Sky.
Very much this one.
The Wii U had some fun games
Sup Forums is right whenever the consensus agrees with me.
All you did was list a bunch of shit games.
Also Sup Forums sucked MGSV's dick pre-release, what the fuck are you on about? In fact, people on here were in denial for about a year thinking Kojima was planning some massive ruse, which never happened.
What? Pre-release everyone on Sup Forums said it would be GOAT.
Sup Forums loved Human Revolution after the leak, the turnaround from hate to praise happened before launch.
>Doom 4
Before the sudden burst of contrarians, Sup Forums had nothing but positive things to say at launch. Of course now it's the worlds worst video game ever.
Literally nobody said anything bad about MGSV, in fact Sup Forums was wrong about the game because everybody expected it to be the greatest MGS of all time.
Yep Sup Forums iS mostly pathetic rage board.
If you call everything shit from the start, eventually you will be right.
Sup Forums is for the most part always right about games that are interesting and fun, until the point where the said title becomes popular where in Sup Forums goes full contrarian and claims to hate the title while nit picking every little facit.
>When Sup Forums now insists the classic rip and tear Doom comic is bad because it's what Doom 4 used as a base for its tiny plot and gameplay elements
This place is so contrarian it'd stop breathing if it could.
Sup Forums's love for Ghost Trick is well justified.