What is the Citizen Kane of vidya?
What is the Citizen Kane of vidya?
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A Doom mod called High Noon Drifter
Easy. The Last of Us.
Only contrarians with shitty taste will claim otherwise.
Citizen Kane was never good.
Super Mario Bros.
You were never good.
Out Run is the Citizen Kane of video games.
Some kind of old-ass "classic" point and click adventure.
take your pick
>revolutionizes the medium, but doesn't hold up decades later
>but doesn't hold up decades later
I bet your top 3 films are cape shit.
This. Anyone who says Goldeneye holds up either hasn't played the game in 20 years or they're Delusional.
Ocarina of Time
But Citizen Kane still holds up. Unless you're one of those sub 80 IQ kids who can't watch a film unless it's in color or 80% quick cut CG.
half the people in here watch anime and actually think it's intelligent and not just silly fun
turn back now
Does half of this board even know what Citizen Kane was even about or why it was so revered?
This is true. Sometimes I forget where I am.
Resident Evil 4
Hasn't been made yet
Won't be made for at least another decade
There were no shooters like it at the time.
>kiddie game
>/thread'ing your own post
Senran Kagura
>doesn't hold up decades later
>implying Goldeneye revolutionized anything
>I'm such an intellectual because I like citizen kane
It's not exactly a difficult movie to get into. It's a fun drama, Welles knew how to tell a story and keep the audience's interest. Anyone who says Kane doesn't hold up is just a tard who hasn't actually watched it.
Goldeneye has good level design but has a lot of issues that have just been exacerbated by how popular the genre became after those issues had been fixed. I would compare it more to something like Birth of a Nation, lots of really interesting innovation at the time and you can still kind of appreciate some of it in a historical sense, but the actual content is pretty rough to try and sit through without putting yourself in that time and place.
Kane would have to be something old that was a technical marvel at the time but is still good even if you don't care about the technical achievements. I'd say maybe Quake 1 or SMB3.
revolutionary at the time and today people debate whether it holds up over time
No one debates whether half life 1 holds up, and only retards debate whether Kane holds up, it obviously does, there's nothing in it that's "aged".
Half Life 2 is the game people debate about whether it holds up.
What is the Dr. Strangelove of Video Games?
Of course not. Neither did the people who this whole "Citizen Kane of x medium" meme is jeering at, but people who pretend to get what the joke is and try to play along aren't any better.
>I don't know anything about cinema: the post
This is the only correct answer. It innovated just enough and was fun enough to kind of set the fundamental standards we would use for building games more like a narrative (i.e. with a beginning, middle, end, pacing, conflict, resolution, etc) than a system (think like a sport or card game). There weren't many games at the time to do that.
That's the point. If someone can't into Citizen Kane they're either dumb, have ADHD, or both. It's not like they're watching an Ingmar Bergman film or anything, Citizen Kane is very straightforward.
It's stupid to crown something "The Citizen Kane of Vidya" but if I had to, I'd argue that Doom is the best choice.
>Technologically stunning for it's time
>Extremely innovative for it's time, in some cases the innovations are lost on modern audiences due to being overused by other works
>Even to modern audiences is an enjoyable and well crafted work
>Simple enough anyone can appreciate it, but has plenty of depth
>From start to finish, the entire thing is meticulously designed and obviously has a lot of love put into it
Really, early 90s IDTech was so far ahead of everyone else that it wasn't even close. As soon as stuff like Duke 3D starts catching up, they launch Quake and everyone's playing catch up again.
Super Mario Bros is more important to Vidya than Citizen Kane is to film. Super Mario Bros is more like if The Jazz Singer and The Wizard of Oz were the same movie.
I should point out, I stress the LIKE in "LIKE a narrative," I'm not talking about story but overall structure and level design.
Citizen kane was boring as fuck so I'd go with skyrim. Its highly praised but other movies/vidya do its job better.
To piggyback off my last post I'd say Things to come was a much better movie.
that is some high fucking praise, I dont think anybody wouldnt say super mario bros is influential but you may have gone too far
It's not really about being good. It's about doing something that everyone started doing after it.
Final Fantasy VII I guess?
Please be bait.
How did no one post Metroid Prime trilogy yet?
Doom 2016
What's the Batman & Robin of vidya?
Because Prime 3 is mediocre.
breath of the wild
It was never really that good, but it did set alot of trends in modern filmmaking still used today
Its not a masterpiece on a story level, its a masterpiece on a technical level
I was mostly speaking about Goldeneye more than Kane. I just like shitposting about Goldeneye.
Its funny, I have ADHD and had no trouble watching Seventh Seal.
Maybe I should check out Persona.
Prime 3 is great, just not as good as 1/2
This. Boring overrated pretentious garbage is exactly how I would describe The Last of Us.
Super Mario Bros or Super Mario 64.
Citizen Kane the video game.
Spotted the Capeshit fag
Something that was hated at it's time but has started to be loved by people worldwide in hindsight?
Either MGS2 or Halo 2.
and what was that?
Papers Please
Nier 1.
So what other movies from the late 30's and early 40's do you think do its job better, then?
you can look it up the rest, but one I'll give you: non-linear storytelling
>Honey 1.1 faggots
Please tell me you actually played the game properly. It shits all over most modern FPS.
>someone doesnt like x therefore they are retarded
your opinions are not facts
Ok but what is the Birth of the Nation of video games?
It's been hidden under our noses all these years
GTA IV was released the same amount of years after the beginning of video games as Citizen Kane was for film, so I'd go for that. Both didn't do anything new, but basically combined everything, were critically acclaimed, and influential.
>I have ADHD and no trouble watching Seventh Seal
That's because Bergman isn't slow, he's babby's first philosophical filmmaker
I want to find whoever said The Last of Us was the Citizen Kane of gaming and punch them in the throat. The Last of Us didn't revolutionize anything. It didn't do things in the video game medium that other games immediately tried to emulate for decades to come, much less months. The entire game was derivative and was only lauded because video game journos have this hard on for cinematic, mature story lines.
Name a single thing Citizen Kane did new.
Peace Walker
low angle shots
>What is the Citizen Kane of vidya?
Any overrated trash
Already done in 1924. Word of advice. Don't talk about something you know nothing about, nigger.
Sup Forums: Griffith, Stroheim, Flaherty, early Murnau
Sup Forumsedit: Welles, Bergman, Malick, Tarkovsky
>9 minutes since last reply
You might do better to compare two groups of filmmakers that were active in the same era.
Oh fuck off cunt, stop playing devil's advocate because you know what I mean
>hasn't seen a silent film
There are a million 30's directors that blow Welles out the fucking water. Pic-related early talkie and already low angle shot
Bioshock Infinite
Get a highschool diploma, homeschool dropout.
I've seen hundreds
I agree
>caring this much about film
Shorts don't count, aspie.
Who's counting shorts?
Also I wouldn't think anyone who likes Griffith would discount short films. He made some really excellent ones.
German Expressionism was a huge motivator.
It should go without saying that creativity is not cultivated in a vacuum. A lot of early film was inspired by stage.
>caring this much about tv games
The greatest film was already made in the first few decades of the medium's inception with film schools cropping up in the 1920's, palaces constructed to showcase and orchestras featured to play for these works.
It's been over 50 years for video games and they're still searching for respect beyond patronization as a child's plaything
>being this big of a pleb
>that shot
already done in 1914
God, German Expressionism is so nice to look at
Griffith never made a film in his life.
What is the 'A Trip to the Moon' of video games?
>God, German Expressionism is so nice to look at
>metal gear solid 2
>zero results
I am ashamed of you Sup Forums
Isn't it?
It's like paint on canvas. Many of them still are remarkable to this day.
Why are these vague offtopic threads allowed to shit up the board? KYS you fucking retards