You're buying Samus Returns, right?

You're buying Samus Returns, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Day one. Amiibos as well if my Gamestop has them.

Yes, because I actually like Metroid and want there to be more games.

In before retards bitch and moan about optional DLC.


>Amiibos as well
literal child

No thanks, I already played AM2R. 'Samus Returns' is literal shovel ware that doesn't even deserve to share the limelight.

Gonna download that .CIA file amd be ready to go.

Nah, I am kinda finished with Nintendo. I'll just buy a complete game(not that they'll ever consider to create an actual game anymore).

I was until they announced the amiibo crap. Now I'm pirating it. Nintendo can suck my dick.

this is the only correct response

Not in your dreams.

Keep sucking nintendo's dick like usual drone.

I am with this user. All of these fucking faggots making threads against it don't even give a shit about metroid and are just shitposting.

I'm pirating that shit and it's fucking amiibo.
AND sonic mania.

Already pre-order the special edition on best buy(love gamer unlock deal, 12$ off).

Not getting the Amiibos through, no, the anti-shilling did not convince me, is just I am kinda poor right now, but I still want to support Metroid any way I can.

Why does Sup Forums bully the Metroid series so much?

Nope, -1 day pirate because someone will probably leak it

The more I see of Samus Returns, the less I want her to return.
How hard can it be to remake a game without adding superfluous garbage that nobody asked for? Did anyone want melee counters, teleporters and a simplified map?

Yeah. Never played the original and I feel bad about my 3DS gathering dust for so long

Preordered it and amiibos. I'm hype as fuck.

why Sonic Mania?

How do you pirate a physical object

Why isn't it complete, user? Surely you didn't fall for the 'hardest difficulty paywall' meme, did you? It's just cosmetic content.

>we decided to give fans an option to support the game even more

Why do you hate freedom, user?

I'd like to know too. Probably an nfc app or something.

If the reception is positive, I'll absolutely pick it up. I think it looks pretty solid so far, but after not having a good game in the series for 10 years I'm a little nervous about buying it day one.

Of course, also

Sup Forums are Primefags and hate the 2D game just like they are Warfags that hate FPS Halo. Since Sup Forums is filled with PCunts that like boring ass maze FPS that are just reskins of Wolfenstein 3D, along with loving boring ass RTS games, they have a deep hatred for 2D Metroid and FPS Halo. For Halo talk just go to /vg/ and in September /vg/ should also have a Metroid General as well.

What if I told you that I love both both the Prime games and the 2D games equally?

Then you are a Metroid fan who doesn't shit up 2D Metroid threads.

Trust me, Prime fans are not the ones shitting on the game right now, hell the game feels closer to the Prime games one way or another, is the Super Metroid fans anti shilling, or better put, being influenced by Sony anti-shills.

So basically like the Halo fanbase, Metroid has nostalgia babies that bitch about the game not being the third game in the series over and over and give out poor explanations on how they would evolve the series, along with Sony false flagging idiots that love to shitpost in Nintendo and Microsoft threads just for the (You)s. That all makes sense.


Oh god no lol. It looks like shit so I cancelled my preorder. Blunder of the year.

Nintendo is a cancer upon this industry who once made good games

Gonna pirate it along with it's toy based DLC.
I would buy it if Nintendo wasn't trying to fuck me.

Isn't that the freedom that Nintendo fags hated 5 years ago because Nintendo wasn't doing it? Isn't that the same freedom Reggie and Iwata said they wouldn't adopt because games should be released complete?

Why did you pre-order it in the first place if you thought it looked like shit?

>all of Samus's whoring finally paid off
Yes. I'll buy.


Boycotting Nintendo until amiibo jewery stops.

Already boycotted Microsoft for lost access to my account when I switched emails years ago.

Sony has nothing I want.

Fuck Vidya.

Why are you here?

>People will defend this

I've been trapped for ten years.

>because I actually like Metroid
If you liked Metroid you wouldn't encourage Nintendo to make inferior products to the ones they made over ten years ago, outsourcing to MercurySteam and adding in cinematic melee counters should be enough to boycott.

That honestly does seem a little excessive.
I wonder if it will be turned off in Fusion mode.


The game seems designed around it, it would be like if a Hard mode in Mario disabled jumping.

The parry window needs to be massively reduced. Looks like you can smack x against everything.

The counter system was the best part about Lords of Shadow combat and it looks like a fine fit here.

Yeah, it doesn't look all that 'optional' does it.
Either way the game still looks pretty good in my opinion.

>Looks like you can smack x against everything.
That's because you can.

samus could have just jumped instead

the gen z did

Reminder to boycott Metroid until we get this.

>no true Scotsman

>I like it when Nintendo fuck me in the ass

Wow, that's a lot of 'yes' votes, almost as if all the people saying no are samefagging liars

Don't worry, it'll flop. I don't see a Metroid game that's a remake of a 20 year old game, not using sprites and adding a melee attack selling more than 90k units world wide.

I'll keep this post in mind lmfao

Don't forget the cost of the electricity to charge the 3DS and the Doritos that keep you fueled as you play.


>it's okay when Nintendo does it with Prime/Fusion


All those things were unlocked when you beat the game.


>Prime/Fusion locked content behind amiibo
Must have forgotten about that.

for Switch

It was unlocked when you beat the game? I thought you needed to connect it to Fusion with the GBA link cable?

Also now that I think of it, it's fucking retarded that it couldn't connect if you had the GB Player.

Art gallery and highest difficulty were unlocked upon completion of Prime, yes.

It's locked between two consoles, two games, and a link cable.

Linking Prime and Fusion together (or buying it with credits in the Trilogy) gets you a fusion skin. Art gallery and soundtrack were unlocked after you best the game. MSR locks those things behind an amiibo plus the fusion difficulty.

Are you equating an entirely inconsequential texture change to an entirely new difficulty?

No, but content is content nonetheless.

are you posting yet again dumb tf2 avatarfag

go ahead you dumb piece of shit, respond with "not seeing an argument here", I fucking dare you

Not all content is equal in its importance, imagine if the final boss was locked behind an amiibo. The fact that stuff that directly pertains to gameplay that's already on the cartridge isn't available to any player with the cartridge is a terrible practice.

If the only thing this amiibo unlocked was the Fusion suit, no one would care.

I am never buying a Nintendo game again after what they did to Fatal Frame 5.

>Don't agree with someone
>Better call them a dumb piece of shit


this is really sad

yeah sure. i haven't had a good game in a while so why not?

if I buy the game in italy, would I still be able to play it in english?

>Samus Returns
>good game
Sorry to break it to you.

i don't see anything wrong with it.

>White boys white boy-ing again
Bitch elsewhere.

>In a Metroid game
>A series where getting upgrades lets you progressively unlock shortcuts to traverse faster
>A series where meticulous exploration of each area leads to rewards

>Don't see anything wrong with it

>implying you aren't one

What's worse: a nigger or a whiny white boy?

At this point, Metroidfags have become bigger autists than Zeldafags.

pls respond

Works fine for Metroidvania games, why not Metroid proper?
Quit being a whiny bitch.

I own a bunch of zelda games. I have never been able to get into any of them.

I'm getting this metroid game just because I want some more 3ds games. I've never actually played metroid. I'm more of a JRPG and fighting/arcade player.

It's too bad sega got out of the hardware business.

5 finger discount niggas

Niggers steal and kill and rape and collect free government checks.

Whiny white boys whine.

Hmmm... tough choice.

This game has legitimately made me consider hacking my 3DS. Good job nintendo

If you're trying to say 'they're in Castlevania what's the big deal?' then you should understand quite clearly that Metroid =/= Castlevania and never has been.

Teleporters encourage lazy map design because players are more likely to rely on them then finding new shortcuts as they progressively get more upgrades like you did in past Metroid games.

too bad to buy
too good to not play

To me its more of a matter of principle. I was going to buy it because it seems fun enough, but once the amiboo shit was revealed I cannot stand to support such a stupid decision as to lock hard mode behind a paywall, one that doesn't even have a definitive price. Scalpers are going to fuck the shit out of those amibos, just like they have for the rest of the fucking things.

I'm in the exact same boat.

>to lock hard mode behind a paywall
Nice falseflag, Hard mode is not locked behind an amiibo.