It's better to have a ton of mediocre games than a few great games

it's better to have a ton of mediocre games than a few great games

You can trigger a lot of anons, but you will never convince anyone.

This is true and good for the console manufacturer

Sup Forums will try to refute this, but that means they're forgetting they're the minority.

nice contrarianism. the psx had dozens of great games.

Yeah. Only retards will be convinced.

Sonyfags = Shitty fast food eaters

Ape Escape 4 is what BloodBorne wished it was

Shut up Dobson.

How is 6 shit overrated games better than playstations 100s of classics

PS1 had a bunch of great games and a ton of mediocre games
N64 just had a few mediocre games

>100s of classics
everything seems to be a classic if you played it as a kid...

i think that the problem with todays consoles is not the amount of games but the type of games. Where is todays prince of persia? Where is todays ratchet/spyro/jak etc games? Sure you might find one or two but the vast majority of bigger budget games are some combination of open world and shooter.

You could say the same for n64. When you play nintendo *classics" again you realize what a overrated cringe fest they are

PS1 had Metal Gear Solid and therefore and indeed as can now be seen andreasen that calculating the numbers it is indeed better than the 64 of N

Nintendo games are made for 4 year olds. Anyone over the age of 20 who plays them are autistic neckbeards

>b-but nintendo!!
who mentioned nintendo?

Why not both?
Ton of mediocre games and a few great games?

It's better to have the best game than to have multiple games.

Its a nintendo system. Most of the "great" games are nintendo or some other childrens company. Doesn't change the fact that there are only a handfull of good n64 games

PS1 you mean? For every masterpiece the 64 had, the PS1 had 3 and hundreds more of great, good and ok games to boot


No there aren't there are two Mario64 and OoT

Final Fantasy 7 was a better game than Ocarina of Time

and panzer dragoon saga is a better game than final fantasy 7

there are three little boy

Nice meme console faggot

t. never touched one

N64: A few great games and a few good games in a tiny library with painfully shallow genre selection

PS: Many great games and a large number of good games in a huge library with extensive genre selection

You can deny it and write it off as Sonybroing as much as you want, but anyone who isn't underage and actually owned both, or anyone who has actually dipped into both libraries, knows it's true.

>102 million PS vs. 33 million N64


The PS1 had the best games.

It really isn't, but it's a long standing cool kid maymay to parrot because people think it's obscure and there's the thinly veiled "I've played a valuable game that doesn't emulate worth a shit!" implication that impresses literally no one.

Rare games always get overrated.

inb4 the obvious truth hurts.

What does that even mean, when most of Sup Forums hate Sony?

Besides spyro or crash, the ps1 had no great games.
Ps2 had a better library
Ps3 was kinda lacking
Ps4 only has bloodborne.
Maybe that means the ps5 will actually have games?

>metal gear solid
>resident evil series
>parasite eve
>tomb raider
>FF games (I don't personally like them but they're beloved)

Sup Forumseddit still mad that ps4 is destroying the competition huh?

Sup Forums can suck my dick, honestly

>Sup Forums hates PS4
>Sold 64 million anyway

I said great user.
Redpill: Metal gear solid was never that good, nor was resident evil.
Tomb raider was meh, SOTN isn't exclusive, old 2d Rayman was bad, and I never like FF either.

So you have shit taste. Shant be engaging with you from now on squire.

Sup Forumseddit will be eternally anal of Ps4 success

Then you have idiots like
stating their shitty opinions as facts

1, and 2 had a ton of great games. PS3 is the latter.

Neo/v/ anons love it and some of the mods clearly have a bias. Stop acting like you're the ones being bullied. Everyone hates you all because you're Sup Forums's equivalent of canadians or DCucks. and many of you actually are canadians and europoors

playstation has more great games than nintendo 64 does simply by having so many more games, and they're spread out among all kinds of genres (unlike the n64 with half of their best games being platformers)

>etal gear solid was never that good, nor was resident evil.
>Tomb raider was meh, SOTN isn't exclusive, old 2d Rayman was bad, and I never like FF either.

Hahaha imagine being THIS much of a contrarian.

Tell me, user; do you even like video games?

I don't get why it's a fact when someone says metal gear is good, but an opinion when someone says metal gear is bad. Can someone explain this to me? Did I miss something during basic child development?

>great games

Mario 64>>>>crash, R&C, J&D, rayman or spyro
Splinter cell >>>>> mgs
Silent Hill > Resident Evil
Symphony of the night not being exclusive isn't taste, it's fact.
FF was always gay and you have shit taste for ever liking it.


>WiiU died because Sony!
>Switch has no third party support because Sony!
>MHW not on Switch because Sony!
>Nintendo won because we get Rabbids shovelware!
>Buy a Switch, bro, for ARMS and shit!
>There's nothing wrong with Amiibo, don't buy it if you like it!

It's kinda sad seeing Sup Forums turning into a full blown NintendoGA/v/ shithole.

Can we all agree rather the PS2 was the greatest console of all time?

>huge library consisting of numerous genres
>home to some of the greatest games of all time and some real hidden gems
>no tacked on gimmicky features beyond multiplayer functionality
>perfect controller
>even the worst games were at least somewhat interesting

>>no tacked on gimmicky features
>he forgot the EyeToy
>he forgot the buzzer
>he forgot the fishing rod

stuff no game used except eyetoy

Trying too hard to justify your parents' bad decision 20 years ago

I've only played the first 5 FFs and they were cool as fuck, my man.

You're trying too hard to appear older and more intelligent than you really are.

I'd rather have 3 superb games than a single "masterpiece". That's why I liked the PS2 more than the GameCube. That's why I liked the PS1 more than the N64.

GameCube has one of my favorite games of all time, but I still won't consider the console as a whole great because of it.

So yeah, what you say is somewhat true, but it seems like you're implying that Sony consoles (including all of them), don't have great games. Especially when all third party developers flocked to Sony. Nintendo systems have almost always been for Nintendo games, and I haven't enjoyed those since the GameCube days.

People who play nothing but platformers just shouldn't try to join discussions. You're like a different species.

They arent mediocre, theyre good but not as groundbreaking. Doesnt help that Nintendos groundbreaking games are babbys first video game shit you can finish in your sleep, severely limited by the hardware and controller or surpassed by later games copying the style. There are entire genres missing, too.