Are YOU gonna play the upcoming best JRPG of generation?
Xenoblade 2
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Once it's emulated on PC, yeah.
Xenoblade 1 was amazing on PC emulator
I'll buy it on Day 1 because I liked XBC and XBX so much. Takahashi deserves the chance to prove me and my fears about the story wrong
Does it emulate good?
I'm honestly less hyped about this than X. The character designs look like something out of a SK game.
You gotta patch it to get it from 26fps to 30fps but once it's at 30fps it runs good on a good pc.
>Last remnants of civilisation living on the backs of titans that are slowly dying causing resource-based conflicts
>Rex trying to get Pyra back to Elysium
>Pyra's flames "hide something deeper"
It's gon' be gud.
Looks like a cool guy to me.
This. Day 1 buy. I fucking loved XBX. I was hyped as shit when that was releasing.
But also this.
Get rid of the stupid gaps in his clothing plus that thing on his back and he's ok.
The thing on his back is his diving helmet. He needs it for when he goes scavenging underneath the cloud sea.
Given the reception to XCX I'm a wait on this one. Not digging the character designs also.
I at least want an option to turn off the visibility of it. Kinda like how X has fashion clothing options.
Looks great, can't wait.
It looks a downgrade to X, graphically speaking. The character designs are atrocious.
I'm hopinh those outfits can be switched out within the first hour.
Those graphics suck.
When you say graphically do you mean in terms of art design or in terms of technical ability?
>Xenoblade 1 was amazing on PC emulator
This. Your second playthrough has to be on PC... assuming your first was on the Wii when it was first released.
that's actually pretty good environment design
Both. Maybe I'm just looking at shitty pics. Are there any promo pics in a decent resolution which show off the graphics?
Both, XCB2 looks like hot garbage from everything we've seen.
This and BotW have to be two of the most beautiful games in recent history.
literally noone cares about this piece of shit
Isn't it only the PAL version that runs at 25/26FPS?
"hot garbage"... Sounds like something a fat cuck autist would say while he's stuffing his face full of Cheetos.
It's the game I'm looking forward to the most this year, it's looking great so far.
>Sup Forums doesn't want to talk about Xenoblade anymore
didn't everyone hate xbx saying it looked like hot garbage when it came out?
Honestly way more "kino" than that fucking Bloodborne one which has the blood moon for 90% of it. Shot composition is also better as well.
Looks like putrid garbage. Shoul've been on a real console. Nintendo bankrupt soon i hope
>played X when it came out
>loved it
>playing the original now
>bored out of my mind
Shit, I was hype for this game but now I don't even know. They said it would have great exploration so I'll probably be alright.
Was the snow area in the E3 trailer? I completely missed it.
I'm really looking forward to it by the way. I love the original and X and I hope 2 can match them with its own style.
>Great exploration
It's a linear JRPG, who the fuck told you it had great exploration?
There is always a small group that is vocal against upcoming games. XCX's case was probably the worst because we had FFXV-kun actively trolling the threads and people that repeated themselves every thread about how "objectively bad" Tanaka's art style was, which was the most common complain.
Why do you guys like these games? They're literally single player mmos
I thought I'd play it anyway because it receives so much high praise. But yeah it's not for me. The reason why I bought X in the first place was because I loved how the world looked and the dolls looked fun.
Combat is definitely downgraded, but try to at least make it to the swamp.
>They're literally single player mmos
And your point is? MMORPGs play better than most JRPGs.
Play up until Colony 6 and if it's still doing anything for you then you can drop it, it's fashioned pretty similarly to your average JRPG in terms or structure.
XCX is really more of an anomaly in that it's an open world game in a genre that's usually very story focused and linear. It's why a lot of people have complaints about the less than ideal narrative for it.
You better believe it. I loved the original and even X. I thought X had a more fun world to explore than BotW
The drought for information is killing me. THe only thing we got the past weeks was a french guy playing the e3 build and showed how some buffs worked. There were some auto attack speed and movement ones included
>X had a more fun world to explore than BotW
The Treehouse/Japan Expo demo looks mostly pretty good, but I do hope they fix the grass pop-in which looks abysmal in it. Also I'm not sure how I feel about so many enemies being straight-up lifted from the first Xenoblade, I swear the Arduns are just HD upscales.
On the other hand, Territorial Rotbart looked nice because he's chubby like the Territorial Rotbart from Xenoblade but walks on all four limbs like Territorial Hayreddin from X.
I'm actually up to the point where you have to fight the evil girl with the Telethia. I don't know what to do but I also find it really hard to find the motivation to learn.
>I don't know what to do
Don't use Shulk for that fight because the Monado can't hurt humans.
It's apples and oranges
looks like literal indie shit when compared to xenoblade X, try to prove me wrong
If you wanted me to post my other XCX collage all you had to do was ask.
>fourth Oblivia screenshot features the only three trees and one of the two patches of grass in the entire continent
Kinda misleading, but great composition nonetheless.
I don't know, I had the same reservations regarding the character models looking like shit in XCX, but I still ended up liking it. It'll probably be the same for 2.
Is it really that big of a difference? I really don't want to replay a 80+ hour JRPG.
Anyone checked Mitsuda's twitter? The guy is really excited about this work in this game. And after listening to the 4 tracks posted on the website the ost is looking pretty damn promising
Well, not good.
I'm sure it will be awesome. Manami Kiyota master race though.
nigga,if you dont want to play then dont,but it really is a gigantic difference,the game suffers from shit wii resolution,90% of details are lost from it
I have a lot of reservations about the game. I do hope the Blade collecting system is more in-depth then "you can use these properly designed NPC blades or these generic core crystal ones" with no middle ground (ie side quest relevant Blades, different designs for core crystal Blades per titan, unique designs for Blades obtained via harder methods).
I'm really hyped for this as I loved both Xenoblade Chronicles and X.
Enjoy your XenoGachashit, coming 2018.
You mean XCX looks like hot garbage, right? The saturation in those screenshots is turned way the fuck up.
What we've seen from the trailers look decent enough. And Takahashi has already stated that the world itself is surpassing the size of X, on top of also confirming that they are still working on polishing graphics and how every area looks.
I'm not really too worried.
But XC has a cooler looking world tho
Put the saturation back to normal instead of bullshotting
Nice bait, although not sure what else to expect from a phoneposter.
what did you say about my gaps???
*unsheathes booby sword*
It's literally RE1 tier voice acting.
I don't give a single fuck. Give me a Xenogars remake or proper sequel.
Considering how much his dumb outfit seems to tie into his job I'm certain we won't get fashion armor. God, I hate his outfit so fucking much.
it was doomed the moment they changed the main girl's name to Pyra from Homura. I'm expecting 00s 4kids dub tier
No, but I'll play Xenoblade 2.
>Elysium instead of Paradise/Eden
>Pyra instead of Homura
this is going to be the biggest trainwreck of the Xeno titles. They are going to change every Christian theme to fucking Greek trash
Yeah, going to wait until Romancing SaGa 2 gets released on handhelds... Eventually, right?
It's going to be the Other M of the Xeno franchise.
Xenosaga 2 already holds that title.
>tfw there's no middleground in Xeno 2 threads between "This game is scripture from God" and "This game is Federation Force Other M Buzzword because of tiny nitpick element"
H-ha ha how about that Blade system huh guys? A-any of you looking forward to exploring the environments and using different weapons? No? Just me? Alright.
>not shit
>glowing plants vs. Eryth Sea
You're the one who's baiting
See Enjoy your sanitized LN fake Xeno game for ironic weebs.
This. Xeno has gone full FE waifushit, it's amazing how much people deny it. Can't wait for it to be more linear than the first game.
>Enjoy your sanitized LN fake Xeno game for ironic weebs.
Stop stringing together buzzwords like they mean something when used that way you gigantic faggot holy shit.
>People will defend this character design
Looks amazing due to colors and lighting engine.
Posting 10/10 tree.
there are far more problems than just "FE Waifushit" in this game, from the generic art style to the generic as FUCK character designs to the AWFUL voice acting to the overabundance of stupid characters, all i can hope is that the gameplay, world and story is still good, but I really doubt it right now
That ain't got shit on what I posted
>the gameplay
Combat has already been shown to be dumbed down from XCX.
I'll buy it, as i really enjoyed Xenoblade and X, but I'm pretty leery about the protagonist looking like a 8 year old. The character design of the protag really, really irks me something fierce.
I wish it wasn't so overly juvenile looking.
Ill let you know once i can stomach the first one for more than 10 minutes
Done. And Zelda is actually interactive and has dungeons.
They showed a lot of new mechanics.
Complex is way more complex than XCX, which was just spam shit as soon as it goes off cooldown.
"but the art style isnt even that bad if you get used to how much of a downgrade it is waaah"
oh great, now the art style isnt the worst thing about the game.
>Complex is way more complex
Aligned version without the black lines.
Got any more? These collages are pure kino desu.
You're just as bad.
Wow user, you sure showed me with your reaction image and no argument.
Xeno 2 combat is going to be by far the best Monolith combat for the reason alone it feels more like an action game due to no fucking hot bar anymore and instead arts aligned with button layout on your controller.