What was peak AVGN?

What was peak AVGN?

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when he got cucked by his wife

It's hard to choose a favorite but I like Milon's Secret Castle.

I miss how good the first like 50 episodes were

That certain quality will never ever return :(

Silver surfer. I tried watching his LPs with mike but he it often becomes hard to watch due to how bad he is.

the Castlevania videos or Street Fighter 2010

Sega CD up until Back to the Future Re-Revisited is golden age. It's so comfy and it reminds me of my late teens

When he drank Rolling Rock on the Rolling Rocker.

There was no way of ever surpassing that point.


after his Castlevania special he was on a steady downfall. He needs to break up the stupid meme game reviews and do something he enjoys while being in the AVGN character again. I was hoping he would do it proper with his Megaman Games but he fell straight for the meme games instead

His consoles reviews are his best work

He needs to do more


This, and it's not even fucking close.

TMNT was a game that everyone had, everyone played and frustrated the shit out of everyone. I just wish he had done the Atari ST/Commodre 64 version which was even more fucking broken.

I keep reading this. How?


>when you're so pathetic you make review videos of other videos you yourself made


Holy fuck. This guy just looks like Pascal from French Bukkake.

Doug walker releases commentary for like every video he's ever made. He made a fucking commentary for a video where he quits his job.

Castlevania, Street Fighter 2010, Karate Kid or Toxic Avenger

Its a meme.

Just keep in mind he has a 10 inch cock and the viewing will be more enjoyable.

Will his Console reviews ever be surpassed?

He's quite insightful though. The AVGN is weirdly autistic for someone who appeals to turbo-normies.

atari 5200 review is the best

Its not quite 10 inches, he posted a pic on twitter.

Sega 32x/CD and Jaguar were better

Definitely agree. I like hearing his insight on good games.

Dude he barely even scratched the surface with any of those.

Sup Forums meme, they love cucks almost as much as Sup Forums

Doug Walker is a complete hack. He's reviewing movies while they're still in theaters now.

Little Red hood and Winter Games were kino lad

Near enough.

Atari sports was amazing despite how new it is

Street Fighter 2010 because it constantly reminds you of the year you first watched it.

Man i feel like my favourite episode might be the least talked about AVGN episode of all time

I think his best is Festers Quest

>One 20 minute episode per week
>Effort put into it with special effects, actors, sets, props and a script all tailored to the review at hand
>Uploads highly informative videos analyzing popular shows inbetween
>Not afraid to shit on tumblr and take friendly jabs at Sup Forums
>Married a monster for the sole purpose of making sure noone else would ever have to
>Has actual celebrities on the show
>Has said celebrities actually do shit
>Excellent taste in movies
>Brother respectfully keeping to the shadows despite writing every episode and being fairly smart
>Can act
>Protects the interest of his fellow peers by standing up against YouTube and Hollywood

Meanwhile, Sup Forums's favorite AVGN...

>10 minutes of content per year
>Drinks a beer and curses at the camera for a while
>Sucks at games together with the unfunniest man alive on mondays, literally worse than PewDiePie
>Would castrate himself to make sure he doesn't offend anyone
>Married a poisonous womb who ruined his lifelong dream of becoming a respected director
>Gets one "celebrity" and does nothing but suck his fetid old cock
>Shit taste in games
>Mike forces his unfunny ass into everything and has to lie on the internet about his cock size to make people like him
>So bad at acting he makes those around him suck harder
>Doesn't give two fucks about anyone but himself, JonTron levels of selling out

I started watching AVGN in 2006 though

he just reviewed the hulk movie from the 00s lol

Nostalgia's sketches are awful

I liked the Indiana Jones episode

This is a pasta I haven't seen.

james dropping the hottest shit since biggie

Toxic Avenger review is underrated as fuck

Why does James hate the AVGN intro?

I remember from like 2008-2010 when he used 20 different fucking versions of the theme song, fucking dub step versions and shit

the film review? Yeah, it was pretty solid.
The game review? We don't talk about

It's military grade cringe

I'd say from episode 20 (around there) to 100 it was all pretty solid. Afterwards it's very hit and miss, but even the poor episodes are at least watchable, far better than 99% of the rest of the trash on youtube.

He does't hate it, fans send them different versions (a few were comissiones as well) and he tries to use them all. I like that, keeps the intro fresh.

Paper Boy is his best

Oh boy, here it comes!

Not even memeing, its been like what 8 years since James has done an AVGN console review?

When he was reviewing hardware.

>Peak AVGN was 10 years ago

It hurts

Five Nights at Freddy's meme compilation

literally on this video:

I am not sure what content he could make out of another console review. Maybe a Neo Geo video.

The dude owns hundreds of consoles

Depends on if you count Tiger Handhelds as consoles or not.

If not, Pong Consoles.

Yeah but if he just made a NES review or something I dont think it would be interesting. Maybe PC engine would be good too.


To this day, I can't tell if that was a shitpost or if the guy just spoke a different language entirely.

This is obvious bait but Doug is shit at everything else he's tried to do, he just isn't that funny or that good of a writer, he also lacks charisma. This is evident by that whole fiasco where he tried to hang up his tie and do non Nostalgia Critic shit, only to be met by a huge backlash because of how bad the other stuff was

Meanwhile people came to James for AVGN and stuck around for YKWBS, Board James, Monster Madness, and his non-comedic movie reviews. Even projects like the movie trailers he made were loved. The AVGN movie wasn't some smash hit but he still achieved his dream of directing a movie that played in theaters. It's pretty clear who the winner is

have you visited his website?


Mike isn't looking too hot these days guys.

Action 52 is best episode

>Meanwhile people came to James for AVGN and stuck around for YKWBS, Board James, Monster Madness, and his non-comedic movie reviews

I thought only terrible fanboys with no taste watched those?

Cheetahman is the best

The only ones that are good are where it's just him and a game and he plays it.

I don't know about everything else, but Board James is legit gud and Monster Madness is pretty fun since it's just James reviewing monster movies he likes.

I miss when James would do Halloween and Christmas episode every year

Board James and YKWBS are good.



How did her wife ruined his director dream?

James, I know you are reading this
I think your standards are getting higher and higher
and I accept you need to have a sense of constant evolution, but at the same time, getting back to basics is a good thing
the nerd got famous because of wacky effects and impromptu banter. Bring back the fresh material of the old years, man


It started because of the AVGN movie. James had a black sidekick character and a female tag along. There were moments in the movie where there was some (admittedly awkward) moments of sexual tension between the nerd and the girl, but then randomly at the end of the movie the black sidekick kisses the girl out of nowhere. James just reacts like "Oh wow, wasn't expecting that", but Sup Forums saw black guy + white girl and just kept calling him a cuck, saying that his wife forced him to do that to the script and that he was a raging SJW for it. They took it all back when he refused to do the Ghostbusters (2016) review though.

Sup Forums is honestly a blight upon humanity, and only confirms my belief that western TV is the death of brain cells.

I dont follow that kind of stuff to much but its probably made up just like the thing about James being a cuck.

Get the fuck off of Sup Forums, Mike, and stop pushing this fake meme.

personally I found that I enjoyed the back to the future episode the most. I still laugh like an idiot when I rewatch it

>cucks united again agaisnt Sup Forums
hotheads the whole lot

Probably aroun the 40-70 mark of episodes, but in general I would say that for the most part AVGN quality is somewhat consistent. Can only recall one or two bad episodes and some mediocre ones.

Can we all agree on the fact that the last christmas episode was fucking terrible? It's probably the worst episode he's ever done, and this comes from someone who liked Toxic Crusaders.

No kidding. However, he recovered again from it. Power Rangers was great.

I need a webm or gif of when he is singing the theme song






It was like fucking around with brothers with new shit on christmas without noticing how shit the things they got you were mixed with screwball. Good for what it was.


>you will never stop paying attention to james' receding hairline when a new video is out

when is life so tough for some men

Kyle was bretty good in this


same. wish he'd wear a hat

>Sup Forums is honestly a blight upon humanity, and only confirms my belief that western TV is the death of brain cells.
You say that, but Sup Forums is basically just Sup Forums with less moderation.

B-17 BAWMER was better.

He has had it since 2010. He actually regained some hair, actually, so I'm glad for him.

This is a picture of him from last weeks episode.

Learn what a come over is, he's losing his hair more than ever.

This. All down after he stopped being the Angry Nintendo Nerd

I wish he'd get a transplant or just shave his fucking head. He'd probably look great with the shaved look.

>trying to defend modern day nostalgia critic
>trying to defend any "review" that only serves as an excuse to push cringey independent "comedy"

The skits are fucking awful and they always ruin these types of internet videos.
Both him and James' earlier works were so much better because they downplayed the skits or didn't have them at all, and focused on making fun of the product they were reviewing.

Every other "gamer review" guy has had the same exact problem too. Don't ever encourage this type of shit. It's incredibly bad, has always been bad, and will always be bad.


"NEVER SURRENDER" - James T. Rolfe

What was the comfiest AVGN episode?