I have the feeling review copies might be going out. Some people may upload preview videos, but might accidentally put in some footage of stuff we haven't seen yet. Tread carefully folks.
Other urls found in this thread:
What will the final boss be like? Best and worst case scenarios.
Top 5 zones anyone? I'll start.
>Stardust Speedway
>Flying Battery
>Mirage Saloon
>Chemical Plant
inb4 CDcucks attention whoring again
Top five zones and you're including ones you haven't played yet?
Mystic Cave
Ice Cap
Flying Battery
Death Egg
Mirage Saloon
Green Hill
Stardust Speedway
Flying Battery
Fuck off.
>The final boss battle is Robotnik, but he's not in any mech what so ever. He's fighting you with his fists.
>When defeated, he jumps into a robotisiser and becomes super strong and powerful, harder fight than Mecha Sonic.
>He then steals the chaos emeralds from you, (and the other emeralds that you don't have if not collected them all) and turns into a super version of robotisised Robotnik.
>Robotnik defeated and debotisised, but you have to carry him out of the exploding fortress and not get caught in the explosions.
>cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
>do i fit in yet, guys?????
its been ported about as many times as any other Sonic game, who cares you fucking five year old
Amy will never be playable.
I have faith!
Until next game
Rosy the rascal will be though
What platform is this going to sell the best on?
He ment top 5 zones from Mania. I agree it's dumb to rate zones we haven't played yet.
Amy won't be playable, but Rosy will be!
Probably Switch or PS4, xbone would be the worst
>chibi Modern Amy
oh gosh
>What platform is this going to sell the best on?
Switch and PS4 versions will probably do the best. A large portion of Sonic's fanbase is on Nintendo consoles now and PS4 has the largest install base of any currently running console (not counting PC) so yeah.
No surprise really. Sonic Mania Collector's Edition sold out on every platform but Xbox One. Xbox players are really close minded with games, only playing gritty FPS games and sports games.
Those are the two I'm getting it on. Don't own an Xbone and rarely use my PC for gaming.
Wake me up when HydroCity and the Torrent are here
>start playing sonic classic heroes because of mania hype
my god, having insta shield and elemental shields makes sonic 1 so much easier than it already is
Rosy will never be in a Sonic game in playable form, EVER.
I'll give you 10
>Green Hill
>Aquatic Ruin
>Mystic Cave
>Quartz Quadrant
>Ice Cap
>Mushroom Hill
>Lava Reef
>Mirage Saloon
I can't wait for more Sonic Mania threads for the next 9 days! Also can't wait for Sonic fans to get bored with Mania a few months later and then demand another game by Christian Whitehead.
The game's not even out yet and we're already demanding another game my Christian Whitehead.
More like bored in 5 hours
That's Sonic fans
we're in the single digit mark.
stay alive folks. drink your water and eat your vitamins.
and make sure to reply to this post or Sonic mania will get negative reviews and a sequel will never ever happen ever. also taxman dies.
hope you guys enjoy the game!
Mostly because a lot of us are disappointed that half the zones are returning and want to see CW/HCG/PWG go all out creatively.
no shut the fuck up user, that will never happen
I had a dream that Sega returned to the console market based on the success of Sonic Mania and the entire launch library featured retro styled iterations of their classic IP. In my dream, there was a new classic Alex Kidd and Ecco the Dolphin and featured an Amiibo-esque gimmick where you could switch out the protagonist of any game with another Sega owned IP (e.g. Play at Knuckles in Comix Zone).
The dream ends with me realising that this is not real and refusing to play the console because it would most likely wake me up but I woke up anyway.
>Green Hill
>Chemical Plant
>Stardust Speedway
>Toxic Caves
>Flying Battery
>Techno Tower
>Rusty Ruins
Shut the fuck up.
No, seriously. Shut the fuck up. Take your shit somewhere else. We are finally in a time where we have a CLASSIC TITLE faithful to the original trilogy and we can all talk about the 1-2-CD-3-&K qualities it has, PLUS a Boost game that features a new customizable character with improved Boom gameplay, basically. Won't you shut the fuck up for ONCE?
in this dream, was there finally a good emulation console for the sega genesis that wasn't rushed out by atgames?
that's a fucking crazy ass meme don't post it from here on out
I'm totally down with this. I hope this is true.
I'll post it more often for you.
But I have to prove my favorite game is the best!
oh fuck you're fucking crazy, don't talk to me dude shit fuck
So you don't want anyone to talk about the game? You missed Xfags by the way.
Are you guys ready for City Escape in Mania?
>Spring Yard
>Ice Cap
Do they even exist?
Is it not coming out on PC? I'd expect it to sell better on PC than PS4 at least.
This design is superior
I'll dab on you like crazy, prepare for BOTTOM TEXT
It's coming to Steam, yeah. Not sure why he left that one out.
>a lot of us
Speak for yourself.
They're being given an increasingly longer and longer leash, be happy with what we're getting.
>Found this in some boxes in the closet
Used to play this so much when I was a kid. Time to have some fun.
If they work still that is.
Pro tip:
Get a European eshop card and account, and then buy Sonic Mania a few hours before it comes out
Yeah though I imagine most of them are just cosmo waifufags.
I'll go with my favorite from each game.
1: Scrap brain (I like to be tortured)
2: Casino night (Dev's urge to go gamble during development and getting inspired of this level is the evidence of god)
CD: Starlight speedway (best AESTHETICS of all time)
3: Marble Garden (It's huge and has lots of giant donuts in it. And I can boing endlessly on fake spikes)
K: It's hard to pick, I think every S&K level is masterpiece. Might be Death egg, for having the coolest atmosphere and anti-gravity and zero-gravity gimmicks.
I had that. The only one I could ever get working was the S&K collection. That port of CD is infamous for being incompatible with modern comps though.
Hope they work for you though
That's exactly how I got into the series. I still have the CDs for Knuckles Collection and CD lying around somewhere.
I hope Mania doesn't have a casino or carnival themed level. More power to the people who enjoy them but I've disliked each and every one.
I estimate that PC will get the most lifetime sales, while either Switch or PS4 get the biggest first day sales numbers.
I'm a huge classicfag otherwise, but no.
>pink sonic recolor with Tails' hair tufts
>5 colors that clash badly, compared to the 3 or 4 each for other classic characters that blend much better
If the Adventure design had the classic proportions and style, it'd be perfect.
I like both designs but the modern design is definitely better thought out.
>I estimate that PC will get the most lifetime sales
What leads you to believe that?
How well did Sonic CD, Sonic Generations, and Racing Transformed sell on Steam? That should give us an idea.
>Don't get paid until the day after Sonic Mania comes out.
Don't cry for me, I'm already slow.
>Sonic Mania doesn't come out until after my vacation ends
Sonic Team needs to stop worrying about the length of their game by padding it out with dull shit and remember that the reason why the classic games are so loved is because of their replayability.
>Not taking days off specifically to play Mania.
What do you think about the difficulty of Sonic 1 and Sonic 2? Do you think they are too difficult for first time players?
The problem is that they have very platform focused parts early on (Marble Zone & Chemical Plant act 2) and first time players won't be used to Sonic's controls at that point. I mean as far as a 2d platformers go I never considered the Sonic games to be ridiculously hard. 1 is probably the hardest and even then it's nothing compared to NES era games.
>having a job
Sonic 1 is hard at first because new players are expecting speed but then get thrown into Marble Zone.
Sonic 2 is pretty easy but then begins to get challenging at Metropolis Zone.
Sonic 1 gets easy when you learn how to play, Sonic 2 gets you ready for a harder challenge.
Are we getting a Waku Waku Sonic Patrol level? youtube.com
I played through 1 for my first time two days ago. Platforming sections felt awkward due to the heavy momentum focused movement, but I wouldn't call them outright bad. Difficulty wise I can't say it was hard, only cheap every now and then, and I don't mean the "bad guy in your way you can't react to" cheap, but some very specific instances where the game overpunishes you for making a mistake or going TOO fast. I'm fine with enemies on the path because the ring system makes dying to them actualy pretty rare, and every time I found myself at a spot to pick up speed I curled up into a ball anyway.
My main problem was level design really, its all heavily broken into a designated platforming section or a designated go fast section, I imagine the later titles will more effectively utilise the physics Sonic works with and blend the two together more seamlessly, or at least make the platforming sections a tad faster. I definitely found some platforming sections where you had to use momentum to pass pretty fun to do so at first, though those were mainly half-pipe structures glued together, Iḿ definitely looking forwards to seeing what Sonic 2 and 3 have to offer.
I wouldn't be surprised if Studiopolis has a reference to it somewhere in one of the Acts with how the Hard Boiled Heavy is a cop.
how should I play mania if I still want to get it on switch but cant get a switch until 2018
What are the best two pieces of Sonic music in history and why are they Marble Zone and Casino Night Zone?
Buy it for the switch and then torrent it. Or buy it for PC and again for the switch if you want a handheld too.
Today I will remind them.
I feel like Studiopolis only has so many references because it's essentially the demo that they showed off to pitch the game to Iizuka and they wanted to show off how knowledgable they were about Sonic. There are references in Mirage Saloon, but I'm sure there are less of them.
I'd say the transition is Oil Ocean. Prior to that the zones are all simple and easy then you're put into a zone that's more open and the badniks are intentionally placed in ways to break your momentum. Metropolis does the same but it's much more confined making it more glaring.
Mania 2 should have the playable characters be Sonic, Amy, and Fang just to switch it up.
Maybe make Knuckles and Tails unlockable.
Sorry but CD will always have the best music imo.
If you were all curious about who made the Special Stage's 3D models, Stealth just said it:
I hope the PC version gets a mod that turns Sonic into a cute girl! So not Amy!
Anyone worried the game have too many references? Like we can't stop seeing the Mirage Saloon posters every 5 seconds.
what will you do if mania doesn't sell twenty million copies
Best case scenario:
Sonic vs Robotnik ala Snake vs Liquid MGS4.
But what if it sucks?
You know what to do
>that werehog
the mania sprite is great you cucks.
it'll probs be mediocre at best, tis the curse of the sonic cycle
There is a 0% chance of this happening.
Please stop.
the real torture is having to hear cyclecucks recite this crap for another 10 days