Vermin Thread

New updates in the tourney may happen, just be patient.

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QUICK! Post the vermin you're working on RIGHT NOW!

Only because the thread fucking DIED.

hope waifu user doesn't post the next vote too quickly while people are still migrating

Team pageant Termeatnator


im gonna go rub one out real quick. dont do anything cool without me, yahear?

Kek skeleies still loss when will they ever learn

>All the Vermin I ever wanted getting in got on
>All of them lost in completely satisfying ways fairly and justly
What am I supposed to do with my life now?

at least give Glassy a rematch. his fight was rigged for him to lose no matter what. of course the winners don't want rematches but those first rounds were unfair.

Make new vermin

If UV does really get a rematch, I'd like to have 1 Blast and 2 Fast for UV. If possible.


stop whining

>Sup Forumsermin losing in completely satisfying ways fairly and justly
are we talking about things that didn't happen during this tourney?

>No points in attack
>Expects to win

How retarded are you?

I'll give the thread a little bit for people to migrate before the last poll since this one has a lot of heavy-hitters.
I'll post the last poll at 9:05 PM.

>people bitching about the engine
come on, niggas

>next tourney is 3v3
is it gonna be themed like pic related was?
pic related was also best tourney desu

Ultimate waifu.

thanks waifu host

You can pick only one.

You're damn right it was.

>endless bitching about Protoskeletron last tourney who was perfectly balanced
>now that something is actually and literally unbalanced and rigged you expect people not to whine

Reminder that argumon user updated his game

Bizarrograav is the best.

>deals 1 damage on hits
you got to admit that was retarded

The one that isn't a skeleton

I want to be clawed firmly and passionately.


This one is the only true option.

>thinking it's rigged

I've rechecked every fight that was incredibly unfair, pretty much the same results honestly, but the fights were much, much closer. Glassy only won 1/5.

also is this fast enough

I'm off to bed now, got to get up bright and early to work on the rest of the tourney.

Wonderband's ability is going to be a fucking nightmare

Original wargraav is iconic, but bizarrograav is hilarious

>don't talk to me or shiny me or bizarro me or half-mecha me or mecha me or UV-me or other half-mecha me or me after winning a few matches or other bizarro me ever again

>glassy actually won one of the test fights
How though?

I bet Hornyli wins like 9/10 times with fast on.

>I made three of those
A bit of a tossup desu
Between >shadgraav, metagraav and milititan, I'll say the bootlegger.

never forget

His FAST was superior.

as opposed to what?

We have a new member to team eyeballers

Welcome to the group Eyepointy

Why is Sup Forumsermin the best OC Sup Forums has ever seen?

The Leftovers made that fucking tourney.

Good night host..


Pour one out for your dead favorites and post em too.

You're right, it was retarded. He should've dealt 0 instead.

>Still fucking lost
Yeah it good senpai

Now just need stats/abilities. Any ideas?

RIP single sentai and tire

I don't know user, but it sure is nice.

>Glassy only won 1/5.
man, your engine really was messed up

I guess that there's no hope for UV after all.

I kinda want someone to submit UV for tomorrow's tournament to get a second chance in battling as I won't be able to submit this vermin tomorrow. If that's so, I'd be deeply appreciated.

Knock yourself out

My King will continue to be one of the better skeletons, since he BTFO'd the circlejerk that was Team Boner Zone.

Lifes-oriented, slightly superior blast, low guard
Ability boosts stats after hitting blasts

I can't be too mad, he died to a vermin I was rooting for.

>tomorrow's tournament

wait there will be a tournament tomorrow?


There's no tournament tomorrow, just the next round of this one.
Next week, lil nigga.

ArgumonAnon your new system doesn't make any sense. Mr tut says using a full team is unfair and wont fight me but also says Im cheating by using all 3 slots.

There's only room for one Laserface around here.

for the last two months 0 blast and 0 muscle still did enough damage to actually affect the fight. im too lazy to look up videos but i think 0 blast still did like 20 damage. this was a big change made without telling anyone that makes some stat spreads useless while in the last engine all stat spreads were viable. even 0 lifes min could take 4 hits before they died.

Mr.Vermin Grand Finals!
Who will be crowned the most chad of all?
Vote here:
Poll closes at 9:08 PM EST on the dot.

Love you, TH

honeslty, i think the fact that not many people watched it, everyone who did was chill, and the fanart was actually creative is what made it the best tourney

Ah, I thought the host said that there will be a tournament tomorrow? Oh well, at least I'll be able to submit it on the weekend.


Oops forgot my trip. GO VOTE

>No points in Life
>Expects to be alive
>No points in Guard
>Expect to not take 9999999 damage the first hit
>No point in Fast
>Expect to not be paralyzed

>This level of argument

I'm not sure about a rematch since then it'd probably fair to redo the whole tournament, but The other guy is 100% right.


vote for the Dastard damn it, fuck Bing Bing.


No, fuck you dude

>that not many people watched it
That was kinda a double-edge sword since there was literally no hype/OC for most of the teams. Hell, I was pretty much the only person making OC for my team.

bing must be stopped! Beat your meat to win!

Thoughts on Lil' Boots stats?

no fuck you!

doesn't matter. the point is host made the change without telling us.
before everyone had a blanket of hidden stats so any configuration was viable.

lol no, you must be stopped

donut user here, bing is more popular



>bing-bing is winning
>he's not even an attractive husbando

>ZAWRYYO managed 6 votes
Ah, well. It was a good fight. Congrats Bing-Bing!

forgot the pic

stop throwing your votes away and vote the donut you tards

not all of them fit the eyeballers standard of being mostly eye

really liking this oldie from the 5th tourney though


What are you even trying to say?

to be fair, not many vermin get fanart for just existing, no matter the view count
some teams are more equal than others
but between you and me, i loved all the teams and can easily remember the top 8

Because it's the only OC this plays sees outside of wojak trash

how does it feel to get a blowjob from wargraav

That's both depressing and true.




>"do a rematch for cash whale, the fight wasn't fair because the winner was underpowered"
>"don't do a rematch for X, the loser was underpowered but it doesn't matter because I won"

My vermin is superior to yours