Open world maps

Post your favorite open world maps Sup Forums.

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How do you even calculate distances in fantasy maps? How does one decide what a "mile" is in WoW and Oblivion?

That comparison seems horribly out of proportion, speaking as someone who has played all of those except Far Cry

Too lazy to find a pic, but Witcher 3 is the only game I feel did open world really well

Since it's really rare that a huge open world is actually filled with content(read: not fetch, kill or go-there-and-take-in-the-nice-view shit) i'd rather have a big hub or linear levels with hand crafted content and narrative. Spent enough time with "go make your own fun" games to last 5 life times.



I just wish people would stop being retarded and realized that the Pokémon world has the same geography as the real world.

This game was way more fun than expected, and combat while basic was fun to watch; love the graficss.

>Orange Islands
???What game?

its from the anime.

For how little you could play on, Burnout's world should have been larger.


top kek


i didn't know half of these existed

Feel like the only person who loved this game.


I never understood using real world units to measure virtual spaces.

It's not like you can actually measure it unlike real life, because everything's arbitrated.

I love this game but the world always felt way too small. Like there are so few locations and the game blows through almost the whole world in the first 10 hours, probably why 3-6 had to do the lazy thing of introducing new worlds. Compare it to 9 where you don't have access to the whole world until the end of Disc 3.

I hope they revisit this place at some point and flesh the map to include the rest of Chernarus

I'm guessing it's based on what an average human's size would be and then making an estimate based off that. It's still pretty stupid though.

Just realized that, at the first part the group splits up, Sabin completely goes the wrong way. He could have just walked along that river or the coast. Instead he travels across half a continent in the complete wrong direction.

played the fuckshit out of this stupid game


You would have though that since kanto is a place in japan and its a japanese game.

I wish.

>1000000 miles of nothing
just like the real US I guess

kek, keep crying eurocuck

kek, I miss the days when you could get away with making fun of jews in games

>he lives in a flyover state

How about you fuck off cancerous ironic meme normalfag piece of shit, midwest is better than your reddit faggot european ass. Go jerk off ahmed, that's all you're good for.

But I live in the Northeast Megalopolis.


The island's a dick with no balls.

You're more pathetic than us, how does that make you feel? And shit, you make us look more educated too.
t. southerner

>90% of his paycheck goes to rent

Trump taking a hit to section 8 housing funding will lower rent

>this insecure

Dead Rising is honestly the only open world game I've truly loved. Maybe it's because the map is pretty damn small, or maybe it's because there's the time limit forcing you to get a move on and do things, but yeah.

>the entirety of the northeast megalopolis is in manhattan

>all these idiots posting maps but not what game

good thing I have literally every game map and every game ever made committed to memory

is that Lego Island?

I think so, the GBC version of lego island 2.

is it better than the PC one?

Where is BOTW compared to these?

Only played the PC version, loved it as a kid. I might be wrong if that's the gbc version, I think it's the gba version.

ya that map is b.s.
Some guy on gtaforums busted San Andreas being that small by comparing the bridge in SF and overlaying it on JC2.

The games have different scaling. You can't use roads

Extremely underrated. Getting a flying robot changes everything too.

the burnout map is incredibly wrong
>normal road in burnout is as wide as an entire block in SA

>big = good
This is why open world games are now shit

if you take the average (human) game character to occupy ~0.25 m^2 of space, you get a reasonable order of magnitude estimate

Chernarus is a top tier map

this is wrong; johto and sinnoh are connected

>Imperial capital
>less urban than Argonia, a swamp, and Valenwood, a wild forest


It's basically the only large game that actually had crafted stories occurring randomly throughout the huge world.


Kvatch was a massive city but it was destroyed.

Just Cause 2 has a small ass map. You can drive around the big island entirely in less than 20 minutes.

Bethesda hasn't done a massive city since Vivec.
And Kvatch can't be as massive as the Imperial city. Too bad it sucks.

fuck me why didnt this game have splitscreen

Daggerfall truly is the king of games.

vivec is retarded, hardly any people, with copy-pasted buildings.

in what kind of city can you walk around outside and see *nobody* except for the odd guard or gondolier?


Unova is based on New York City not Japan like the previous ones though, that's why there is no pokemon from the earlier regions.

What is it?


All 3 Guild Wars 1 maps. I love that the game actually lets you map out every corner of the globe yourself and gives you increasingly prestigious Cartographer titles as you progress. Only real shame is that the 3 maps are separated and you can't look at all of them together at the same time.

A map combining the GTA maps. You can see Vice City on the bottom right, or Liberty City on the top right

Which is why those roads in the burnout map are wider than that giant ass stadium in GTA 3.

Must be eighty-lane highways.


>the GTA maps
Only Liberty City and San Andreas are actual GA maps, the rest (Vice City, San Fierro, Las Venturas, and surroundings) are fan-made.


What about ESO? It's like all the elder scrolls games maps added together plus more

More like it's two of the elder scrolls games copy pasted over each other with everything then taken out.







Gotta admit, that's a really fucking cool concept. Game?






i miss guild wars.

In GTA 5 there's a building that says Schlongberg-Sachs


GTA 5 was the last game before SJW's destroyed the industry.

I love this game but fuck mine fields.

Fucking stupid. They compiled this from a bunch of throwaway jokes.

Okay, buddy.


>a city block in burnout is the size of the entire map in GTA 3


Sinnoh is north of Johto it's not an island.