Do you browse boards other than Sup Forums?

Do you browse boards other than Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread: tadataka

/f/ /gif/ /vg/ Sup Forums /trash/ /wsg/ mostly.

/toy/ and 8 chin's Sup Forums

>Sup Forums for Hero Academia and Berserk
>/vg/ for whatever game I happen to be into at the time
>Sup Forums occasionally
>/gif/, /aco/ and /d/ to fap
>Sup Forums because I got here first in 2008 and I'm here forever
>/r9k/ for everything else, has become my home board for over a year now

Are you a furry?

/trash/ for human on anthro content
/vp/ for shitposts and Pokemon porn

What? No man, shit, no. Fuck no man. No fucking way.

No man, Loud House threads.

wow this writing is fucking trash
>japanese literature

Sup Forums

Sup Forums, /vr/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /fit/
/d/, /gif/, /h/, /aco/ for porn.

Are you sure?

This manga is so good, I can't wait for the anime adaptation.

/vp/ because it was my first board
Sup Forums occasionally when I want to talk about a cool manga I read, then I remember that that board has shit taste.
Sup Forums for shitposting and porn threads.

Do I have to defend m'lady Luan Loud's honor, peasant?

/jp/, /k/, /x/, /d/, /gif/, and Sup Forums.

Probably might go onto Sup Forums once I start watching more.

/vg/, /m/, Sup Forums

sometimes i go /ck/, /an/, Sup Forums and /trv/


Sup Forums , /k/ , /out/ , /fa/ , Sup Forums , Sup Forums ,Sup Forums and used to Sup Forums

Gibsmedat source

>/jp/'s untranslated vn general
>Sup Forums
>/vp/ sometimes
>Sup Forums for yugioh
>/vg/ for a some things like persona, danganronpa, home-brew and yugioh.
>/sci/ for some shit posting
>Sup Forums for some nostalgia. and shit posting
>Sup Forums sometimes

Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
It's getting an anime in 2018

Its chio chan

Even as a novice translater this triggers me.

>So what you can't achieve in real life is something you can only achieve in a game.
Yeah this reads very poorly, I'm not sure what it said in Japanese but this is just bad English.

Lori is a bitch and is already with Bobby, sure she takes care of all the other kids from time to time, but that's not enough.

Leni is funny and has huge tits, but dumb. Only time she learned something was because it would get her back forth to the mall. Still though, can't go wrong with funny and big titties, my second favorite sister.

Luna used to be my seconds favorite, now she's a carpet munching turbo dyke from hell.

Lynn is into sports and competition, also known as "boring", although the recent episode was pretty funny.

Lucy is pretty funny and is my sister's favorite character because she is goth and says "sigh" when sighing.

Lana is funny, Lola is a wicked bitch from hell. I don't care much for either of them.

Lily... Poo-poo. Not much to go on.

Luan is not only cute, but the funniest in the whole family, pic related for example, look familiar? Some people see widows peak and buck teeth, I see pony tail and a big smile.
She's also Entrepreneurial with her own clown business and 50,000 subscribers on her comedy channel. She is not only best sister, but the best animated character of all time.

There, I had defended m'lady's honor.

Sup Forums, /m/, /toy/


I primarily browse Sup Forums, though I go to /tg/ on occasion. I also try to visit each board once a month or so to get a bit of a grasp on what shit's like there.

Sup Forums-90% (be here till I die)
/vr/-8% (too damn slow)
/vg/- 1% (cancerous)
/sci/-0.5% (not enough good physics convo)
/others/-0.5% (anytime I hear something's up I'll check in)

/tg/, /fit/, /his/

Am surprised that some people actually go on other boards just to shitpost.

Tell me JOP, is Subahibi worth it? I haven't read many VNs but I've heard this one is really good.

You shouldn't be, newfag. Sure, it's fucking retarded, but the concept has been around forever.

>generic yuri lesbian girl who plays videogames gets an anime adaptation
why again?

People come to Sup Forums just to shitpost

>I also try to visit each board once a month or so to get a bit of a grasp on what shit's like there.

And what did you gather?

Because it's funny?

you realize the artist was a lolicon artist before, right?

technically he has his mind poisoned with pedophilia

In no particular order I main /vr/, /sci/, Sup Forums, and /fit/. You will occasionally find me in Sup Forums, /c/, /wg/, and Sup Forums.

What's up with Sup Forums approved hentai artists suddenly getting popular with non hentai manga? Methonium/Synecdoche's new manga is also doing pretty well from what I understand.

You have my sympathies. I go there to troll on occasion and end up just leaving depressed.

>you realize the artist was a lolicon artist before, right?
I'm gonna need some evidence. tadataka
View at your own discretion.

I'm browse /tg/ more than Sup Forums honestly. I play MtG competitively and am running two rpg games now, so even if they kind of suck at MtG, they're better to talk to than Reddit.

I occasionally browse Sup Forums and /fit/ for their respective quick recommendations too.

Sup Forums,Sup Forums,/o/,/ic/,/jp/,Sup Forums,/fit/,/ck/,Sup Forums,Sup Forums,/wsg/.

That the site is continuing its slow decline, yet there's still plenty of pockets of quality content if you know how to look for them. All in all, nothing you didn't already probably know if you've been here any appreciable amount of time.

A lot of mangaka used to draw hentai, it's just a natural step up. Author of god damn Yotsuba drew porn.

aside from the fatmans, it's pretty light content.

Dirty comics don't pay as well as mainstream stuff. After you've been practicing and publishing for a while it's not so surprising to get a legit chance.

Plus, it's not like NA where if you do anything adult you're permanently blacklisted, most manga artists are fine with it. The guy who did the Pretty Neighbors Yotsuba doujin got a legit job thanks to the author who was impressed at his ability to mimic his style.

/vg/ and /wsg/ pretty much
I must be a very boring person

Sup Forums and Sup Forums mostly
occasionally Sup Forums for memes
I still browse /m/ a lot, but not so much since the shitposting got as bad as it is.


/trash/ for /ftt/. they seem to like it when I talk about my fetish there.

I've abandoned /m/ too, brother.

>Sup Forums wasn't his first board
how to spot cancer 101
if you lived in the cancer, you'll avoid becoming it

haven't visited /m/ in a while whats going on there?

>I play MtG competitively
Having fun?

[v / tg / vg ]

/vg/ /wg/ /w/ Sup Forums /jp/
i wish Sup Forums didn't have that much shitpost...

>implying 2d is pedo
You have to go back.

I'll occasionally browse Sup Forums for fluffy abuse threads

Sup Forums during major sports events

and /gif/ for the porn

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

65 % v
11 % pol
14 % k
7 % gif
3 % h

Sup Forums, /vg/, Sup Forums, /m/

Sup Forums Sup Forums /vg/ and Sup Forums the rest are garbage

Just an influx of shitposters brought in by some recently aired /m/ series. Bait threads, e-celeb threads, etc.
There are still comfy threads though.

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

/vr/ for old vidya
/f/ for a deprecated medium
Sup Forums for comics
Sup Forums very rarely
Sup Forums to talk about GNU Linux
/r9k/ to shitpost
/gif/ to beat off or waste time

Mainly just stick to Sup Forums and /vr/, though.


Lemme guess, a bunch of trap posters talking about Knight & Magic and a bit of Megumin due to her OVA.

Sup Forums
I am a Golden God.

Sup Forums

(mostly for nge and steins;gate related shiposting)

/wsg/, /qst/ and Sup Forums even though the last one is more cancerous than this shithole.

So no nobody browses /po/ or /ic/?

/wsg/ for gondola, feels, and facebook cancer
Sup Forums because it's my homeboard
Sup Forums for DB Super, JoJo, and anime I like threads
/m/ for gunpla, discussion about other shows, and shitposting about new shows and QUALITY
/trash/ for /vore/, /poke/, and the /preg/ threads whenever one is up


Mostly Sup Forums,Sup Forums,/an/,/ck/,/toy/

Sometimes /vg/,/news/,/m/

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

Nah, Knights & Magic has been ignored for the most part. Gets one or two threads at any given time. It's still mostly IBO and Zeta that are getting all the shitposting threads. And a vocal minority that won't shut the fuck up about ANN whenever they release any sort of mecha-related article.

I'm not gay

Hero academia threads are shit. No one ever talks about mina

a lot of the porn boards, /vg/ when there isn't anything interesting on Sup Forums, /lit/, sometimes /o/, Sup Forums during Superbowl and world cup, tried out a few others but never stay for long.

>8 chin's Sup Forums
I checked on it a few weeks ago for the hell of it and there was a sticky for some "operation". I can't believe they're still at it.

Mainly only Sup Forums, /m/ and /trash/

I mean, a multi-part storyline is that a girl who plays kabaddi gets her skill from her underlying desire to molest girls, and discovers this desire by staying with a pedophile in the park. His mind being poisoned is not exactly a big surprise.

Jesus Christ dude. Would have been better if you were a furry to be honest. Speaking of that:
>Sup Forums /wsg/ /vp/ /trash/

Meth is lewder now that he has to hide it.

Sup Forums has other use?

Sup Forums, this is my sub-board, even though I find myself spending a lot of time here lately. Just too many good threads.

Pretty much everyone in the manga and animation industry that isn't some kind of genius prodigy that got ultra lucky with one of their first series has had to resort to drawing porn to live by at some point in their carreer.

A man of taste, but what do you think of this mina?

There's threads on there that were last bumped days ago, and that's on their busiest board.


/cgl/ because I like to wear Gothic lolita


I go to /vr/ every time I get back into my love for Doom, and sometimes I'll poke around to see other threads. I usually have two or three /d/ threads and one /aco/ thread pinned, and will sometimes browse to see if there's anything interesting. /gif/ when I don't want to jack off to 2D, with /s/ sparingly. But Sup Forums is my home, and will be my tomb.

Sup Forums
Sup Forums